Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation Introducing Investigative Interviewing into the New Zealand Police Creating a Culture Change Detective Inspector Ross Grantham Strategic Adviser: Investigative Interviewing
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation Investigative Interviewing New Zealand Style
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation The Review 2004 – 2007 Identify international best practice Benchmark the current position in New Zealand Make recommendations on a way forward
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation Benchmarking Current Situation National survey of sworn staff: witnesses better than suspects, want more skills Assessment of suspect and witness interviews: suspects better than witnesses, not performing as well as we could Practitioner focus groups: lack of supervision and knowledge
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation Benchmarking Current Situation Survey of police and crown prosecutors and judges: fair and patient but lack direction and do not challenge Review of case law: issues around fairness and special consideration Consultation other government agencies: similar position to Police
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation Benchmarking Current Situation Consultation internal parties Review of training and assessment Assessment of policy and documentation Findings: –No national ownership/governance –No national standards and limited guidance on good practice –Limited training and practice –Limited assessment
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation Recommendations National ownership Overarching strategy & policy Ethical principles Internationally affirmed interviewing model (PEACE) Recognition of elements necessary to produce effective interviewers National standards Comprehensive national training framework, structure and programme Quality assurance regime Technology and facilities
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation Strategy and governance Development of an overarching strategy Business Owner: National Crime Manager Steering Group: key stakeholders Investigative Interviewing Unit
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation Ethical Principles Focus on complete, accurate and reliable information Move away from confession Importance of fairness and keeping an open mind Certain types of witnesses and suspects require special consideration
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation Best Practice Identify Good Practice PEACE interview framework Interviewing Models – Free Recall, Conversation Management, Enhanced Cognitive Interview Document Good Practice: accessible to all staff – Electronic Police Manual Develop National Standards Promulgated through training, workplace learning and assessment and accreditation
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation Training Framework Level 4: Interview Advisors Advising, managing and co-ordinating Level 3: Specialist Interviewers Specialist interviewing capacity Level 2: Advanced interviewers Investigators of serious crime Level 1: Foundation interviewers All investigators – operational staff and recruits
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation Key Training Elements Effective interviewing comes about through officers being exposed to a regime that includes: understanding theory including psychology and how memory works a range practical techniques significant opportunities for practice a wide range of interviewing experiences with ongoing monitoring and feedback from supervisors workplace and formal assessment
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation Level 3: Specialist Adult Witness Introduction of ability to use visual record as evidence in chief (Evidence Act 2006) Improvements needed with adult sexual assault victims Initiated with UK experts now our own experts Fast-track select group through to Level 3 Developing our own expertise
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation Co-ordination and delivery of training Dedicated trainers at the Royal NZ Police College – recruits, Level 2-4 District roll-out for back-capture 6,500 frontline staff Target influencers: Sergeants, Field Training Officers and Workplace Assessors Level 2 and 3 candidates Initiated with UK experts Growing our own expertise
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation Competency Framework National Standards Ongoing supervisor monitoring & feedback Workplace learning and assessment: –Verification –Accreditation –Adjudication –National Register Performance appraisal linked to pay increments National Assessment Centre
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation Communications Communications strategy ensuring the right people get the right information at the right time: –Road show - sell I.I. to District Management Teams –A successful pilot in one of the countries busiest stations –I.I. begins to sell itself, staff are lining up to undergo the training – satisfied customers –Availability of myself and team to assist frontline investigators –Intranet site with Good Practice Materials, preformatted statements for producing interviews as evidence in chief and much more
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation Has a change in culture been achieved? 6,300 of the 6,500 frontline staff have received the foundation training – a change in culture is occurring Assessment and Accreditation intrinsic to the programmes success is slow Investigators appreciate the I.I. more and the CIB are beginning to utilise the L3 ECI much more As investigators begin to develop their skills they are seeking further (L2) training and looking to L3 Suspect Training Investigators regularly talk about I.I. no longer is it about getting a cough (confession) or just taking a statement Acceptance of research
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation How is I.I. Progressing? We have an I.I. strategy with national standards and structure supported by training staff and facilities We have the bulk of frontline staff with at the very least a foundation knowledge of I.I. A growing pool of investigators who wish to improve their skills and experience as interviewers We have the CIB appreciating the value of well conducted L3 witness interviews the demand increasing as well as the interviewers experience and expertise L2 I.I. is now being trained and our skill base for advanced interviewers is developing
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation Obstacles Initially resistance to the five day training programme – discretionary not mandated training Ensuring consistent training across the country – L2 is only trained by our trainers L1 was district based Lack of understanding of the assessment and accreditation requirement – as identified by our recently completed process evaluation – need for greater supervisor influence Finance – VHS to DVD migration, interview room upgrades, software and hardware developments Lack of understanding from CIB managers of the L3 I.I. techniques – similarly for Crown Solicitors and Judiciary Managements demand on my time/role Transcription
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation Successes Our overall commitment to I.I. and how far we have come since November 2007 My small but fantastic team who have created I.I. in NZ and who through their work champion I.I. every day, I am particularly proud of them A sound L3 training, assessment, accreditation and peer review process Our developing interviewing skill sets with some exceptionally good L3 interviews which are now beginning to filter through the courts Selling I.I. to police and now to Crown Solicitor’s and the District Court Judiciary Involvement with research
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation Our Influence Internally and Externally Internally is detailed above Externally we have been approached by 43 agencies wanting us to teach them I.I. Regularly we are asked to present on I.I. – Innocence Project of NZ, Legal Groups/Business Groups and even Medical Practitioners
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation Where To From Here Complete the culture change to I.I. An evaluation in about 18 months time replicating the initial review conducted by Mary Schollum so we have an accurate view on what we have achieved and what we have to do to be a World class police Service based on the core of policing, I.I. Develop our L3 Suspect Training programme and implement it Identify suitable I.I. Advisors and have them trained Bring Child Evidential Interviewing under our team and develop a assessment and accreditation process supported by 6 monthly peer reviews Advance our technology to support I.I. with down streaming, a national virtual transcription service and centralised assessment centre to ensure consistent accreditation standards Voice recognition software More Research
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation Technology Implementation cont.
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation
Investigative Interviewing Planning & Preparation, Engage & Explain, Account, Closure, Evaluation THANK YOU WE APPRECIATE YOUR HELP Mary Schollum Prof. Ray Bull Dr. Becky Milne Gary Shaw (MBE) Dr. Rachel Zajac Prof. Maryanne Garry Dr. Matthew Gearrie Dr Ian Lambie Superintendent Andy Griffith Prof. Ron Fisher And all Professionals, Academics and Researchers who have added to the wealth of information on Memory, and Investigative Interviewing