Direct aerosol radiative forcing based on combined A-Train observations – challenges in deriving all-sky estimates Jens Redemann, Y. Shinozuka, M.Kacenelenbogen, M. Vaughan, R. Ferrare, C. Hostetler, R. Rogers, P. Russell, J. Livingston, O. Torres, L. Remer NASA Ames – BAERI – NASA Langley – SSAI – SRI – NASA Goddard – UMBC
Goals and Motivation MODIS OMI CALIOP Goal: To use A-Train aerosol obs to constrain aerosol radiative properties to calculate observationally- based F aerosol (z) and its uncertainty Goals & Motivation Approach Technical details Input & Spatial sampling Representativeness of input Sample retrieval Results AOD & ssa comparisons to AERONET AOD and ssa distribution Maps of TOA and surface DARF Comparisons of DARF to previous results Conclusions
Target: F aerosol (z) + F aerosol (z) Constraints/Input: - MODIS AOD (550, 1240 nm) + - OMI AAOD (388 nm) + - CALIPSO ext (532, 1064 nm) + ext - CALIPSO back (532 nm) Mm -1 sr -1 Retrieval: ext (, z) + ext ssa (, z) + ssa g (, z) + g Aerosol models: 7 fine and 3 coarse mode models and refractive indices for bi-modal log-normal size distribution → 100 combinations Free parameters: N fine, N coarse Rtx code Comparison: CERES F clear Airborne F clear Comparison: AERONET AOD, ssa, g Airborne test bed data Approach Goals & Motivation Approach Technical details Input & Spatial sampling Representativeness of input Sample retrieval Results AOD & ssa comparisons to AERONET AOD and ssa distribution Maps of TOA and surface DARF Comparisons of DARF to previous results Conclusions
Input &Spatial Sampling Constraints/Input: - MODIS AOD (7/2 ) + AOD - OMI AAOD (388 nm) + AAOD - CALIPSO ext (532, 1064 nm) + ext - CALIPSO back (532, 1064 nm) + back Goals & Motivation Approach Technical details Input & Spatial sampling Representativeness of input Sample retrieval Results AOD & ssa comparisons to AERONET AOD and ssa distribution Maps of TOA and surface DARF Comparisons of DARF to previous results Conclusions
OMAERUV (Torres group)OMAERO (KNMI group) AOD 388nm ssa 388nm Representativeness of input - 1 Goals & Motivation Approach Technical details Input & Spatial sampling Representativeness of input Sample retrieval Results AOD & ssa comparisons to AERONET AOD and ssa distribution Maps of TOA and surface DARF Comparisons of DARF to previous results Conclusions
Representativeness of input - 2 OMAERO data collocated with MODIS and CALIOP is a reasonable representation of global OMAERO over ocean OMAERUV data collocated with MODIS and CALIOP is a poor representation of global OMAERUV over ocean Goals & Motivation Approach Technical details Input & Spatial sampling Representativeness of input Sample retrieval Results AOD & ssa comparisons to AERONET AOD and ssa distribution Maps of TOA and surface DARF Comparisons of DARF to previous results Conclusions
Goals & Motivation Approach Technical details Input & Spatial sampling Representativeness of input Sample retrieval Results AOD & ssa comparisons to AERONET AOD and ssa distribution Maps of TOA and surface DARF Comparisons of DARF to previous results Conclusions Metric: Simple weighted cost function : retrieved : observables : unc. in obs. : weighting factors
AOD & ssa comparisons to AERONET - Ocean ssa 441nm Positive bias in input ssa data is removed in MOC retrieval AOD 500nm Goals & Motivation Approach Technical details Input & Spatial sampling Representativeness of input Sample retrieval Results AOD & ssa comparisons to AERONET AOD and ssa distribution Maps of TOA and surface DARF Comparisons of DARF to previous results Conclusions
ssa 550nm AOD 550nm AOD and ssa distribution Goals & Motivation Approach Technical details Input & Spatial sampling Representativeness of input Sample retrieval Results AOD & ssa comparisons to AERONET AOD and ssa distribution Maps of TOA and surface DARF Comparisons of DARF to previous results Conclusions
AOD and ssa distribution ssa 400nm 550nm 2200nm AOD 400nm 550nm 2200nm Goals & Motivation Approach Technical details Input & Spatial sampling Representativeness of input Sample retrieval Results AOD & ssa comparisons to AERONET AOD and ssa distribution Maps of TOA and surface DARF Comparisons of DARF to previous results Conclusions
MODIS snow-free, gap-filled albedo parameters (8-day res.) Black-sky albedo (0.3-5 m) at solar noon, Day 185, 2007 Goals & Motivation Approach Technical details Input & Spatial sampling Representativeness of input Sample retrieval Results AOD & ssa comparisons to AERONET AOD and ssa distribution Maps of TOA and surface DARF Comparisons of DARF to previous results Conclusions
