Using Audacity Created by: Stephanie Anderson Dublin Unified School District Dublin, California
Download Audacity at:
You will also need a LAME encoder in order to export your files in MP3 format Go to the LAME download page at Windows Under "For Audacity on Windows", left-click on the link "" and save the zip folder to anywhere on your computer. Mac OS 9 or X Download either libmp3lame or the version of LameLib for your operating system.
Windows When you have finished downloading the ZIP folder, unzip it and save the file lame_enc.dll that it contains to anywhere on your computer. The first time you use the "Export as MP3" command, Audacity will ask you where lame_enc.dll is saved. In case of difficulty, please view our more detailed instructions at the Audacity Wiki. Mac OS 9 or X When you have finished downloading, use Stuffit Expander to extract the files. (This may happen automatically.) Save the file called "LameLib" or libmp3lame.dylib anywhere on your computer. The first time you use the "Export as MP3" command, Audacity will ask you where LameLib or libmp3lame.dylib is saved.
NOW, Finally! Getting started…
Here is how the tools work… Selection – use it to select sections that you want to edit or listen to. Envelope – use it to change volume over time Drawing – use to modify individual samples Zoom – zooms you in, zooms you out Timeshift – use it to move tracks to the left or right Multi tool – allows you to access multiple tools at once
Skip back – allows you to restart project from the beginning Play – audio starts at the cursor position. If you use the selection tool it will play the highlighted part only Loop – this is cool. If you hold down the shift key, the play button changes to a loop, which lets you play the selection over and over Record – starts recording audio. The new track will begin at the cursor position you have selected. Pause – temporarily stops playback or recording until you press pause again Stop – stops playback or recording. You must press stop before applying any effects, saving, or exporting Skip to end – moves the cursor to the end of the last track
Cut Copy Paste Trim – trims audio away from the outside of the selection Silence – quiets the selected audio Undo Redo Zoom in Zoom out Fit selection to window – does just that Fit project to window – does just that
So… Plug in a microphone (or just yell at the machine, that works too) Press the record button Record your voice Press pause Edit Go back and check the different tools, use the editing tool to highlight and cut things that you don’t want My advice? Microphones work better than yelling. Get one with a USB port. Be sure to make a test run so that you can adjust levels, etc.
Hey? Want to get all fancy schmantsy? The great thing about audacity is that it allows you to mix multiple tracks together. So, have an MP3 of background music that you made? Go to project, then click import audio Hate the track? Click the X Have multiple tracks? Mute helps when editing Adjust the separate volumes to help multiple tracks flow together better
What happens next? As you go be sure to click on “save project” Done for the day? Remember to re-save! Done forever? Click Export as an MP3 Be sure to enter your tagging information before you are done!