What is Standards Based Grading? Measuring student achievement based on the standards instead of in comparison to others or according to the amount of progress made.
WCPSS Report Card Descriptors
Exemplary Student consistently demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the standards, concepts and skills taught during this reporting period.
A Level 4 is…A Level 4 is not… Creating Putting together ideas or elements to develop an original idea or engage in creative thinking Available for every standard taught Evaluating Judging the value of ideas, materials and methods by developing and applying standards and criteria More Analyzing Breaking information down into its component elements Always going on to the next grade level Going deeper into the grade level standards Harder ThinkingLonger, neater, prettier Mostly independentGetting the work done faster
To achieve a Level 4, a child may… Evaluate the character’s actions in the story Evaluate a solution to a problem, given the process used and the answer found Identify a better solution and explain why it is better Write about your feelings in relation to... Design a record, book or magazine cover for... Sell an idea Devise a way to... Classify the actions of the characters in the book Devise a role play about the study area. Conduct an investigation to produce information to support a view.
Proficient Student consistently demonstrates an understanding of the standards, concepts and skills taught during this reporting period.
Approaching Proficiency Student is approaching an understanding of the standards, concepts and skills taught during this reporting period.
Non-Proficiency Student does not yet demonstrate an understanding of standards, concepts and skills taught during this reporting period.
Changes: State of NC is using an online grading system. (Homebase/Power Schools/Power Teacher) There will no longer be a 3*. Interim Reports will look different 1 st quarter. All parents will be invited in for a 1st quarter conference
Reading Daily Five Understanding of Characters Series Books in Book Clubs Exploring Informational Texts, Mysteries, Biographies Research Projects and Writing in the Content Area Social Issues
Writing Writer’s Workshop Narrative Writing Opinion Writing Exploring Informational Writing Realistic Fiction Informational Writing – Biographies Research and Report Writing Revising
Math Word Problems Rounding 2-D Shapes Multiplying/Dividing Pattern Graphing Area & Perimeter Fractions, Time, Measurement
Science Objects in the Sky Human Body Changes (Solids, Liquids, Gases) Plants/Soil
Social Studies Civics & Government History & Colonial America Geography, Environmental Literacy,& Culture Economics & Financial Literacy
Behavior/Expectations SOAR Behavior Safety Own Your School Act Responsibly Respect
Field Trips Marbles (Body Works) Rock It Learning Mordecai House Starlab
School-wide bullying prevention program intended to help clarify for students, staff and parents what defines bullying and how it differs from peer conflict.
Bully Before labeling behavior as bullying, it must meet the three following criteria: REPEATED - Does the behavior happen over and over again? INTENTIONAL - Is the behavior intentional, or on purpose? INTIMIDATING - Is there an imbalance in power, or does the behavior create feelings of helplessness, intimidation, or fear? -If all three criteria are met, the behavior is labeled bullying and will be handled accordingly by school administration. -If only one or two of the criteria are met, the behavior is most often labeled peer conflict and students are encouraged to practice conflict resolution skills and seek assistance from adults when needed -Four primary types of bullying (verbal, physical, social, and cyber) are reviewed and students are provided with strategies if they or someone else is bullied -Students are encouraged to create a positive climate for learning, tolerance and acceptance
Why Join the PTA? Mission: To improve the education and educational experience of every student at Durant Road Elementary school. School Community Skills, Talents and Resources Strong PTA and Strong School +=
2015/2016 Priorities Fundraising: Raise $55,000 to fund various projects Technology purchases Teacher Provisions & Mini-Grants Literacy Support Event Execution: Schedule and Complete all planned events Field Day Family Reading Night International Night Cultural Arts Assemblies Parent Involvement Improve participation at events Enroll 350 members Succession planning Communication Drive awareness and understanding of school events
Now What? Visit the PTA table on your way out for handouts Join the PTA Support your student in getting pledges for the Boosterthon Fun Run Link your store cards to this school Save Box Tops and Labels for Education (we will have contests throughout the year) Read communications that come home from the PTA Ask a PTA representative how to get involved with our organization – share your ideas Consider volunteering at an event or on our Board
Boosterthon 2015 Boosterthon 2015 Video