Introducing HealthStats Eleanor Howell, MS Manager, Data Dissemination Unit State Center for Health Statistics February 2, 2012
SCHS Provides: A source of information for monitoring the health condition of North Carolinians A source of information for monitoring the health condition of North Carolinians A source for copies of birth and death certificates A source for copies of birth and death certificates Analyses of important health issues, such as birth defects and infant mortality Analyses of important health issues, such as birth defects and infant mortality A central collection site for information about cancer, birth defects, births, deaths, marriages and divorces A central collection site for information about cancer, birth defects, births, deaths, marriages and divorces
SCHS Provides: Accurate and timely information for use in setting health policy, planning prevention programs, directing resources, and evaluating the effect of health programs and services Accurate and timely information for use in setting health policy, planning prevention programs, directing resources, and evaluating the effect of health programs and services A safe and secure environment for its confidential records A safe and secure environment for its confidential records
SCHS Responsibilities Collecting data Collecting data Producing reports Producing reports Researching health issues Researching health issues Maintaining a comprehensive collection of health statistics Maintaining a comprehensive collection of health statistics
History of SCHS Created as the North Carolina Bureau of Vital Statistics by the State Legislature in 1913 Created as the North Carolina Bureau of Vital Statistics by the State Legislature in 1913 The Bureau evolved by 1980 into the State Center for Health Statistics The Bureau evolved by 1980 into the State Center for Health Statistics Part of the Division of Public Health, NC Dept. of Health & Human Services Part of the Division of Public Health, NC Dept. of Health & Human Services
SCHS Units and Programs Birth Defects Monitoring Program Birth Defects Monitoring Program Central Cancer Registry Central Cancer Registry Data Dissemination Data Dissemination Health and Spatial Analysis Health and Spatial Analysis Operations Operations Statistical Services, including Survey Operations, Vital Statistics & Health Services Analysis Statistical Services, including Survey Operations, Vital Statistics & Health Services Analysis Vital Records Vital Records
Birth Defects Monitoring Program (BDMP) Has collected information about serious birth defects since 1987 Has collected information about serious birth defects since 1987 Data are collected by field staff who review and abstract medical records Data are collected by field staff who review and abstract medical records Combined with other information from administrative health databases such as hospital discharge records, birth certificates and newborn screening records Combined with other information from administrative health databases such as hospital discharge records, birth certificates and newborn screening records
Central Cancer Registry (CCR) Cancer was made a reportable disease in NC by the legislature in 1947 Cancer was made a reportable disease in NC by the legislature in 1947 CCR established in 1986 CCR established in 1986 Collects, processes and analyzes data on all cancer cases diagnosed among North Carolina residents Collects, processes and analyzes data on all cancer cases diagnosed among North Carolina residents Primary data source is the hospitals of the state Primary data source is the hospitals of the state Additional sources include physicians, death certificates and laboratory reports Additional sources include physicians, death certificates and laboratory reports
Health and Spatial Analysis Uses Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and other software to describe and analyze the spatial and temporal relationships that exist among diseases, mortality, births, environments and population characteristics within a public health context Uses Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and other software to describe and analyze the spatial and temporal relationships that exist among diseases, mortality, births, environments and population characteristics within a public health context
Health Services Analysis Primary data sources are administrative health databases Primary data sources are administrative health databases –Hospital Discharge –Medicaid DRIVE –HSIS/HIS –WIC
Survey Operations Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) Child Health Assessment and Monitoring Program (CHAMP) Child Health Assessment and Monitoring Program (CHAMP)
Vital Records Legally registers all births, deaths, fetal deaths, marriages, and divorces which occur in North Carolina Legally registers all births, deaths, fetal deaths, marriages, and divorces which occur in North Carolina Codes events for statistical purposes Codes events for statistical purposes Maintains these records Maintains these records Provides certified or uncertified copies to individuals, researchers, and public health programs Provides certified or uncertified copies to individuals, researchers, and public health programs
