Comparisons with other Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Name: Durga Prakash Dwibedi Level: CA-IPCC Contact: Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Page 1
CONTENTS Nepal: Profile An overview on the topic Nepal and other LCDs Nepal and Bhutan Nepal and Bangladesh Nepal and Afghanistan Nepal and Haiti Nepal and Somalia Nepal and South Sudan Nepal and Burma Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Page 2
Page 3 Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Nepal: Profile Official Name: Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal Kingdom declared: 25 September 1768 Republic declared: 28 May 2008 Capital: Kathmandu Area - 147,181 km 2 56,827 sq mi Population: 26,494,504 (2011 census) Density: 180/km 2 518/sq mi GDP (nominal): Total $ Billion Per capita $743 Gini Index (2010): 32.8 [Medium] HDI Index (2013): [Low, Ranks 145 th ] Flag Coat of Arms
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Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Page 5 Economic vulnerability Poor GNI Weak human resource
NEPAL AND BHUTAN Between Nepal and Bhutan Nepal has a higher GDP Bhutan has a higher GDP per capita Bhutan has a lower unemployment rate Nepal has higher current account balance Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Page 7
Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Page 8 Bhutanese… make 4.5 times more money The GDP per capita in Bhutan is $5,400 while in Nepal it is $1,200 use 3.4 times more elect --ricity The per capita consumption of electricity in Bhutan is 263kWh while in Nepal it is 77kWh. consume 2.9 times more oil Bhutan consumes gallons of oil per day per capita while Nepal consumes have 91.3% more chan ce at being employed Bhutan has an unemploym ent rate of 4.00% while Nepal has 46 have % less babies The annual number of births per 1,000 people in Bhutan is while in Nepal it is be 80% less likel y to have HIV/AIDS The number of adults living with AIDS in Bhutan is 0.10% while in Nepal it is 0.50%
NEPAL AND BANGLADESH Between Bangladesh and Nepal Bangladesh has a higher GDP Bangladesh has a higher GDP per capita Bangladesh has a lower unemployment rate Bangladesh has higher current account balance Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Page 9
Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Page 10 have 94.57% more chance at being employed B angladesh has an unemployment rate of 2.50% while Nepal has use 74.6% more electricity The per capita consumption of electricity in B’desh is 135kWh while in Nepal it is 77kWh. make 33.33% more money The GDP per capita in Bangladesh is $1,600 while in Nepal it is $1,200 die 5.18 years sooner The life expectancy at birth in Bangladesh is while in Nepal it is consume 3.38% less oil B’desh consumes gallons of oil per day per capita while Nepal consumes have 6.11% more babies The annual number of births per 1,000 people in B’desh is while in Nepal it is 22.43
NEPAL AND AFGHANISTAN Between Afghanistan and Nepal Nepal has a higher GDP Nepal has a higher GDP per capita Afghanistan has a lower unemployment rate Nepal has higher current account balance Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Page 11
Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Page 12 make 33.33% less money The GDP per capita in Afghanistan is $800 while in Nepal it is $1,200 have 69.91% more babies The annual number of births per 1,000 people in Afghanistan is while in Nepal it is have 23.91% more chance at being employed Afghanistan has an unemployment rate of 35.00% while Nepal has 46.00% use 89.75% less electricity The per capita consumption of electricity in Afghanistan is 8kWh while in Nepal it is 77kWh. consume 72.35% less oil Afghanistan consumes gallons of oil per day per capita while Nepal consumes Afghani…
NEPAL AND HAITI Between Nepal and Haiti Nepal has a higher GDP Haiti has a higher GDP per capita Haiti has a lower unemployment rate Nepal has higher current account balance Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Page 13
use 61.71% less electricity The per capita consumption of electricity in Haiti is 30kWh while in Nepal it is 77kWh. have 27.95% more babies The annual number of births per 1,000 people in Haiti is while in Nepal it is experience 25.42% more of a class divide The GINI index measures the degree of inequality in the distribution of family income. In Haiti is while in Nepal it is make 8.33% more money The GDP per capita in Haiti is $1,300 while in Nepal it is $1,200 consume 2.1 times more oil Haiti consumes gallons of oil per day per capita while Nepal consumes Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Page 14 Haitians…
NEAPL AND SOMALIA Between Somalia and Nepal Nepal has a higher GDP Nepal has a higher GDP per capita Nepal has a lower unemployment rate Nepal has higher current account balance Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Page 15
have 93.18% more babies The annual number of births per 1,000 people in Somalia is while in Nepal it is use 66.76% less electricity The per capita consumpti on of electricity in Somalia is 26kWh while in Nepal it is 77kWh. make 50% less money The GDP per capita in Somalia is $600 while in Nepal it is $1,200 consume 20.58% less oil Somalia consumes gallons of oil per day per capita while Nepal consumes die years sooner The life expectanc y at birth in Somalia is while in Nepal it is Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Page 16 Somalese…
NEPAL AND SOUTH SUDAN Between Sudan and Nepal Sudan has a higher GDP Sudan has a higher GDP per capita Nepal has a higher unemployment rate Nepal has lower current account balance Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Page 17
Sudan consumes gallons of oil per day per capita while Nepal consumes consume 3.3 times more oil The GDP per capita in Sudan is $2,300 while in Nepal it is $1,200 make 91.67% more money The number of adults living with HIV/AIDS in Sudan is 1.40% while in Nepal it is 0.50%. be 2.8 times more likely to have HIV/AIDS Sudan has an unemployment rate of 18.70% while Nepal has 46.00% have 59.35% more chance at being employed The annual no of births per 1,000 people in Sudan is while in Nepal it is have 48.24% more babies The life expectancy at birth in Sudan is while in Nepal it is die years sooner Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Page 18
NEPAL AND MYANMAR Between Myanmar and Nepal Myanmar has a higher GDP Myanmar has a higher GDP per capita Nepal has a lower unemployment rate Myanmar has higher current account balance Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Page 19
Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Page 20 Burma has an unemployment rate of 4.90% while Nepal has 46.00% have 89.35% more chance at being employed Burma consumes gallons of oil per day per capita while Nepal consumes consume 23.47% more oil The annual number of births per 1,000 people in Burma is while in Nepal it is have 13.11% less babies The GDP per capita in Burma is $1,100 while in Nepal it is $1,200 make 8.33% less money The life expectancy at birth in Burma is while in Nepal it is die 1.29 years sooner The per capita consumption of electricity in Burma is 82kWh while in Nepal it is 77kWh. use 6.4% more electricity Burmese…
Summing up… Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Page 21 Decent Standard of Living Being Educated Living a Long Healthy Life
HDI Rankings 1 st B h u t a n 2 nd B a n g l a d e s h 3 rd N E P A L 4 th B u r m a 5 th S u d a n 6 th A f g h a n I s t a n 7 th S o m a l I a Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Page 22
Thanks! Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Page 23