Materials Covered in today’s lesson are found in Chapter 4 of your Textbook: Environment, Organizational Culture and Diversity (Pg. 88) Agenda 1. Review: Strategic Planning 2. Think/Pair/Share: What is Organizational Culture? 3. PowerPoint: What is Organizational Culture? 4. SCORES Assessment – Richview C.I. 5. Case Study - Apple Inc. & Google 6. Self Assessment 7. Exit Ticket – Examples of Corporate Culture
What is organizational culture? ◦ Self ◦ Partner ◦ Class
The system of shared beliefs and values that develops within an organization and guides the behaviour of its members. AKA Corporate culture or “the way we do things around here” 5
S - How tight or loose is the structure? C - Are decisions change oriented or driven by the status quo? O - What outcomes or results are most highly valued? R - What is the climate for risk-taking, innovation? E - How widespread is empowerment, worker involvement? S - What is the competitive style, internal and external? 6
1. Form into groups of 3 or 4, 2. Complete a SCORES assessment of Richiew C.I. culture. (S) Structure (C) Change Oriented (O) Outcomes or Results (R) Risk-Taking (E) Empowerment (S) Style – Internal or External
Strong cultures: ◦ Commit members to do things that are in the best interests of the organization. ◦ Discourage dysfunctional work behavior. ◦ Encourage efficient work behavior. The best organizations have strong cultures that: ◦ Are performance-oriented. ◦ Emphasize teamwork. ◦ Allow for risk taking. ◦ Encourage innovation. ◦ Value the well being of people. 8
Based on the results of your SCORES test would you say that Richview C.I. has a “STRONG” Culture? ◦ Explain Why or why not? Do you have any suggestions to make Richview’s culture stronger?
1. Observable Culture 2. Core Culture Source: Source:
◦ What one sees and hears when walking around an organization. Elements of observable culture: ◦ Stories Stories ◦ Heroes ◦ Rites and rituals ◦ Symbols 11
DISCUSSION What are some examples of Google's “observable” culture from this video?
Underlying assumptions and beliefs that influence behavior and contribute to the observable culture. Core culture and values: ◦ Strong cultures have a small but enduring set of core values. ◦ Commitment to core values is a key to long-term success. 13
◦ Performance excellence ◦ Innovation ◦ Social responsibility ◦ Integrity ◦ Worker involvement ◦ Customer service ◦ Teamwork 14
Apple Inc. DISCUSSION What are some examples of Apple’s “core” culture?
Organizational Design Preference Assessment – W- 96 & W-97 of Textbook Upon completion of your self-assessment, in a ½ page – 1 page reflection; 1.State your score 2.What your organizational design preference is and; 3.What you learned about yourself as you worked on this piece **HINT- Use Pages to research Mechanistic and Organic organizational Design
On the piece of paper provided, answer the following question. How has Google’s organizational culture influenced their strategic planning? ◦ *HINT* Refer back to your Google Case Study
Complete Self-Assessment and hand in reflection next class.