+ Genres comparison Paula Martinez
+ Pop facts Pop music changes over the years. Pop evolved out of the rock 'n roll in the mid-1950´s. It is the music that is heard my most of the people and sells the most. This genre has some elements of rock’n roll. The basic form for pop music is the song and consists of verses and repetition of the chorus. They last around 2-5 minutes. Pop is usually played with standard electric guitar, bass and drums; and with vocals that that have a strong chorus. Back vowels are usually used.
+ Pop Singer: Katy Perry Song: Roar Vocal profile: She has contralto vocal tone, she has a high range (2 nd octave), she has a head voice. Her voice is thick and with a lot of volume. She sings pop, teen pop, pop rock. She usually sings with a loud voice and with a low pitch.
+ Art music This genre descends from the western classical music (contemporary and historical classical music forms).It requires focus attention from the listener, so he can appreciate the song. Art music is considered primarily a written musical tradition instead of being transmit orally and keeps a standard form of music notation that was evolved in Europe before the renaissance. Used of large vowel sounds, violin, cello, bass and piano are often used. In Opera a whole orchestra.
+ Luciano Pavarotti Singer:Luciano Pavarotti Song: Nessun Dorma =AL94UKMTqg-9CbwdpK9qhyLA-r6hezQm5v =AL94UKMTqg-9CbwdpK9qhyLA-r6hezQm5v Vocal profile: He was an operatic tenor, high range (C ♯ 3-F5), low pitch, his type of songs were opera but he performed some classical too.
+ Gospel Gospel music was originated from the afro-americans’ christian churches in the XVlll century and became famous in The lyrics reflect the christian life. It is known for being sing in a choir and perfect use of harmonies. There are various subgenres of gospel like southern gospel, traditional gospel, black gospel and gospel blues. The instruments used are usually voice, organs, piano, tambourine, and clapping. Large vowel sounds and wide ranges.
+ Whitney Houston Song: Jesus loves me B3AA5BAFD B3AA5BAFD Vocal profile: wide range, Mezzo Soprano (3 Octaves, 2 notes),usually sings with head voice; sang gospel, pop, and soul.
+ Comparison Pop comes from rock’n roll, art music from western classical music, and gospel from afro-american churches in the XVlll century. Gospel is the only one with the religious incline. Art music is the oldest one, the gospel, and then pop. Art music uses a standard music notation and more structured; pop uses repetition of the chorus a lot; gospel uses a lot of harmonics and it is usually in choir form. Pop has shorter range comparing to gospel and art music. Usually art music is sing with higher pitch than the other genres. Pop is heard more than the other two genres.
+ Bibliography whitney-houston-pre-drugs.html pavarotti characteristics.html italian-classical-music_.html