Iuliana-Valentina Stasi (24 years)  2005 - Licensed in Physics and Chemistry  2005-2006 - The 1 st Academic Year of Master in Science Faculty, „Dunărea.


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Presentation transcript:

Iuliana-Valentina Stasi (24 years)  Licensed in Physics and Chemistry  The 1 st Academic Year of Master in Science Faculty, „Dunărea de Jos” University - Galaţi, Romania – Specialization “Physical and chemical methods of analysis and control”  PhD in “Functional nanomaterials” in Mechanics Faculty, „Dunărea de Jos” University - Galaţi, Romania  Contact:   “Vocational Education and Training in the Eco-Management Field” (VETEM) 19 February – 20 May

 19 February – 19 March 2006: The first four weeks of scholarship:  Cultural and linguistic preparation  “Eco-Management”: Basics and general considerations  “Eco-Efficiency in education field – at academic level”  “Eco-Efficiency in Public Private Partnerships” Project  20 March – 13 April 2006: Practice at the Ministry of Finance of North Rhine- Westphalia, Düsseldorf, Department “PPP-Task Force” (one of the most successful PPP Knowledge Centre in Germany)  17 April – 20 May 2006: The last five weeks of scholarship at ARÖW GmbH:  “Public Private Partnership starting from Germany Experience”  “Public Private Partnership – Lessons Learned”  Participation in conferences:  “6. Betriebwirtschaftliches Symposium-Bau”, Weimar, (22-24 March 2006), in German language.  “Public-Private Partnership in Germany – Trend Reversal for Germany Infrastructure”, Frankfurt am Main (5 – 6 April 2006), in English language.  Evaluation:  13 April - exam with Mrs. Regina Cablitz where I presented “Public Private Partnership starting from Germany Experience” and where we spoke about this subject - “Certificate of practical training”  Permanent evaluation at ARÖW GmbH by discussions, meetings etc. with the supervisors  Supervisors:  Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Rebhan, Mr. Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Markus Schroll ARÖW GmbH  Mr. Dr. Frank Littwin and Mrs. Regina Cablitz Ministry of Finance North Rhine-Westphalia, PPP-Task Force, Düsseldorf Program – Iuliana-Valentina Stasi IULIANAVALENTINASTASIIULIANAVALENTINASTASI

An alumni has a lots of keys and he must know how to open a door!!! The academic level give the meaning on eco-efficiency concept. ECO-EFFICIENCY AT EDUCATIONAL LEVEL:  is a community education program starts with kindergarten until post graduated school  offer the skills, knowledge and tools to implement changes which will lead to the more profitable use of resources Education program must give to the students thinking about human activities from ECO-EFFICIENCY view What means ECO-EFFICIENCY in the area of EDUCATION? Eco-efficiency can be described as the effective use of material and natural resources in processes that maximize efficiency and minimize environmental impacts. With help of education a human become a responsible person. IULIANAVALENTINASTASIIULIANAVALENTINASTASI

What means PPP? Cooperation between public and private sector during the entire life cycle DBFO (design, build, finance, operate) Not a financial but an organisational model Transfer of tasks and risks to the private partner Public Sector + Private Sector Public Sector IULIANAVALENTINASTASIIULIANAVALENTINASTASI

“Public Private Partnership starting from the Germany Experience” 1.Introduction/Overview  Definition  International Overview 2.Legal/political framework 3.PPP Knowledge Centre (Task Forces) a. Settlement (Ministry, bank etc..) b. Composition (amount, qualification) c. Co-operation - national and international authority network d. Tasks  Strategic tasks  Operational tasks 4.PPP sectors 5.PPP process  procedure (individual step, contracting method)  project selection and - organization and aptitude test  economical investigation (confrontation of PPP offers with the conventional self-realization / feasibility study before procurement) 6.PPP projects (Lessons Learned) 7.Case study (PPP Project in Education: Rhein-Erft Country) IULIANAVALENTINASTASIIULIANAVALENTINASTASI

Lessons Learned Political background Careful organisation of projects Adequate and fair transfer of risks Careful selection of projects Availability of founds Central reorganisation/ Develop expertise Project focus/ prioritisation Standardisatio n Public Private Partnership: Lessons Learned Thank you very much for your attention! IULIANAVALENTINASTASIIULIANAVALENTINASTASI