The three minute collocation challenge Sometimes in your self-study reading assignments, you have recorded collocations and pattern grammar without actually finishing the expression. Can you rearrange the endings to the following expressions to make them accurate? An ambitious… Broader… Date back… String together… Putting contingency plans in…
The three minute collocation challenge Sometimes in your self-study reading assignments, you have recorded collocations and pattern grammar without actually finishing the expression. Can you rearrange the endings to the following expressions to make them accurate? An ambitious…to the 19 th century Broader…a sentence Date back…horizons / picture String together…place Putting contingency plans in…project
The three minute collocation challenge Sometimes in your self-study reading assignments, you have recorded collocations and pattern grammar without actually finishing the expression. Can you rearrange the endings to the following expressions to make them accurate? An ambitious…project Broader…horizons / picture Date back…to the 19 th century String together…a sentence Putting contingency plans in…place
Graduate Diploma Reading & Writing Session 10 Word form Paraphrasing & Academic Style Summarising Practice
VERBADJECTIVEOPPOSITE ADJECTIVE NOUNADVERB accessible advisable available chosen collectable collected collective contained containable facilitated good / best immediate interesting located obtained recent related special specialised
VERBADJECTIVEOPPOSITE ADJECTIVE NOUNADVERB accessaccessibleinaccessibleaccessaccessibly
VERBADJECTIVEOPPOSITE ADJECTIVE NOUNADVERB accessaccessibleinaccessibleaccessaccessibly adviseadvisableinadvisableadvice advisor advisably
VERBADJECTIVEOPPOSITE ADJECTIVE NOUNADVERB accessaccessibleinaccessibleaccessaccessibly adviseadvisableinadvisableadvice advisor advisably (make something available) availableunavailableavailability-
VERBADJECTIVEOPPOSITE ADJECTIVE NOUNADVERB accessaccessibleinaccessibleaccessaccessibly adviseadvisableinadvisableadvice advisor advisably (make something available) availableunavailableavailability- choosechosenunselected?choice-
VERBADJECTIVEOPPOSITE ADJECTIVE NOUNADVERB accessaccessibleinaccessibleaccessaccessibly adviseadvisableinadvisableadvice advisor advisably (make something available) availableunavailableavailability- choosechosenunselected?choice- collectcollectable collected collective uncollectedcollection collector collective collectively
VERBADJECTIVEOPPOSITE ADJECTIVE NOUNADVERB accessaccessibleinaccessibleaccessaccessibly adviseadvisableinadvisableadvice advisor advisably (make something available) availableunavailableavailability- choosechosenunselected?choice- collectcollectable collected collective uncollectedcollection collector collective collectively containcontained containable uncontainedcontainercontainably
VERBADJECTIVEOPPOSITE ADJECTIVE NOUNADVERB accessaccessibleinaccessibleaccessaccessibly adviseadvisableinadvisableadvice advisor advisably (make something available) availableunavailableavailability- choosechosenunselected?choice- collectcollectable collected collective uncollectedcollection collector collective collectively containcontained containable uncontainedcontainercontainably facilitatefacilitated-facilities (usually pl)-
VERBADJECTIVEOPPOSITE ADJECTIVE NOUNADVERB accessaccessibleinaccessibleaccessaccessibly adviseadvisableinadvisableadvice advisor advisably (make something available) availableunavailableavailability- choosechosenunselected?choice- collectcollectable collected collective uncollectedcollection collector collective collectively containcontained containable uncontainedcontainercontainably facilitatefacilitated-facilities (usually pl)- bettergood best bad? worst? goodnesswell goodly (old- fashioned)
VERBADJECTIVEOPPOSITE ADJECTIVE NOUNADVERB accessaccessibleinaccessibleaccessaccessibly adviseadvisableinadvisableadvice advisor advisably (make something available) availableunavailableavailability- choosechosenunselected?choice- collectcollectable collected collective uncollectedcollection collector collective collectively containcontained containable uncontainedcontainercontainably facilitatefacilitated-facilities (usually pl)- bettergood best bad? worst? goodnesswell goodly (old- fashioned)
VERBADJECTIVEOPPOSITE ADJECTIVE NOUNADVERB accessaccessibleinaccessibleaccessaccessibly adviseadvisableinadvisableadvice advisor advisably (make something available) availableunavailableavailability- choosechosenunselected?choice- collectcollectable collected collective uncollectedcollection collector collective collectively containcontained containable uncontainedcontainercontainably facilitatefacilitated-facilities (usually pl)- bettergood best bad? worst? goodnesswell goodly (old- fashioned) -immediate-immediacy immediateness immediately
