Polar Bears n B y Bikaramjit Grade 4 Inuit uses Where I got my information Life Cycle Characteristics Enemies and Defense Habitat Babies Foods
Enemies n Polar bears enemies are Inuit hunter. n And other hunters with guns. C
Habitat n Polar bears live close to the water.They don’t really go far in the land because they need to eat seals.They mostly swim in the water.
Babies n Mother polar bears keep there babies covered when they are little and if hunters come.Mother bears show there cubs how to swim when there 6 months old. They show how to hunt when there 12 months old.Babies way 50 pounds
Foods n Polar bears mainly eat young seals, walrus,sometimes even whales,and fish.Polar bears hide behind a ice bur and grab with there left paw.
Characteristics n Polar bears have white fur and sharp teeth. Polar bears paddle with their front feet.
What Inuit use n Inuit use polar bear fur for coats and clothes.
Life Cycle n The polar bears have white fur and black eyes.They got huge teeth.The Inuit use the polar bears fur for coat. Polar bears weigh about 8,000 pounds.
Where I got my information n http;// http;//