Table reports Working with multi-modal travel planners Copenhagen October, 2008
1. Organising and financing services 1 a) What is the role of the public sector? – Liv Nordby presented her Thesis which highlights the importance of defining Public Sector responsibilities – Various EU Directives were discussed (PSI and others) – The role of the public sector differs a lot between the countries
1 a) What is the role of the public sector? – The directives from the National governments often differs from the EU-directives – The public sector often has the task to deliver some information to all citizens for free espacialy of reliable information with safety impact – The take-up of ITS services has been very slow from private Service Providers – Most private services are not running without public funding because people are not willing to pay anything or up to 20 Eurocent only – Public sector cannot wait for the market – The funding of public authorities is reduced when authorities earn money on services
1 a) What is the role of the public sector? – Public sector must take care of the whole transportation system – Public sector has clear responsibilities for traffic safety, info to all citizens, info to people with special needs – Public sector has a role to push the development in the right direction – The possibilities to regulate the obligations to deliver info to travel planners varies
1 a) What is the role of the public sector? – Travel planners are expensive to develop and to operate – Difficult to finance due to difficulties to visualise the business cases – Analysis of cost-benefit ratio is complicated to be defined for route planning and especially multimodal route planning: How many lives or minutes in congestian are saved? For the effects to the society and the environment it maybe not too complicated but for the individual person? Some analysis in Europe may be useful – PT operators create their own regional journey planners – PT operators try to keep the customer during the whole process
1 b) What are best practices for organising a multi-modal travel planner ? NO - MultiRit DK - Rejseplanen SE - Samtrafiken ResPlus DE - BayernInfo FI - Destia Google Hela Resan
1b) What are best practices for organising a multi-modal travel planner ? Great involvement from public sector Public sector as an integrating actor for the different one-modal services Private initiatives slowly starting often using certain channels Initiatives visualizing a clear business concept seem to be successful Crucial with involvement of all actors from the beginning
1c) How to Finance the development, the launch and the operation? providers (both public and private) of one-modal route planners refuse to take over responsibility or funding of multimodal route planners Due to political reasons (eg. environment, climate change, optimal use of infrastructure) the state has an interest & responsibility for multimodal route planning initial funding from the state for eg defining and developing the user interfaces, architecture of the overall data bases, the integration platform of data bases, search algorythms and for the establishment of a organisational framework is needed the operation and maintenance of the service can be done by a private actor(s) with a long-term contract
2. Data collection and quality management Difficulties to use one network description for all modes of transport networks (e.g. Bicycle networks) Difficult to find responsible actors for bicycle networks Compatibility issues concerning geo-referencing Map standards for digital road maps important Google maps could be used as common geo-referencing The INTREST-platform of Bayerninfo “reminds” all changes done by the administration when a new version of the NAVTEQ-map is delivered
2. Data collection and quality management Quality is the big issue – quality management should be introduced Continuously updated information is a big challenge (both for static and dynamic) Responsibilities for delivering and updating have to be agreed and accepted successful philosophy: Every partner is responsible for its own data and not the data integrating actor Better to show nothing than poor-quality or the reliability of the data should be shown to the users Look for the effects to improve data in comparison with the money needed
2. Data collection and quality management Changes of PT-stops are a problem due to roadworks Problems in traffic forecast for roads with a small amount of cars Forecasts for trains and trams are difficult because delays are caused by events.
3a. Environment and evaluation- efficiency of services e.g. CO 2 Do the traveller want this? We will provide it anyway – wanting to alert the traveller Environmental impact in detail? No, but a proposal is the smileys, and click to get details dependant on type of car, no. of persons in car etc. Price is a very important parameter, and price including external costs would be good
3a. Environment and evaluation- efficiency of services e.g. CO 2 Big issue in all administration but how to calculate? With average figures or specific figures depending on the amount of traffic load in the peak/non peak hours? Show how you calculate or the user can calculate himself (how many people for the trip in his car? What is the CO 2 emission of his car?) The usage of cars in environmental zones is an important issue and should be used for travel planners too. Show the level of pollution for car trips in these areas.
3. Environment and evaluation Environmental impacts are complicated How to measure modal shifts and other changes in travel patterns?
3c. Environment and evaluation- what kind of evaluations exist? Many surveys in the Nordic countries Norway result: The more information (and the better/reliable) => the more journeys Rejseplanen: Survey also on behavioural habits. E.g. did you take the journey? Do you have possibility to take a car? Central conclusion: Users are very willing to change behaviour (time, route and change of public modes)
3. Environment and evaluation Request to all: Let us exchange important evaluation results Please send interesting results to SACC/A1 group within EasyWay VIKING Let´s continue this kind of information exchange in work shops like this
4.Multi-modality Users expect multi modal travel planning services Competition between modes and between PT operators How can we obtain realistic travel time for all modes? How to deal with dynamic info concerning incidents, delays and risks? Business travellers sometimes have to adhere to company policies Information on bike restrictions in trains important
4.Multi-modality Real-time road information from the (bigger) cities is essential for multimodal route planners. But: The route planners have to follow the “attributes” of the roads given by the city. Neutral comparison of travel times: As in other route planners in Bayerninfo no data is available for the time needed to find a parking lot. Next year parking garages will be included in Bayerninfo with additional information of distance / travel time from the parking house to the destination by foot or with PT