Welcome back! Sarah Turner Saturday 29 th November 2014
To know and apply the new Scientific Attitudes section of the new Science National Curriculum for September 2015; To gain knowledge and experience of ISA marking; To be able to know more about BTEC marking and experience a sample of marking.
On the body diagram in front of you, think and then draw on the body, all of your ideas about a Science Newly Qualified Teacher.
Scientific attitudes pay attention to objectivity and concern for accuracy, precision, repeatability and reproducibility understand that scientific methods and theories develop as earlier explanations are modified to take account of new evidence and ideas, together with the importance of publishing results and peer review evaluate risks.
Using the resources provided, design your own newspaper headline sharing the ‘new news’ about new evidence about life on another planet /Life-as-we-dont-know-it-discovery-could- prove-existence-of-aliens.html What key content would you include to share this new evidence? Who might peer review your article to support/refuse the findings?
Read the evidence presented to you and then evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of recycling. future.com/advantages-and-disadvantages- of-recycling.php future.com/advantages-and-disadvantages- of-recycling.php You MUST consider the risks involved to all and present a final conclusion from the evidence.
Think about the interaction between the skeleton and muscles and how to measure the force exerted by different muscles. How can you relate the terms accuracy, precision, reproducibility and repeatability for this work?
1) Development of DNA model 2) Development of the Periodic Table 3) Our Solar System From the methods and theories presented on one of the above developments, how has the thinking and scientific ideas changed over time as new evidence has been found?
Have you experienced setting or marking an ISA yet? Have you got any concerns about doing this? What departmental support is on offer? What are your organisational/management strategies to do this?