VERBADJECTIVEOPPOSITE ADJECTIVE NOUNADVERB accessaccessibleinaccessibleaccessaccessibly adviseadvisableinadvisableadvice advisor advisably (make something available) availableunavailableavailability- choosechosenunselected?choice- collectcollectable collected collective uncollectedcollection collector collective collectively containcontained containable uncontainedcontainercontainably facilitatefacilitated-facilities (usually pl)- bettergood best bad? worst? goodnesswell goodly (old- fashioned) -immediate-immediacy immediateness immediately interestinterestinguninterestinginterestinterestingly
VERBADJECTIVEOPPOSITE ADJECTIVE NOUNADVERB accessaccessibleinaccessibleaccessaccessibly adviseadvisableinadvisableadvice advisor advisably (make something available) availableunavailableavailability- choosechosenunselected?choice- collectcollectable collected collective uncollectedcollection collector collective collectively containcontained containable uncontainedcontainercontainably facilitatefacilitated-facilities (usually pl)- bettergood best bad? worst? goodnesswell goodly (old- fashioned) -immediate-immediacy immediateness immediately interestinterestinguninterestinginterestinterestingly locatelocateddislocatedlocation-
VERBADJECTIVEOPPOSITE ADJECTIVE NOUNADVERB accessaccessibleinaccessibleaccessaccessibly adviseadvisableinadvisableadvice advisor advisably (make something available) availableunavailableavailability- choosechosenunselected?choice- collectcollectable collected collective uncollectedcollection collector collective collectively containcontained containable uncontainedcontainercontainably facilitatefacilitated-facilities (usually pl)- bettergood best bad? worst? goodnesswell goodly (old- fashioned) -immediate-immediacy immediateness immediately interestinterestinguninterestinginterestinterestingly locatelocateddislocatedlocation- obtainobtained-obtainment-
VERBADJECTIVEOPPOSITE ADJECTIVE NOUNADVERB accessaccessibleinaccessibleaccessaccessibly adviseadvisableinadvisableadvice advisor advisably (make something available) availableunavailableavailability- choosechosenunselected?choice- collectcollectable collected collective uncollectedcollection collector collective collectively containcontained containable uncontainedcontainercontainably facilitatefacilitated-facilities (usually pl)- bettergood best bad? worst? goodnesswell goodly (old- fashioned) -immediate-immediacy immediateness immediately interestinterestinguninterestinginterestinterestingly locatelocateddislocatedlocation- obtainobtained-obtainment- -recentdistant?recentnessrecently
VERBADJECTIVEOPPOSITE ADJECTIVE NOUNADVERB accessaccessibleinaccessibleaccessaccessibly adviseadvisableinadvisableadvice advisor advisably (make something available) availableunavailableavailability- choosechosenunselected?choice- collectcollectable collected collective uncollectedcollection collector collective collectively containcontained containable uncontainedcontainercontainably facilitatefacilitated-facilities (usually pl)- bettergood best bad? worst? goodnesswell goodly (old- fashioned) -immediate-immediacy immediateness immediately interestinterestinguninterestinginterestinterestingly locatelocateddislocatedlocation- obtainobtained-obtainment- -recentdistant?recentnessrecently relaterelatedunrelatedrelation relatedness -
VERBADJECTIVEOPPOSITE ADJECTIVE NOUNADVERB accessaccessibleinaccessibleaccessaccessibly adviseadvisableinadvisableadvice advisor advisably (make something available) availableunavailableavailability- choosechosenunselected?choice- collectcollectable collected collective uncollectedcollection collector collective collectively containcontained containable uncontainedcontainercontainably facilitatefacilitated-facilities (usually pl)- bettergood best bad? worst? goodnesswell goodly (old- fashioned) -immediate-immediacy immediateness immediately interestinterestinguninterestinginterestinterestingly locatelocateddislocatedlocation- obtainobtained-obtainment- -recentdistant?recentnessrecently relaterelatedunrelatedrelation relatedness - specialisespecial specialised ordinary / general speciality specialism specially especially
The University Sloman Library The Library ’ s now got more than 965,000 books, pamphlets, e-publications and microforms, which they chose mainly to support the teaching and research of the University, but also including some general interest stuff. You can get extra copies of books lots of people want, like set texts, from a short loan collection, right beside the main entrance. You can check where books are and if they ’ re out or not by using the networked PCs on each floor and all over the campus. Borrowing at the circulation desk, or by self-issue, takes only a few seconds. There are lots of books in all subjects people study at Essex and in some areas, like Latin America, Russia and Eastern Europe, they ’ re some of the best in the country. What ’ s more, you can get access to a