Make a difference Welcome A Level Biology
Introduction to OCR Introduction to Biology Why change to our specification? Support and training Next steps Contents
About OCR Part of Europe’s largest assessment agency, Cambridge Assessment UK’s leading awarding body Over 13,000 centres choose our qualifications Qualifications are developed in consultation with teachers
Our Mission Our commitment is to provide qualifications which engage learners of all ages whether at school, college, in work and part time training programmes so they achieve their full potential make a difference PracticalAccessibleInnovative and exciting
Our Credentials Leading the way with new ideas Dedicated to offering respected qualifications Engaging and relevant qualifications Comprehensive support framework
A Level Biology
Biology Credentials Popularity of specification continues to grow Designed for teachers by teachers
Key points of the specifications Evolutionary rather than revolutionary changes Contemporary topics retained New content added Modern, interesting and relevant topics Revised core content Task based assessment Flexible approach to teaching
Biology | AS Structure F213 Practical Skills in Biology Controlled internal assessment of practical skills Teaching units and Assessment method and weighting F211 Cells, Exchanges and Transport Cells Exchange and transport F212 Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health Biology Molecules Food and health Biodiversity and Evolution
Biology | A2 Structure F216 Practical Skills in Biology 2 Controlled internal assessment of practical skills Teaching units and Assessment method and weighting F214 Communications, Homeostasis and Energy Communications and Homeostasis Excretion Photosynthesis Respiration F215 Control, Genomes and Environment Cellular Control Biotechnology Ecosystems and sustainability Responding to the Environment
Stretch and Challenge Stretch and Challenge is a new QCA initiative for A Levels: Included in A2 assessment Reflected in the style of question asked which invite a greater variety of thinking Questions are structured to show more connections between different sections of the specification Extended writing is encouraged in all subjects (except Maths0 A wider range of question types – like case studies and open ended questions More synoptic assessments – exploring connections between different areas and levels of a subject
A Level Human Biology
Human Biology Credentials Distinct from A Level Biology It offers an interesting and relevant path for students who want to focus on biological science, more specifically on the human animal Route into higher and further education for those specialising in caring professions Developed by teachers for teachers
Key points of the specifications Extended investigation has been retained in A2 All content refers direct to the human body
Human Biology | AS Structure F223 Practical Skills in Human Biology Internal assessment of practical skills Teaching units and Assessment method and weighting F221 Molecules, Blood and Gas Exchange Molecules and blood Circulatory and Gas Exchange systems F222 Growth, Development and Disease The Developing cell The Developing Individual Infectious Disease Non-infectious Disease
Human Biology | A2 Structure F226 Extended Investigation in Human Biology Internal assessment of practical skills Teaching units and Assessment method and weighting F224 Energy, Reproduction and Populations Energy and Respiration Human Reproduction and Populations F225 Genetics, Control and Ageing The genome The Nervous System Homeostasis ‘The Third Age’
What’s in it for you? Easy to administer Rewarding to deliver Flexibility in teaching topics to meet your needs Appeals to less experienced teachers as well as those looking into broadening their repertoire
What’s in it for your learners? Enjoyable and motivational Improving performance through skill based subject Stretch and challenge opportunities Clear, explicit and accessible question papers Build on GCSE knowledge
What’s in it for your school? The most popular A Level science course Flexibility in curriculum planning Good progression routes into HE/FE and from GCSE
Support Overarching scheme of work and sample lesson plans E-community Exemplar candidate work Coursework guidance documents Past papers on line for you to download Exam quest INSET
Publishers We are working with publisher partner Heinemann to provide further resources to support these specifications. The student books and teacher resources are specifically tailored to the new specification.
Next steps Book training/events - Bookmark website for further information/future updates –
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