Landforms and waterforms of Europe Grade 6 Class project
Last week we were taught how to do a booklet We will do our research here in Technology class Please keep record of all the sites you went to for citation purposes. Instructions from you teacher were given in class I will step you through the booklet. NO CUT AND PASTE
Cover Page of our Book “Landforms and Waterforms of Europe” Name Bottom Right Teacher’s name Bottom Right Social studies Bottom Right Date due Bottom Right Picture of a map of landforms in Europe smaller pictures around it let’s hit the internet use images and use save as to save to a file and then insert to our cover Go to google type in “Landforms and Waterforms of Europe” hit enter then select images Right click - copy
Landforms/Waterforms to search Mountains : Alps,Apennines, Balkans,Carathians,Pyrenees, Urals Peninsulas: Balkan, Denmark, Iberian, Peloponnesian, Scandinavian Waterforms: Bay of Biscay, English Channel,Strait of Gibraltar
What needs to be checked on the computer Spelling Grammar Punctuation How is your creativity font colored, styles, headings, word art,
What do we need on each page Title Picture 5-6 sentences (where it is found, interesting facts, climate…..) Cite the information
Signon to the network with your password Open the network file saved last week xxxlandforms And off we go…………………….