LAKE STEVENS MIDDLE SCHOOL The Impact of Integrating Virtual Inquiry- Based Instruction in 8th Grade Science Classrooms LAKE STEVENS MIDDLE SCHOOL Principal: Dr. Derick McKoy Assistant Principal: Isolyn T. Hillhouse Teacher Leader: Eliut Villalba Professional Partner: Thelma Davis Miami-Dade County Public Schools 2007 -2008 Superintendent’s Urban Principals Initiative
Abstract Eighty percent of eighth grade students at Lake Stevens Middle School were not meeting mastery in science. The goal of the action research project was to engage students in interactive virtual inquiry based learning to provide the stimulus and motivation that would assist low performing students in changing their attitudes towards science, thus raising achievement. Students received instruction using the Explore Learning Science Gizmo program for two 55-minute sessions and traditional teaching methods for three 55-minute sessions weekly. Results of the interventions were evaluated. Overall, strategies were successful in stimulating interest and increasing student performance.
Action Plan/Intervention Table of Contents Background Problems Research Questions Literature Review Action Plan/Intervention Data Findings/Results Implications Results References
Background School Profile Lake Stevens Middle School serves a multi-ethnic community where approximately 79 percent of the students have been identified for free or reduced lunch, and the mobility rate is approximately 37 percent. The student population of approximately 900 students is 43 percent Hispanic, 52 percent Black, 3 percent White, and 2 percent Asian. Students participate in small learning communities with a core team of teachers. Teachers are actively involved in developing curriculum, methods of assessment and selecting instructional materials and strategies.
Background We were concerned with the following trends: Many students particularly lower performing students see science as difficult and lack hope of mastery in this area. Many students lack the interest and enthusiasm needed to be successful in science class. The traditional teaching methods were not meeting the needs of majority of our students.
The Problem The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) , Program for International Student Assessment (PISA, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) reports have all demonstrated the level of weakness in middle school science achievement.
The Problem Cont. Results from the TIMSS report (1999) demonstrated: The international average - science achievement score is 521 Eighth grade students in the United States scored below the international average with a score of 515 in science when compared to the 23 nations participating in the study. Eighth grade students in Miami-Dade County Public School scored even lower with an average of 426.
The Problem Cont. Results from the TIMSS report (2003) demonstrated: The international average - science achievement 474 Eighth grade students in the United States scored above the international average with a score of 527 in science when compared to the 23 nations participating in the study. 8
Trend Data: TIMSS Results in Science Mean Scale Score +10 +2 -9 -13 -13 -2 +21 Countries
The Problem The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) revealed: On average, 15-year old U.S. students scored lower than the OECD average (the mean of the 30 OECD countries) on the combined science literacy scale (489 vs. 500) On the combined science literacy scale in the United States: Black (non-Hispanic) students (409) Hispanic students (439) White (non-Hispanic) students (523) Asian (non-Hispanic) students (499) Mixed students of more than one race (non-Hispanic) (501)
Trend Data: PISA Results in Science Mean Scale Score +1 -9 Subjects
The Problem Cont. The NAEP (2005) results demonstrated: Science scale scores ranged from 0 to 300 and indicates lower, middle and higher levels of performance. Eighth grade students in Florida scored a 141 scale score in science Black students had an average score that was lower than that of White students by 34 points. 12
The Problem Cont. Hispanic students had an average score that was lower than that of White students by 29 points. Students who were eligible for free/reduced-price school lunch, an indicator of poverty, had an average score that was lower than that of students who were not eligible for free/reduced-price school lunch by 27 points. The score gap between students at the 75th percentile and students at the 25th percentile was 47 points. 13
Trend Data: NAEP Results in Science (2005) Mean Scale Score States
The Problem Cont. The FCAT (2007) results demonstrated: 38% of 8th grade students in the State of Florida achieved mastery in science and 62% were performing below standard. 29% of 8th grade students in Miami-Dade County Public School achieved mastery in science and 71% were performing below standard. 22% of 8th grade students Lake Stevens Middle School achieved mastery in science and 78% were performing below standard. 15
Trend Data: FCAT Results in Science 29 Mean Scale Score 39 Years
Trend Data: FCAT Results in Science Mean Scale Score -39 -31 -17 -34 -29 Years
Research Questions How will the use of virtual inquiry-based learning (science gizmos) increase science achievement of lower achieving 8th grade students in an urban middle school setting? How will the use of virtual inquiry-based learning (science gizmos) improve students’ attitudes towards science?
Literature Review The effectiveness of science gizmos as a teaching tool is supported by the empirical evidence developed through the meta-analysis of educational research (Cholmsky, 2003). Science gizmos are described as a catalog of modular, interactive simulations that provide teachers with a ready-made way to provide instructions that utilize both words and images simultaneously (Cholmsky, 2003). The use of computer and internet technology to engage students in “inquiring-based lessons” with “real world problem solving, conceptual development, and critical thinking” (Irving, 2006).
