Energy Paideia
Which of the following are efficient sources of energy? Why or why not?
How many types of energy can you think of? a6PgMAA a6PgMAA
Paideia essential questions : What are the important facts about different types of energy? What types of energy are the most efficient?
Model: Nuclear Power Important statements from the text: 1. Nuclear power uses fission to produce energy. (I chose this as most people do not know how nuclear power is produced). 2. 6% of the worlds energy is produced using nuclear power. (I chose this because it shows the impact nuclear power has on the world) ge=nuclear_home-basics ge=nuclear_home-basics
Summary sentences… “Nuclear reactors are large machines that contain and control nuclear reactions, while releasing heat at a controlled rate. A nuclear power plant uses heat supplied by the nuclear reactor to turn water into steam, which drives the turbine generators that generate electricity.” EIA Energy Kids- Uranium Nuclear reactors are used in nuclear power plants to generate steam which is used to produce electricity. (trade and revise) Make sure to identify key vocabulary.
Goals To understand about several different types of energy. To understand how different types are produced and used. To understand which types are the most efficient.
Choose one of the articles from your packet… Read it quickly and silently. As you read… 1. Fill out your graphic organizer with statements that you feel are important. 2. After each statement, write why you choose that particular statement. (Why is it important). 3. Include important vocabulary or key terms.
While re-reading the articles for meaning …. Take your index card: 1. Compose 2 summary sentences that “summarize” the article.
Find a different group (different topic)… Trade index cards Read the index card that you now have. On the opposite side write: Revision Revise that summary statement When completed, switch back.
Rules for Paideia I will ask questions in a round robin style. Only give constructive advise. Do not make fun of anyone’s answers or opinions. Focus on the activity. You will need to reflect on the information at a later time. Do not give the names of the person’s card that you are reading.