Bird migration Newlands school Alte. Brown Pcia. Bs.As. Argentina 2010 5º and 6º form.


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Presentation transcript:

Bird migration Newlands school Alte. Brown Pcia. Bs.As. Argentina º and 6º form

Questions Do you think all the birds we can observe are migratory? Which type of birds can we see every day? Do they change their lifestyles according to climatic conditions? In what aspects can we notice this?

Materials and Methods

Previous Records (May October 2010) Maximum and minimum temperatures Sunlight: sunrise and sunset records Maximum and minimum temperatures

Materials To investigate birds we used: Binoculars Nets Bowls with water Camera Magnifying glass

What did we do with these materials? Binoculars: we used them to see birds a bit closer when they were far away. Nets: they were useful to catch the flying insects that were in the grass. Bowls with water: we used them to trap non- flying insects (the food of some birds). Camera: we used it to take pictures of birds and identify them. Magnifying glass: it was necessary to have a better view of insects caught in the bowls with water.

Which are the methods? We made a photographic safari. A photographic safari is when you take a lot of pictures from the same thing. We entered the page to see some pictures of migratory birds and to upload our pictures. The objective of the activity was to know more about the birds that appear in the area.

Field Trips We went to the field two times. And the second was in October. It was hotter because it was Spring. The first was in July. It was very cold because it was winter.

In the field, we were divided into 12 groups. We had an area of experimentation were we evaluated arthropods and grass. Our Field

Bird records The teachers gave each group a field sheet were we had to write the information we collected when observing birds, like what they eat, what they do. We also had to write what species of birds we could see at that moment and their activities.

Birds Field Sheet Species Fly MoveEatSing Aggresion Pursue

Arthropods records The grass was very tall in the area of investigation because we had to investigate the insects that were on it. We put some recipients full of water and we used nets to catch some insects and observe them trough a microscope. We used magnifying glass to look at the insects more clearly. We found: Woodlice (bug ball), spiders, wasps, larvae and mosquitoes.

Arthropods Field Sheets NumberNameColor Type of movement Amount of legs Amount of antennas

Vegetation records We observed the grass in the area of experimentation to collect information about the fruits, flowers and insects that appeared there because they are the food of the birds. We also observed trees and completed the field sheets with the same information. We collected samples of fruits, seeds, and leaves to investigate them.

Trees Field Sheet NumberNameLeavesSeedsFruitsFlowers


Maximum and minimum temperatures

Sunlight: sunrise and sunset records

In October there was a bigger variety of birds and arthropods than in July.

In October birds were more active because there was more food and because of the early exit of the sun.

There are more insects in July than in October.

In summer the trees were with lots of flowers and leaves but in winter, there were with no flowers or fruits on them.

In October the grass was greener and we could see that there were some flowers on it, there were arthropods too. But in winter it was always wet and with no flowers on it.

During the spring there were more birds and they were more active because there was more food for them: there were more arthropods, flowers and fruits. In winter the birds were more worried about food, probably because there was less to eat. Conclusions