Literature Review Using Gizmos in conjunction with their associated Exploration Guides, students can generate and test a very wide range of hypotheses quickly and safely, without the need to set up and configure any physical apparatus (Cholmsky, 2003) Virtual interactive programs are designed to provide students with immediate corrective feedback, multiple representations of a concept simultaneously, increase student achievement, motivation and attention span and may be a great teaching tool for students with disabilities (Young, 2006). An analysis of the measures of accountability of students in middle school reveals that many students are not demonstrating mastery of grade level science skills (Florida A+ Plan, 2007; Florida Department of Education, 2007; AYP Report, 2007). 20
Literature Review The Exploration Guides that accompany every Gizmo are designed to support and stimulate this type of mindful interaction (Explore Learning Website, 2008). Using the summarized findings of over 100 research studies involving 4,000+ experimental/control group comparisons, the meta-analysis identified instructional techniques that had a positive impact on student achievement (Marzano, 1998). Although many math and science textbooks have increased the number of images, diagrams, and other graphics on their pages in recent years, the fact that these visual representations cannot incorporate motion or be interactive constrains their instructional power (Cholmsky, 2003).
Literature Review The Exploration Guide highlights these important aspects of scientific inquiry, and guides students in evolving and refining their hypotheses through careful experimentation (Cholmsky, 2003) Students learn effectively and efficiently when they are first taught new conceptual categories, generalizations, and principles directly, only after which they apply them on their own (Marzano, 1998) This provides teachers the opportunities to administer “improved formative assessment through questioning and immediately feedback and allow teachers to tailor instruction to meet student’s needs” (Irving, 2006).
Action Plan Timeline Date Action August 2007 Conduct a needs assessment. May 2008 Analyze FCAT 2007 reading and mathematics scores for students (NRT and SSS). September 2007 Analyze available academic and non-academic student data. Schedule students correctly. September & October 2007 Provide training for teachers and administrators in the efficient implementation of Explore Learning Science Gizmo. Meet with teachers to create a schedule to incorporate gizmo in instruction. October 2007 Develop and administer student initial surveys. Analyze surveys. Prepare and administer tri-weekly assessments.
Action Plan Timeline Date Action October 2007 Administer Interim Assessments. Review assessment results with students. September 2007 Review report cards. Monitor teacher attendance. Monitor student attendance. Monitor content delivery and program use. Monitor student work including homework. Monitor student achievement. April 2008 Prepare and administer posttest. May 2008 Analyze and compare all relevant data. Prepare final report. Review final report with all stakeholders.
Curriculum & Instruction Professional Development Action Plan Curriculum & Instruction Professional Development Student Rewards Increase Student Achievement Conduct Needs Assessment Collect Data Analyze and Interpret Data Use Results
Intervention Students received instruction using the gizmo program for two 55-minute sessions and the state adopted textbook for three 55-minute sessions weekly. Students completed inquiry-based activities and mini quizzes and tests in the gizmo program. The program generated progress monitoring reports which were used by teachers and administrators to make adjustments based on students’ needs.
Intervention Students received instruction using the program for approximately 27 weeks. Students were exposed to the use of various teaching strategies. Instruction was delivered through lectures, modeling, guided practice, whole group, small group and one-to-one assistance.
Intervention A survey was done to determine if students have access to internet at home to complete frequently given homework assignments. The computer lab was available one hour each day to provide access to the program. Results from the tri-weekly, interim assessment, and other progress monitoring tools and surveys related to the study were collected and analyzed.