lot of online journals, databases, CDs and library catalogues from the Library's web page ( on the 110 networked PCs and terminals. You can watch DVDs and videos There are special collections of archives that focus on quite new stuff, e.g. the papers of the Social Democrat Party (SDP), QUALIDATA and Boundary Commission. Our special collections have recently got hold of lots of papers and publications about the work of Sigmund Freud, the historical collection of the Royal Statistical Society Library, and the Library of the Essex Society for Archaeology and History. If you ’ re a new student you should join an introductory tour of the Library at the beginning of the academic year and staff on the enquiry desk are there to sort out your problems. They also give out a whole lot of printed and online guides which tell you all about the Library and its services.
The University Sloman Library The Library now __________ over 965,000 books, pamphlets, e-publications and microforms, __________ mainly to support the teaching and research of the University, but also including general __________ texts. Extra copies of books of popular texts __________ as set texts can be __________ from a short loan collection, __________ adjacent to the main entrance. The __________ of books and their availability can be __________ by means of networked PCs on each floor and __________ the campus. Borrowing at the circulation desk, or by self-issue, takes only a few seconds. A large number of books are __________ in all subjects __________ to all areas of study at the University; certain __________ such as those for Latin America, Russia and Eastern Europe, are among the __________ in the country. The library also provides __________ to many online journals, databases, CDs and library catalogues from the Library's web page ( on the 110 networked PCs and terminals. There also __________ to view materials multi-media __________ archive collections focus on __________ papers such as those of the Social Democrat Party (SDP), QUALIDATA and Boundary Commission. Our special collections have __________ acquired papers and publications on the work of Sigmund Freud, the historical collection of the Royal Statistical Society Library, and the Library of the Essex Society for Archaeology and History. New students are __________ to join an introductory tour of the Library at the beginning of the academic year. Staff on the enquiry desk will answer __________ queries and concerns. Printed and online guides are also available giving information on the full range of all the Library services.
The University Sloman Library The Library now contains over 965,000 books, pamphlets, e-publications and microforms, chosen mainly to support the teaching and research of the University, but also including general interest texts. Extra copies of books of popular texts such as set texts can be obtained from a short loan collection, immediately adjacent to the main entrance. The location of books and their availability can be checked by means of networked PCs on each floor and throughout the campus. Borrowing at the circulation desk, or by self-issue, takes only a few seconds. A large number of books are available in all subjects relating to all areas of study at the University; certain collections such as those for Latin America, Russia and Eastern Europe, are among the best in the country. The library also provides access to many online journals, databases, CDs and library catalogues from the Library's web page ( on the 110 networked PCs and terminals. There are also facilities to view materials multi-media Special archive collections focus on recent papers such as those of the Social Democrat Party (SDP), QUALIDATA and Boundary Commission. Our special collections have recently acquired papers and publications on the work of Sigmund Freud, the historical collection of the Royal Statistical Society Library, and the Library of the Essex Society for Archaeology and History. New students are advised to join an introductory tour of the Library at the beginning of the academic year. Staff on the enquiry desk will answer individual queries and concerns. Printed and online guides are also available giving information on the full range of all the Library services.
Read and make notes on the following text:
Now fill the gaps in the summary that Mark will give you:
Indian scientists are checking a__________ w__________ f__________ methods, such as the old saying which links the date of the m__________ to the f__________ t__________ of a local tree. This has been used by f__________ to select either peanuts (f__________ w__________ c__________) or c__________ (for d__________). Dr K__________ of G__________ A__________ U__________ has found that the m__________ can be quite accurately forecast using the time of the tree’s f__________.
Now try to reduce this summary to just one sentence: