INTD 52 fundamentals of lighting the color of light
color temperature and color rendering are two of the most critical aspects in understanding how light and interior design are intertwined
color temperature: way of describing the degree of whiteness of a light source sources that produce a bluish white light have a high temperature color sources that produce a yellowish white light have a low color temperature
color temperature:
Kelvin— TECHNICAL DEFINITION—as a piece of metal is heated, it changes color from red to yellow to white to blue-white the color at any point can be described in degrees Kelvin and can be mapped on a color diagram and can be specified
color temperature: Kelvin— all lamps emit a color which in turn affects the colors you choose in your design the higher the number in Kelvins, the cooler the color of light the lower the number in Kelvin, the warmer the color of light daylight—“freezing” incandescent—“hot”
color temperature chart:
daylight: quality of light is intense and includes the complete color spectrum—in daylight your material will be able to reflect its own special hue of the spectrum sunlight is a yellow-white light—just looks yellow in comparison to the blue sky
daylight: daylight is blue white because it is a combination of sunlight and bluish light from the sky blue white light is best for reading true color but not great for skin tones daylight vs. artificial light trading incandescent for a good color-rendering daylight fluorescent allows you to choose your colors more carefully
color rendering index: the tool with which light sources are rated on their ability to show color hue as compared to daylight daylight is 100% the closer they get to daylight, the higher their percentage 85-90% rating is considered pretty high
lamp color specifications:
participation activity: color preference directions: …complete the handout as the color choices are provided and participate in the discussion of results
selecting colors intelligently look at samples under incandescent source as well as daylight and choose hues that are acceptable in both situations show clients color board under both sources
color temperature & plants plants love white light—look lush & healthy yellowish incandescent turns green color muddy and makes plants appear sickly for best results: use grow lights, color correcting filters, luminaires that accommodate fluorescent or HID lamps
color temperature & skin tone incandescent light adds a slightly sallow, waxy cast to skin tones hint of peach or pink is most flattering and complements a wider range of skin tones
the bottom line be sure to look at all surface colors (carpets, walls, furniture, etc..) under the lamp color specified, as well as daylight warm color schemes should use a lower Kelvin source, while cool color schemes need a higher Kelvin source let clients see selections under both lighting conditions so there will be no surprises or disappointments
participation activity: color boards directions: …using the materials in the resource room, create a color board for a room of your choice …as you make your selections, check each sample under the two different lamps …record your observations of color changes throughout the process …bring completed color boards to class next week, ready to present and discuss your findings