Comp Time and Straight Time Pay/Leave Codes- Holidays FLSA Non-Exempt Codes (overtime eligible) CTS – Holiday Comp Time Accrual. CTS is used when a holiday falls on a FLSA non-exempt employee’s day off. For instance, if an employee’s work schedule is Tuesday thru Saturday then the Monday Memorial Day will show as 8 CTS. CTS accrues leave as hour for hour (1:1). The system default is CTS as this is the most common situation statewide. Non-exempt employees use this code. If the employee was FLSA-Exempt then the pay code would be changed to STS. CTH – Holiday Comp Time & ½ Accrual. CTH is used when a FLSA non-exempt employee works on a holiday. The holiday is still recorded with 8 HO but actual hours worked are coded to CTH. CTH accrues leave at one and one-half (1.5) hour to every one hour worked. If the employee was FLSA-Exempt then the pay code would be STH (or HPI for pay). HP – Holiday Time & ½ Pay. HP is used when a FLSA non-exempt employee works on a holiday and wants pay instead of leave accrual. The holiday is still recorded with 8 HO but actual hours worked are coded to HP. HP pays at one and one-half (1.5) premium for each hour worked. (OT is used for hours above eight (8)). If the employee was FLSA-Exempt then the pay code would be HPI (or STH for leave accrual). August 4, 2015 DAS Supervisor Manager Presentation
Comp Time and Straight Time Pay/Leave Codes- Holidays FLSA-Exempt Codes (not overtime eligible) STS – Holiday Straight Time Accrual. STS is used when a holiday falls on a FLSA-Exempt employee’s day off. For instance, if an employee’s work schedule is Tuesday thru Saturday then the Monday Memorial Day should be coded as 8 STS. STS accrues leave as hour for hour (1:1). The system default is CTS as this is the most common situation. Exempt employees need to change this to STS. If the employee was FLSA non-exempt then the pay code to use would be CTS. STH – Holiday Time & ½ Accrual. STH is used when a FLSA-Exempt employee works on a holiday. The holiday is still recorded with 8 HO but actual hours worked would be coded to STH. STH accrues leave at one and one-half (1.5) hour to every one hour worked. If the employee was FLSA non-exempt then the pay code to use would be CTH (or HP for pay). HPI – Holiday Time & ½ Pay. HPI would be used when a FLSA exempt employee works on a holiday and wants pay instead of leave accrual. The holiday is still recorded with 8 HO but actual hours worked are coded to HPI. HPI pays at one and one-half (1.5) premium for every hour worked. If the employee was FLSA non-exempt then the pay code would be HP for the first eight (8) hours worked. All time worked over eight for FLSA non-exempt would be coded to OT (overtime).
Comp Time and Straight Time Pay/Leave Codes- Holidays FLSA Non ExemptFLSA Exempt Holiday falls on the employee’s Regular Work Day Regular Day Off Doesn’t Work 8 HO Works 8 HO Plus 8 HP or CTH Doesn’t Work 8 CTS Works 8 CTS Plus 8 OT or CTH Holiday falls on the employee’s Regular Work Day Regular Day Off Doesn’t Work 8 HO Works 8 HO Plus 8 HPI or STH Doesn’t Work 8 STS Works 8 STS Plus 8 HPI or STH
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