Creating Video in the Classroom Cindy DiDonato
The Process Prepare Plan and Create Present
10 Reasons Provides fun Engages and excites Expresses understanding of content Helps retention of learning Expresses creativity Practice real life skills Utilizes whole curriculum skills Fosters higher level thinking Improves technology skills Develops problem solving skills
Steps to Create Video Brainstorm an idea Create a plan and rubric Scripting Storyboarding/Scripting Sets/Props and Costumes Rehearse Shoot video Editing and Post Production Share
Video Possibilities Premade Video 1.Podcasting: iTunes Education, Educational odcasting NetworkiTunes Education 2.Teacher Tube 3.Youtube 4.Google Video 5.Flickr Video Get DVD Soft Free Studio
More Possibilities Video You Create 1.Photostory3 2.Voicethread Voicethread Ideas Voicethread which incorporates blogging and collaboration 7th Grade language arts Educational sample ArtVoicethread Voicethread Ideas Voicethread which incorporates blogging and collaboration Educational sample 3.Screencasting Using JingJing Upload to Screencast or Youtube or FlickrScreencast
Video Creation Tools Hardware 1.Flip Video 2.Digital Camera 3.Camcorder 4.Cellphones Software 1.iMovie (Mac) 2.Windows Live Moviemaker (Win XP and Vista have Moviemaker)Windows Live Moviemaker 3.Flip Video Software ( comes with video camera) 4.Photostory3 5.Jing
Online Video Information Edutopia: Using Online Video in the Classroom Meaningful Digital Video Using Online Video in the Classroom Meaningful Digital Video