Vital Statistics Produces the annual vital statistics files for data analysis and reporting Produces the annual vital statistics files for data analysis and reporting Provides data for the national Vital Statistics Cooperative Program Provides data for the national Vital Statistics Cooperative Program Works with Vital Records on data quality improvement efforts Works with Vital Records on data quality improvement efforts
HealthStats Overview
NC-CATCH North Carolina Comprehensive Assessment for Tracking Community Health (NC-CATCH) North Carolina Comprehensive Assessment for Tracking Community Health (NC-CATCH) –Indicator Fact Sheets –Query System Required Internet Explorer Required Internet Explorer Required user accounts for query system Required user accounts for query system
IBIS-PH Multi-state initiative Multi-state initiative Active Community of Practice Active Community of Practice Indicator Reports Indicator Reports Query System Query System Integration with ArcServer Integration with ArcServer Open source and browser independent Open source and browser independent
HealthStats Phase I (current): Indicator Reports Phase I (current): Indicator Reports Phase II (later in 2012): Query System Phase II (later in 2012): Query System Phase III (2013): Mapping Phase III (2013): Mapping
Overview of HealthStats
Indicator Reports Examples Mortality: Colorectal Cancer Death ndicator/view/ColorectalCanDth.HNC2 020.html Mortality: Colorectal Cancer Death ndicator/view/ColorectalCanDth.HNC2 020.html ndicator/view/ColorectalCanDth.HNC2 020.html ndicator/view/ColorectalCanDth.HNC2 020.html Behavioral: Current Smokers ndicator/view/TobaccoSmokeAdult.HN C2020.html Behavioral: Current Smokers ndicator/view/TobaccoSmokeAdult.HN C2020.html ndicator/view/TobaccoSmokeAdult.HN C2020.html ndicator/view/TobaccoSmokeAdult.HN C2020.html
Indicator Reports Examples (cont.) NC Specific: Medicaid-Enrolled Children Receiving Dental Services ndicator/view/MdcdChildDentalSvc.HN C2020.html NC Specific: Medicaid-Enrolled Children Receiving Dental Services ndicator/view/MdcdChildDentalSvc.HN C2020.html ndicator/view/MdcdChildDentalSvc.HN C2020.html ndicator/view/MdcdChildDentalSvc.HN C2020.html State only: Reported Illicit Drug Use State only: Reported Illicit Drug Use ndicator/view/IllicitDrugUse.HNC2020. html ndicator/view/IllicitDrugUse.HNC2020. html ndicator/view/IllicitDrugUse.HNC2020. html ndicator/view/IllicitDrugUse.HNC2020. html
Preview of Query System New Mexico Indicator-Based Information System (NM-IBIS) New Mexico Indicator-Based Information System (NM-IBIS) Utah’s IBIS-PH Utah’s IBIS-PH New Jersey State Health Assessment Data (NHSHAD) shad/home New Jersey State Health Assessment Data (NHSHAD) shad/home shad/home shad/home
Data available from SCHS
Data Available from SCHS Births Births –Publications from 1913 –Computerized since 1956 –Public Use File available since 1968 –North Carolina Occurrence Births and Out-of-State North Carolina Residents
Data Available from SCHS Births (cont.) Births (cont.) –Demographic information about the Mother and Father –Birth Weight of Baby –Prenatal Care Information –Weeks of Gestation –Medical information related to the pregnancy and birth
Data Available from SCHS Deaths Deaths –Publications from 1913 –Computerized since 1956 –Public Use File available since 1968 –North Carolina Occurrence Deaths and Out-of-State North Carolina Residents
Data Available from SCHS Deaths (cont.) Deaths (cont.) –Demographic information –Underlying Cause of Death –Other mentioned causes of death
Data Available from SCHS Fetal Deaths Fetal Deaths –Publications from 1913 –Computerized since 1956 –Public Use File available since 1968 –North Carolina Occurrence Deaths and Out-of-State North Carolina Residents
Data Available from SCHS Fetal Deaths (cont.) Fetal Deaths (cont.) –Birth Certificate Information –Cause of Fetal Death
Data Available from SCHS Pregnancy Data Pregnancy Data –Births, Fetal Deaths, Abortions –Maternal attitudes and experiences prior to, during, and immediately after pregnancy from PRAMS Birth Defects Birth Defects –Collected from existing records such as birth certificates –Data abstracted from hospitals
Data Available from SCHS Cancer Data Cancer Data –Incidence data collected on all cancers diagnosed –Additional data from death certificates Communicable Disease Communicable Disease –Collected by the General Communicable Disease Control Branch
Data Available from SCHS BRFSS BRFSS –North Carolina has participated in the BRFSS since 1987 –A random telephone survey of state residents aged 18 and older in households with telephones (now includes cell phones) –Interviews are conducted monthly and data are analyzed annually
Data Available from SCHS BRFSS (cont.) BRFSS (cont.) –Health Status –Health Behaviors –Chronic Disease –Risk Factors
Data Available from SCHS CHAMP CHAMP –Annual survey results available from 2005 –Measures the health characteristics of children ages 0 to 17 –Topics include breast feeding, early childhood development, access to health care, oral health, mental health, physical health, nutrition, physical activity, family involvement, and parent opinion on topics such as tobacco and childhood obesity
Questions and Answers
More Information HealthStats website: HealthStats website: SCHS website: SCHS website: IBIS-PH Community of Practice: IBIS-PH Community of Practice:
Contact Information Mail Service Center Raleigh NC Mail Service Center Raleigh NC Phone: Phone: Fax: Fax: