Types of Early Childhood Programs
Discuss: What are the different types of Early Childhood programs available? What are advantages and disadvantages of having different types of programs available to parents.
Family Childcare Homes: Child care is provided in a private home. Small number of children. Often located in the child’s neighbourhood. Supposed to be licensed. Popular with infants and toddlers. Why might parents prefer family child care? What possible problems may occur with family child care?
Child Care Centers A facility that offers full-day children’s programs. Most popular type of care and education. Care is designed to meet the child’s basic nutrition, health and safety needs. Curriculum emphasizes the whole child including their social, emotional, cognitive, and physical needs. Most centers open early and stay open late. What is your idea of an ideal child care center?
Montessori Schools Developed by Maria Montessori in the early 1900s. The Montessori theory states that children learn best by being active. Montessori schools believe in self-education. The primary goal is for children to “learn how to learn.” Children must learn to care for themselves. Teachers provide little help. How do you feel about the Montessori approach? Do you feel it is better than, worse than, or equal to other preschool programs?
Head Start A preschool and family support program. May be center based (Moncton) or home based. Provides a number of medical and social services to promote child development. Staff encourage self-confidence, curiosity, and self-discipline. Provide at least one healthy snack and one hot meal a day. This program serves food that reflect the child’s ethnic and cultural preferences. Children are given a total health plan. Why is it important to involve parents in the Head Start program?
Kindergarten Kindergartens in New Brunswick are a part of our public school system. The goals of kindergarten are: Respect for the contributions, property, and rights of other children Development of positive feelings about school Development of a positive self-concept Growth in language, social, and physical, and creative skills Achievement of problem-solving and cognitive skills Development of independence, shown by working alone on a task or developing self-help skills Development of interpersonal skills Appreciation of objects of beauty
School-Age Child Care Provide care for children before and/or after school. Often sponsored by schools, houses of worship, or child care centers. Children from 5 to 10 years most often attend. Children are provided with help with homework, play games, and take part in other activities.
Parent Cooperatives Formed and run by parents who wish to take part in their children’s preschool experience. Parents prepare budgets, hire teachers, set program policies and goals, and assist in the classroom. They provided developmental experiences for adults as well as children. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of teaching in a parent cooperative?
Laboratory Schools These are university or college affiliated programs and are usually located on campuses. The primary purpose is to support practical experience for future teachers and to serve as a study group for research. Most of these schools have a highly qualified staff, a well- planned curriculum, up-to-date facilities, and excellent equipment. What do you think are the possible benefits and disadvantages of laboratory schools?