Location & Capital New capital - Madrid Old capital - Toledo
Basic Info About 46 million – 27 th largest in the world Euro currency Languages: Spanish, Galician, Basque, Catalan/Valencian, Aranese, others 76% Catholic, 22% not religious
A Basic History of Spain Roman Empire: 200 BC – 711 AD Muslim Rule: Kings & Queens Napoleon/ French Rule 1793 – mid 1800’s Spanish Civil War/ General Franco / A real Roman aqueduct, built 2000 years ago!
Culture Sports: fútbol Food: mediterranean - olive oil, bread, wine, seafood, soups, ham, cheese, vegetables Music/Dance: flamenco Bullfights: art or cruelty?
Government Democracy – Prime Minister (Presidente del Gobierno) and a Cabinet Monarchy – King Juan Carlos I and the royal family Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy
Current Events Unemployment rate: 24.5% (Jul 2014) Compare US rate: 6.1% (Jul 2014) Protests Unemployment rates in Spain over the past 3 years.
Works and Pictures Cited “Euro Banknotes." wikipedia.org. Web. 9 Feb "Flag of Spain." wikipedia.org. Web. 9 Feb "The Ronda bullring." andalucia.com/bullfight. Web. 9 Feb "Spain." Wikipedia. Wikipedia.org, 09 Feb Web. 9 Feb "The spontaneity of the dancer." andalucia.com/flamenco. Web. 9 Feb 2011.