Body Image, Eating Disorders, and FAD diets
What is Body Image? Body Image is how you see and feel about your appearance AND how comfortable you are with your body
What defines Body Image? CULTURE and SOCIETY! WE ALLOW models and movie stars to set an unrealistic standard for attractiveness and acceptability. WHY???? GET THIS: Models represent less than 1 percent of the population AND are heavily photoshopped!
Having a HEALTHY body image What does it mean to have a healthy body image? You listen to what your body tells you- eat when you need to, stop when you’re full Appreciate and care for your body Realistic expectations about your size based on your family’s genes Realize your weight and body shape can change frequently and rapidly in teens
Unhealthy Role Models
Healthy Body Image Role Models
Eating Disorders Eating disorders are conditions that involve UNHEALTHY concern about body weight and shape Leads to controlling weight in unhealthy means. THOUSANDS of people die each year from complications related to eating disorders
Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia Nervosa is Self-starvation Leads to a distorted body image (thinking one is overweight when underweight) Someone with anorexia may consume only a few hundred calories PER DAY An anorexic’s body may begin feeding on ITSELF as a source for energy
Anorexia can lead to: Intense fear of weight gain Loss of menstrual cycle Hair loss on head Depression and anxiety Low bone density Organ failure Heart failure DEATH
Bulimia Nervosa Involves frequent episodes of binge eating and purging Bingeing involves consuming large quantities of food at one time Purging means ridding the body of food through vomiting or laxatives, fasting, or over exercising
Bulimia can lead to Unhealthy weight loss Blood shot eyes Sore throat Decay on tooth enamel and dental problems Irregular menstrual periods Depression and mood swings Hair loss Severe dehydration
Binge Eating Involves frequent binge eating but no purging Accompanied by feelings of guilt, shame, and loss of control after binge session A THIRD of people with weight problems suffer from binge eating disorders Most binge eaters are overweight or obese!
DON’T… Look to “Fad” diets! A Fad Diet is a diet that requires major changes in your eating habits and promises quick results Examples: Low Carbohydrate Diet, Puleo Diet, Detox Diet, anything with the word DIET in it! Fad Diets or programs do NOT help with long term weight results! Remember: FAD diets are BAD diets!
What’s the best advice? The best way to manage weight: Eat a balanced diet that includes food from ALL food groups As a teen, stay under 2,500 calories As you get older, stay under 2,000 Get plenty of EXERCISE and SLEEP LOVE YOURSELF! You are beautiful BECAUSE no one else looks like you!