Regents Biology 22 pairs of autosomes Common to both male and female 1 pair of sex chromosomes Classes of chromosomes
Regents Biology Genetics Why do we look the way we do? How were these brown eyes made?
Regents Biology Genes Sections of DNA that contains instructions for making proteins Control the TRAITS of the individual
Regents Biology Inheritance of genes On the chromosomes passed from Mom & Dad to offspring are genes may be same information may be different information eye color (blue or brown?) eye color (blue or brown?)
Regents Biology Inheritance of genes Genes come in “versions” brown vs. blue eye color alleles Alleles are inherited separately from each parent brown & blue eye colors are separate & do not blend either have brown or blue eyes, not a blend
Regents Biology How does this work? eye color (brown?) hair color eye color (blue?) Paired chromosomes have same kind of genes but may be different alleles
Regents Biology Traits are inherited as separate units 1 from Mom 1 from Dad For each trait, an organism inherits 2 copies of a gene, 1 from each parent a diploid organism inherits 1 set of chromosomes from each parent diploid = 2 sets of chromosomes homologous chromosomes
Regents Biology Will you have blue or brown eyes? eye color (B = Brown) eye color (b = blue) Dominant traits (upper case) Hides recessive alleles Can be expressed if you inherited 1 dominant allele or both dominant alleles Recessive alleles (lower case) Hidden by dominant alleles The recessive trait will only be expressed if you inherited both recessive alleles brown is dominant over blue blue is recessive to brown
Regents Biology How do we say it? BB= brown eyes bb= blues eyes Bb= brown eyes 2 of the same alleles Homozygous 2 different alleles Heterozygous homozygous dominant homozygous recessive
Regents Biology Genetics vs. appearance There can be a difference between how an organism looks & its genetics appearance or trait = phenotype brown eyes vs. blue eyes genetic makeup = genotype BB, Bb, bb 2 people can have the same appearance but have different genetics: BB vs Bb
Regents Biology Making gametes BB= brown eyes bb= blues eyes Bb= brown eyes BBbbBbBb Remember, only one version for each gene goes into each gamete Remember meiosis!
Regents Biology Punnett squares: A way to predict possible offspring Bb x Bb possible male sperm Possible female eggs X BB BbBbbb BbBb B b Bb
Regents Biology In humans & other mammals, there are 2 sex chromosomes: X & Y 2 X chromosomes develop as a female: XX an X & Y chromosome develop as a male: XY Genetics of Sex XY X X XX XY 50% female : 50% male XX
Regents Biology IN PEA PLANTS Tall is dominant over short TALL = ____ SHORT = ____ LET’S MAKE A CROSS! TALL SHORT X What do you need to know before you begin?
Regents Biology TALL parent What are the parent alleles? T T Genotype:____________ What gametes can it make?
Regents Biology SHORT parent What are the parent alleles? t t Genotype:____________ What gametes can it make?
Regents Biology GENOTYPE _____ PHENOTYPE _______ _____% of the offspring or ___/4 will be…
Regents Biology Genetics vs. appearance There can be a difference between how an organism looks & its genetics appearance or trait = phenotype brown eyes vs. blue eyes genetic makeup = genotype BB, Bb, bb 2 people can have the same appearance but have different genetics: BB vs Bb
Regents Biology Co-dominance 2 alleles affect the phenotype equally & separately not blended phenotype human ABO blood groups 3 alleles I A, I B, i I A & I B alleles are co-dominant glycoprotein antigens on RBC I A I B = both antigens are produced i allele recessive to both
Regents Biology Codominance
Regents Biology Environmental effects Phenotype is controlled by both environment & genes Color of Hydrangea flowers is influenced by soil pH Human skin color is influenced by both genetics & environmental conditions Coat color in arctic fox influenced by heat sensitive alleles