Data Data speaks…….. 29
LSMS Science Assessment Results 2007-2008 Median Percentile Years
Assessment Comparison – Teacher 1 Mean Scale Score -3 +4 Tests
Student Achievement in Mathematics & Reading FCAT 2007 – Teacher 1 FCAT Level 1 Mathematics FCAT Level 1 Reading Mean Scale Score Mean Scale Score A similar result occurred for 10th grade students. The gap was reduced by 13 for African-American students and 11 points for Hispanic students. +5 +3 +3 +4 Tests Tests
Student Achievement in Mathematics & Reading FCAT 2007 – Teacher 1 FCAT Level 2 Mathematics FCAT Level 2 Reading Mean Scale Score Mean Scale Score +3 A similar result occurred for 10th grade students. The gap was reduced by 13 for African-American students and 11 points for Hispanic students. +2 +1 Tests Tests
Assessment Comparison – Teacher 2 Mean Scale Score +1 +4 Tests
Student Achievement in Mathematics & Reading FCAT 2007 – Teacher 2 FCAT Level 1 Mathematics FCAT Level 1 Reading Mean Scale Score Mean Scale Score +3 +3 +4 +4 Tests Tests
Student Achievement in Mathematics & Reading FCAT 2007 – Teacher 2 FCAT Level 2 Mathematics FCAT Level 2 Reading Mean Scale Score Mean Scale Score +2 +4 +1 +4 Tests Tests
Comparative Assessments for Tri-Weekly African-American and Hispanics Teacher 1 African-American and Hispanics Teacher 2 Mean Scale Score Mean Scale Score The grade 5 FCAT achievement gap between African-American and White students was reduced by 11 points, from 58 to 47 scale score points, over the four year span The gap between Hispanic and white students was reduced 7 points. -1 -3 -3 -1 -2 -4 Tests Tests
Comparative Assessments for Interim African-American and Hispanics Teacher 1 African-American and Hispanics Teacher 2 Mean Scale Score Mean Scale Score +1 +3 -1 -1 Tests Tests
Action for Implementation Action Plan Action for Implementation Inquiry-Based Curriculum Technology Fidelity in Implementation Data-Driven Instruction All tested Benchmarks Results Student Attitude Achievement
Findings/Results Students were more excited about science classes when they used the gizmo program.. The most significant achievement was evident among students scoring level 1 in mathematics More students participated in doing homework when they used the gizmo program . Students demonstrated growth in science achievement over the implementation period.
Findings/Results Students scoring level 1 in reading demonstrated a 1% 4% percentage point increase in science achievement on Interim. Students scoring level 1 in reading demonstrated a 1% percentage point increase in science achievement on Tri-weekly. Students scoring level 2 in reading demonstrated a 4%percentage point increase in science achievement on Tri-weekly. 1% percentage point increase in science achievement on Interim. 41
Findings/Results Students scoring level 1 in mathematics demonstrated a 3% percentage point increase in science achievement on Interim. 4% percentage point increase in science achievement on Tri-weekly. Students scoring level 2 in mathematics demonstrated a 1% percentage point increase in science achievement on Tri-weekly. 1% percentage point increase in science achievement on Interim. 42
African American students demonstrated a 1% percentage Findings/Results African American students demonstrated a 1% percentage point increase in science achievement on Tri-weekly. . African American students demonstrated a 2% percentage point increase in science achievement on Interim. Hispanic students demonstrated a 1% percentage point decrease in science achievement on Tri-weekly. Hispanic students demonstrated a 3% percentage point increase in science achievement on Interim. 43
Recommendations Improve gizmo program to include all tested benchmarks. Provide common planning for teachers to ensure collaboration and shared best practices. Continue to upgrade technology in classrooms Increase the amount of time available to teachers for each session to utilize the technology lab. Increase the number of labs and proximity to science wing.
References Applegate, B. & Miron, G. (2000) Evaluation of student achievement in Edison schools. The Evaluation Center, 1, 1-10. ASAP eLearning (2007) Chapter 2: Teaching and learning by design. Essentials of Instructional Leadership, 1, 1-3. Cholmsky, P. (2003) Why gizmos work: Empirical evidence for the instructional effectiveness of explore learning’s interactive content. Explore Learning, 1, 1 – 27. Dreher, M.J. (2007) EDCI 663: Issues in reading Education. University of Maryland, College Park Department of Curriculum and Instruction, 1, 1-10. Explore Learning (2007) Why explore learning? Retrieved September 14, 2007, from Corp.dspLearnMore.
References Irving, K. (2006). The impact of technology on the 21st century. Teaching Science in the 21st Century, 1, 3-19. Marzano, R. J. (1998) A theory-based meta-analysis of research on instruction. Aurora, CO: Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning. Miami-Dade County Public Schools (2001) Summary. USP Miami RISE Annual Report, 2000-2001, 1, 1-28. National Center for Education Statistics (2005) The nation’s report card state science 2005. NAEP, 1, 1. TIMSS & Pirls International Study Center (2003) Chapter 1: International Student Achievement in Science. TIMSS 2003, 1, 33-55. 46
References TIMSS & Pirls International Study Center (2003) Chapter 3: Average achievement in the science content areas. TIMSS 2003, 1, 107- 127. TIMSS National Research Center (2001) Comparison of eighth grade mathematics and science achievement: 1999 TIMSS-R results for the US. TIMSS 1999, 1, 1. U.S. Department of Education (2006) Highlights from PISA 2006: Performance of U.S. 15 year old students in science and mathematics literacy in an international context.. Institute of Education Sciences, 1, 1-74. U.S. Department of Education (2006) Program for international student assessment 2003. Institute of Education Sciences, 1, 1-142. 47