Many news hacks insist that only they know what’s best for readers/viewers:
“This business of giving people what they want is a dope pusher’s argument. News is something people don’t know they’re interested in until they hear about it...” Reuven Frank, former prez of NBC news
The combined viewership for the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts dropped 2%, to 22.1 million in 2012, resuming the downward trajectory of nearly three decades.viewership Network news has lost nearly one million viewers/year for 30 years: Pew Research Center for Excellence in Journalism
They’re in a big hurry
They have short attention spans
They’re in a big hurry They have short attention spans They want stories that personally connect... craft stories that focus on the reader rather than on the newsmakers: what does it mean to ME?
They’re in a big hurry They have short attention spans They want stories that personally connect... craft stories that focus on the reader rather than on the newsmakers: what does it mean to ME? But they also want stories: real narrative dramas starring real people
They’re in a big hurry They have short attention spans They want stories that personally connect... craft stories that focus on the reader rather than on the newsmakers: what does it mean to ME? But they also want stories: real narrative dramas starring real people “Innovate or die.” Richard Curtis, ex- USA Today
Owner: The Halifax Media Group “The group consists of 36 newspapers and affiliated websites, published in five states in the Southeast. Halifax Media’s strategy is to invest long-term capital in quality companies positioned in strong markets that are closely connected to the community.”
Formerly owned by the New York Times Company, a New York Stock Exchange listed public company. NYT bought the Sarasota paper in 1982 from the Lindsay family Began in 1925 as the Sarasota Herald
Also owns a bunch of websites: Ticketsarasota, artssarasota, yoursarasota, htpreps, insiderealestate
Circulation: 74,000 daily 95,000 Sunday 96 th largest newspaper in the U.S.
Publisher: Pat Dorsey, el queso grande Executive editor: Bill Church, chief news executive Assistant Managing Editors: Kyle Booth, Tony Elkin, Matt Sauer
Also has editors for digital, sports, national/foreign news, community news, state/regional news, real estate, editorial page, business news, arts
In addition to news side, also has executives running circulation, advertising, but where’s production?
Broadsheet: Sarasota Herald-Tribune size newspaper
Tabloid: smaller newspaper, e.g., The Sarasota Observer and Pelican Press.
Broadsheet: Sarasota Herald-Tribune size newspaper Tabloid: smaller newspaper, e.g., The Sarasota Observer and Pelican Press Also a pejorative synonym for sleazy/yellow journalism
By-line: Reporter’s name and title
Headline: Big type, almost always written by copy editors
By-line: Reporter’s name and title Headline: Big type, almost always written by copy editors Dateline
By-line: Reporter’s name and title Headline: Big type, almost always written by copy editors Dateline Pull quote/lift-out quote: a juicy quote from story that’s given special graphic emphasis
By-line: Reporter’s name and title Headline: Big type, almost always written by copy editors Dateline Pull quote/lift-out quote: a juicy quote from story that’s given special graphic emphasis Cutline: the copy underneath a photo that explains what’s going on
Take aptitude test on p. 29… not graded
Remember no class on 11/26 We tour the Herald-Tribune! Meet at LAF at 12 noon Carpool to H-T Tour from 12:30-2:30 p.m. I’ll have sammies for lunch
Our guide/source is Harold Bubil of H-T
Research Bubil Come prepared with questions about himself and H-T in general Bring your reporters’ notebooks Dress appropriately