Zadroga 9/11 Act Claims What You Need to Know About the Victim Compensation Fund Troy G. Rosasco Esq & Daniel J. Hansen Esq WTC-INFO Problems? Webinar Attendee Customer Support 24/7:
Who is eligible under Zadroga? Police Officers Firefighters (including Volunteer Firefighters) EMS Workers Construction Workers (including truck drivers) Utility Workers Cleanup Workers Volunteers Other Public Workers ( Sanitation, Morgue, Federal) If not sure if you are eligible, call WTC-INFO
What Medical Conditions Are Covered? Interstitial lung diseases Chronic respiratory disorder Asthma Cancer Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (RADS) WTC-exacerbated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Chronic cough syndrome Upper airway hyper reactivity Chronic rhino sinusitis Chronic nasopharyngitis Chronic laryngitis Gastro esophageal reflux disorder (GERD) Sleep apnea PTSD
How to File a Zadroga VCF Claim? Appointment of Victim Compensation Fund “Special Master” by President Obama Wait for Updated Rules, Regulations and Forms (180 days from 1/2/2011) Must file within 2 years of updated regulations We expect the Victim Compensation Fund to reopen by mid-Summer 2011
How to Prepare to File a VCF Claim Gather all medical records related to 9/11 conditions Gather proof of your participation in rescue, recovery, cleanup and volunteer service Gather proof of “economic damages” Gather proof of “pain & suffering” damages Plan strategy on how & when to file Obtain legal representation
Who is a Fund “Special Master”? Decides and writes rules on claim procedures Almost always a lawyer, judge or US Attorney Final “decision maker” on how much monetary compensation claimants receive The most important person under the Zadroga Act Victim Compensation Fund
How Much Money Can You Receive? Depends on how the Special Master determines your “economic” damages ( lost wages, benefits, pension, medical costs, etc) and your “non- economic” damages (pain & suffering) How do you determine “pain & suffering”? Award could be anywhere from a few thousand dollars to multi-millions depending on your injuries
What if I Already Collected Money in a 9/11 Lawsuit or Workers’ Compensation You can still file a Zadroga Act VCF claim Your prior payments may be deducted from your Zadroga Victim Compensation Fund Award What if you received a prior award from the original Victim Compensation Fund?
How Long Will the 9/11 Victim Compensation Claims Process Take? Unknown at this time – depends largely on claims procedures to be determined by Special Master When will the Special Master be appointed? Best thing to do now is to start getting all documentation of injuries and economic losses together so you can be ready to file when Fund opens Interview and retain legal counsel now if desired
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