3.1.1 Pathogens and Disease L.O: to define a pathogen and list examples to explain how a pathogen can be transmitted
AQA AS Level Biology BIOL1: Biology and Disease 33.33% AS Weds 9 th Jan am /60 marks, 100 UMS marks 5-7 short answer q’s, 2 longer q’s, a short comprehension and a short structured essay. 75mins in January BIOL2: The Variety of Living Organisms 46.67% AS /85 marks, 140 UMS 7-9 short answer q’s, plus 2 longer q’s 105mins in June BIOL3: ISA 20% of AS Practical skills /6 Exam /44
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Pathogens and disease An infectious disease is a disease resulting from infection of a host organism by a pathogen, a disease-causing organism.