Maps of TOA and surface clear sky F aerosol TOA Surface Goals & Motivation Approach Technical details Input & Spatial sampling Representativeness of input Sample retrieval Results AOD & ssa comparisons to AERONET AOD and ssa distribution Maps of TOA and surface DARF Comparisons of DARF to previous results Conclusions
Comparisons of F aerosol to previous results Seasonal clear-sky F aerosol results at TOA and SFC from models and observations [W/m 2 ] after CCSP, adapted from Yu et al Goals & Motivation Approach Technical details Input & Spatial sampling Representativeness of input Sample retrieval Results AOD & ssa comparisons to AERONET AOD and ssa distribution Maps of TOA and surface DARF Comparisons of DARF to previous results Conclusions
[Kacenelenbogen et al., in prep.] CALIOP Aerosol Above Cloud observations CALIOP AAC AOD HSRL AAC AOD day and night RMSE: 0.07 Bias: 3.68 x Lack of correlation CALIOP – HSRL AAC AOD and ~68% of points outside the ±40% envelope CALIOP, October 2007 CALIOP detects AAC in ~23% of the cases where the HSRL detects AAC CALIOP underestimation of AAC mostly due to tenuous aerosol layers under the CALIOP detection threshold R 2 =0.27 N=151 HSRL AAC CALIOP AAC 86 flights
Conclusions This data set: – –Provides a PURELY observational estimate of clear-sky F aerosol (z) that compares favorably with previous observationally-based estimates and better with model based estimates at TOA – –Is based on stringently quality-screened, instantaneously collocated level 2 MODIS AOD (7/2 ), OMI AAOD at 388nm, and CALIOP aerosol backscatter at 532nm – –Is based on aerosol models that are consistent with suborbital obs – –Uses OMAERUV over land and OMAERO over ocean (because of representativeness of their subsampling) – –Contains 12 months (2007) of aerosol extinction, ssa and g as f(t, lat, long,, z) – –Agrees better with AERONET in terms of ssa(441nm) than input OMI+MODIS data – –Uses CALIOP layer heights to constrain OMAERUV AAOD – –Provides uncertainty estimates based on range of aerosol models that are consistent with observation within their uncertainties Future work: – –Utilize MODIS DB and/or MAIAC data – –Cover all of the available collocated MODIS, OMI, CALIOP data (June 2006-Dec. 2008) – –All-sky F aerosol by running retrievals with limited input Goals & Motivation Approach Technical details Input & Spatial sampling Representativeness of input Sample retrieval Results AOD & ssa comparisons to AERONET AOD and ssa distribution Maps of TOA and surface DARF Comparisons of DARF to previous results Conclusions
Aerosol models: Based on field observations, optimized to span observed range of ssa vs. EAE and lidar ratio vs. EAE Goals & Motivation Approach Technical details Input & Spatial sampling Aerosol models Metric Sample retrieval Representativeness of input Results AOD & ssa comparisons to AERONET AOD and ssa distribution Maps of TOA and surface DARF Comparisons of DARF to previous results Conclusions
Minimize X and select top 3% solutions with : retrieved parameters : observables : uncertainties in obs. : weighting factors Metric: Simple weighted cost function x i = AOD 550nm (±0.03±5%) AOD 1240 nm (±0.03±5%) - MODIS AAOD 388 nm ±( %) - OMI 532 ±(0.1Mm -1 sr %), - CALIOP Goals & Motivation Approach Technical details Input & Spatial sampling Aerosol models Metric Sample retrieval Representativeness of input Results AOD & ssa comparisons to AERONET AOD and ssa distribution Maps of TOA and surface DARF Comparisons of DARF to previous results Conclusions
Sample retrieval Goals & Motivation Approach Technical details Input & Spatial sampling Aerosol models Metric Sample retrieval Representativeness of input Results AOD & ssa comparisons to AERONET AOD and ssa distribution Maps of TOA and surface DARF Comparisons of DARF to previous results Conclusions
Goals & Motivation Approach Technical details Input & Spatial sampling Aerosol models Metric Sample retrieval Representativeness of input Results AOD & ssa comparisons to AERONET AOD and ssa distribution Maps of TOA and surface DARF Comparisons of DARF to previous results Conclusions AOD & ssa comparisons to AERONET – Land (Dark Target) Positive bias in input ssa data is removed in MOC retrieval ssa 441nm AOD 500nm