Superheroes & the Cold War
What is a Superhero? su·per·hero noun: a fictional character who has amazing powers (such as the ability to fly) : a very heroic person
Role of the Superhero in Society Represent the American Ideal a.Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness b.Hard-working c.Always striving for more d.Sense of Justice e.Capitalism f.Consumerism g.Anti-Communist Serve as a Role Model for Americans
Superheroes of the Cold War Reflected society’s fears about the Cold War 1.Worried about technology taking over 2.Worried about effects of nuclear power/bombs Reflected society’s moral/family values 1.The nuclear family (mom, dad, and 2 kids) 2.Do what is right 3.Work hard
The Incredible Hulk The Hulk represents a strong male presence Bruce Banner serves as a warning about science & technology Warns about what could happen if people are exposed to radiation (nuclear war) Can we trust people that build weapons as destructive as a nuclear bomb?
The Fantastic Four The team of 4 represents the nuclear family of 4 The family represents security from the fears of the Cold War Reed (the dad) represents what “good scientist” can do Work to help society
Iron Man Tony Stark represents the strong man (alpha male) Stark originally built Iron Man in Vietnam Dedicated to help protect US against “communist menace” Uses science & technology for good Self-made man (represents hard work and independence) Demonstrates military industrial complex and its role in wars Makes science look cool
Spider Man Represents “birth” of teenage culture Shows power of radiation and role of science & technology in society Represents the everyday person
Flash Gordon Reflects “space age” Made in West Germany as a collaboration between West German, French, and American producers Flash fights “communism” (evil) but in a space setting Kremlin in Russia
X-Men Shows power of science & technology Helps to fight communism and stop nuclear war X-Men: First Class references the real Cuban Missile Crisis
Your Job Create your own comic You may use a superhero that already exists or create your own Your hero must be involved in at least 5 important Cold War events You must include at least 3 historical facts per event Your comic must include drawings of your hero and facts about the Cold War
Videos Origin of the Incredible Hulk (cartoon) Origin of Spiderman (cartoon) Origin of Fantastic Four (history) Origin of Iron Man (history)