Benjamin Day By: Jacob Hadsall John Henderson
Early Life Born April 10, 1810, West Springfield, Massachusetts Died December 21, 1889, New York, New York Started as a printer's apprentice of the Springfield (Massachusetts) Republican in 1824 moved to New York City and opened his own printing business in Began to print the New York Sun
Penny Press Benjamin Day founded the Penny Press Sold For a Penny(made it more convenient for public – no subscriptions) New York Sun ( 1 st Penny Press) Covered Police Beat, and wrote about tragedies and natural disasters Published in many cities like Pittsburgh, Chicago, New Orleans, Atlanta and St. Louis
Other Penny Press News Papers Revolutionized “Public Occurrences” and “The Boston News letter” “New York Morning Herald” ( sold for 2 cents) “New York Tribune” never lived up to “The Herald” or “The Sun” “New York Times” most popular today
The End
Works Cited Donald, Ferguson. Journalism Today. 6. Chicago: National Textbook Company, "Day, Benjamin Henry." Encyclopædia Britannica Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 31 Jan "Day, Benjamin Henry." Fact Monster. 6 Jan The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. 5 Feb 2007.