Portulacaceae The Purslane Family Alex Stalboerger
Portulacaceae 450 species and 12 genera Includes herbs and shrubs Leaves usually succulent
Portulacaceae Flowers are distinctive for having only 2 sepals May be 3 to 16 petals, most commonly they have 5 petals Each flower has at least 3 stamens and pistils Dry fruit encloses multiple seeds Flowers: White to pale pink Blooms: March – May Leaves: Narrow and fleshy at base of stem, shiny and fleshy at top below blooms Habitat: Shady, damp soil, usually alongside trails
Claytonia virginica 5-40cm tall Flowers are 7-14mm in diameter – Five petals: pale pink or white (rarely yellow) Leaves are slender lanceolate – 3-14cm long and 5-13mm broad – 6-20cm long petiole ve_perennials/claytonia_virginica_DUTCHGAP_02S.JPG %20farm% %202.JPG
Claytonia virginica North American Distribution
Sources plant.com/families/portulacaceae.html es/Portulaca.html ca All images have URL at the base