Brief History Jesus Youth Started in 1994 (Ahmedabad) Jesus Youth Presence in Baroda from 1996 Started Reaching out to the Local people – Borne and Brought up in Gujarat Started Reaching out to Rajkot from First Reach out to Gujarati Belt – Central Gujarat – 1998 (Atmavani’ 98) Started our mission in South Gujarat – 2002 More than 25 Full-timers taken commitment from Gujarat
Service Teams Gujarat Service Team (Regional) Ahmedabad Zonal Service Team Baroda Zonal Service Team South Gujarat Zonal Service Team Rajkot Zonal Service Team
Major Achievements Formed new Service Team in South Gujarat Formed new Service Team in Rajkot Music Ministry in different Zones has become more vibrant Ministries started functioning (Parish, Teens, Intercession, Finance, AV) Strong presence of First line leaders Formation of many new Leaders to various ministries Full Support from the Church Authorities in many places Gained the support of sisters / religious as a result of 3 Months long Perpetual Adoration in many places of Ahmedabad Full Support of Ahmedabad / Rajkot Bishops Organized Retreats in Surat (Penue’l) – New Place
Baroda Revival of Monthly Nighty vigil Relay Prayer (Intercession Box Circulating among the JY Members) Teens Prayer Groups and gatherings in different Schools Harvest 2006 – Second Line Leadership Training Ahmedabad Conducted Various Teens Programs in Schools / Parishes Conducted many initial level reach out to Central Gujarat (Gujarati Belt) Prayer groups became more live and vibrant Formations of new 4 Sub zones made the coordination easier New youth in to JY through Magnificat 2006
South Gujarat Teens program – in Unai Jesus Youth Retreat – in Unai Leadership Training program for 5 days in Pimpri Evangelization Training program for 10 days in Pimpri Evangelization Training program for 10 days in Unai in January night vigils in different Places – Participation of around 1200 people Participation in Culture Exchange program every year Rajkot Setup of prayer groups in Rajkot and Jamnagar Constitution of the Rajkot Service Team Active Involvement in the Church by Parish Ministry and Teens Ministry Successful out reach programs to the orphanage (Missionaries of Charity)
Future Dreams (Regional Level) Evangelization Training Programs Retreat for the Key Leaders of Gujarat Leadership Training Program – (Service Team/Ministry) Teens Training Program Discipleship Training Program Relay Prayer - Intercession Box Circulating among the JYs (similar to Baroda) Talent Program (Music, AV & Art) Formation of more resource persons to cater the need of Gujarat. Forming Central Zone (Consisting Anand, Nadiad, Kheda etc) Forming Surat Zone for Rly Belt (Including Ankleshwar, Surat, & Vapi) Intercession Center (Prayer Tower) Long Term
Future Dreams (Ahmedabad Zone) Initial Retreat during Deepawali Holidays Various Oneday programs in different Parishes Adoration during the Lenten season in different parishes Revival of Night Vigils Programs in more schools and Teens Prayer Groups Initial Retreat in Anand (for Central Gujarat) Helping in the formation of Leaders in Central Gujarat Baroda Zone Initial Retreat during Deepawali Holidays Begin Prayer Groups for the Gujarati Belt Regular Oneday Programs in Parishes Programs for Alter boys
Future Dreams (South Gujarat Zone) Two Initial Retreats Two Leadership / Evangelization Training Program One Full-timer for South Gujarat (From Hindi Full-timers) Reaching out to other areas in South Gujarat Teens Programs More Interactions with Regional / National Teams Rajkot Zone Initial Retreat during Deepawali Holidays Begin more Prayer Groups Reach out more places in Sourashtra (Jamnagar, Viraval, Mithapur, Junagarh) Leadership Training Program First line Leadership Gathering (Two days)
Dear All, ….. Please find the PowerPoint presented during the Nagpur program. The future dreams are derived from zonal leaders, service team meetings, etc. Let us pray All the Best !
Thank You