Killer Whale By: Josue Frescas
K-W-L What I Know: The killer whale is white and black It lives in the ocean It can jump It swims
K-W-L What I want to learn: What do they eat How fast can they swim How do they talk to each other How long do they live
K-W-L What I learned: Killer Whales eat big fish Killer whales can swim up to 30 mph Killer Whales can travel 50 miles without stopping
Adaptations The killer whales are dominant hunters. Killer whales are large stocky animals that have a large dorsal fin.
Food Sources Killer Whales eat their favorite food which Is seals, fish, and squid
Food Sources
Natural Habitat Killer whales are found in all the world’s oceans both hot and cold from the freezing waters to the North and South pokes to tropical seas.
Natural Habitat