Podcasting ASA Dianna Pratt Podcast Aficionado
The Sessions Session 1 – 4/19: An Introduction to Audio Podcasting & Searching, Subscribing and Listening to podcast. Participants will go through an introduction to Podcasting and how it works. They will then learn to search for and find podcast, and subscribe. Session 2 – 4/26: Creating and recording a Podcast with Audacity – This session is for participants to learn Audacity Software to make recordings. They will then create a podcast using a storyboard. Session 3 – 5/3: Creating and recording a Podcast. Making a podcast image. Session 4 – 5/17: Publishing a Podcast - Creating an RSS Feed and use a Feeder to Create RSS Feeds.
Session 1 Location of Information What is a podcast? Examples How does it work? What do you need to make it work? iTunes Looking for and listening to podcasts Thinking about an idea for your podcast – Beginnings of a script
What is a Podcast? A podcast is a media file (audio or video) that is produced and made available on the internet to all through a subscription (paid or unpaid).
Types of Podcast News – BBC Radio Radio Talk Shows - NPR Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me, ESPN Learning- Photoshop, Languages, Grammar Girls Entertainment – Comedy, Movies and Shows Education – Student Projects - Booktalks, ProfCast, Guest Speakers, Homework Assignments Video Podcast
How does it Work Podcaster Records program Program is converted to an MP3 file File uploaded to the Internet and an RSS Feed is created Listener’s Aggregator finds the MP3 file and downloads the file Audio file is automatically inserted into the listener’s media player for listening
How does it Work Podcaster Records program Program is converted to an MP3 file File uploaded to the Internet and an RSS Feed is created Listener’s Aggregator finds the MP3 file and downloads the file Audio file is automatically inserted into the listener’s media player for listening
Searching for Podcast Overview of iTunes iTunes Store – Podcast Directory The Subscribe Button Other Podcast Directories
Subscribing to a Podcast Find the Feed or Subscribe button A URL address that has the word Feed in the URL or.xml extension at the end – Ex. or Copy the Address Go to iTunes and go to Advanced Menu and choose Subscribe to Podcast – Past the Feed URL into the window.
Scripting a Podcast Decide what your podcast will be about. Write a script. Decide about music to enhance your podast.