Alcohol Treatment Services In Halton Bronagh Williams, Senior Clinical Services Co-ordinator, Crime Reduction Initiative
Alcohol treatment services in Halton Introduction to CRI Case study – Client A - their journey through alcohol interventions
Case study - Client A Client A referred via his GP Assessed at open access/drop in clinic (no waiting lists) by a Recovery Worker Alcohol related assessment tools completed which indicated drinking above the recommended safe levels and Client A was identified as having a physical and psychological dependence on alcohol. This was followed by direct referral to our EBI (Extended Brief Intervention for alcohol) schedule - a series of 5 sessions, working in a POD alongside other people who are seeking to reduce and moderate their alcohol use to within safer levels or to become abstinent. Identified during EBI Pod working that medically assisted detoxification was most suitable and effective way for the client to achieve abstinence - but his levels of drinking was too high for a community detox at this point.
He was assessed by the detox nurse - outcomes was agreed for the client to engage in a structured alcohol use reduction plan with a view to him being able to undertake a detox in the community, in his home. He was assigned a Recovery Champion buddy who supported him on a daily basis as they had been through it themselves. Joint working undertaken with his GP to assure safest approach in terms of any co-occurring mental health or physical health problems. A request was made for the prescribing of Vitamin B and Thiamine. A Home Environment Assessment was completed to identify a responsible adult who was to support him through the detox and to confirm home conditions where suitable to complete same – this was identified as Client A’s wife. She was offered support and advice from the Halton Carers Group – many of whom are living with partners/relatives of their own who have had, or continue to have, alcohol problems.
Client A’s wife supported the detox process throughout – the detox nurse visited them in their home for the duration of the detox, accompanied by Client A’s recovery buddy, who was going to continue to work with him post detox, and who would attend AA meetings with him. The alcohol detox was a success and Client A returned to his employment the following week - he maintained abstinence and has returned to his full time employment. He has now been discharged from the service.