2 Data Extraction – Project Arrow Office Daily data of various fields of Project Arrow office is monitored at various level with the help of “Data Extraction Tool”- Accounts MIS Postmaster of Project Arrow Office to ensure this tool is installed in his office
3 Data Extraction – Three areas Meghadoot –Account MIS- Project Arrow Office to be configured in 6.5 version Sanchay post Speednet –3.1 version
4 How Data extraction takes place? Meghadoot –After “day end” in each application- automatic Sanchay Post –Exe file to be executed to send data to “data extraction tool” (With latest patch this is not required) Speednet –Speed post data gets transferred to Postman module from speednet in offices where speednet 3.1 is installed
5 Project Arrow Data Extraction Fields Point of Sale –8 items Postman Module –27 items Treasury –01 item Sanchay Post –22 items
6 Project Arrow Data Extraction Fields….. Data will be in encrypted form and this can not be manipulated by any body Data of Project Arrow Offices is monitored at all level and therefore please ensure that “day end” is performed in all the modules daily Please ensure “exe” file is executed at the end of the day in Sanchay module
7 Project Arrow Data Extraction Fields….. Data extraction is either done after performing day end or scheduled
8 Accessing other modules at DO/RO/CO/Dte level eMO –User namedop eMO –PasswordeMO ePayment –User namedop –PasswordePmt Speednet MIS –User namedop –Passwordindia