Educational Technology Alisha Cornick Terence C. Reilly School No. 7 August 27, 2012
Agenda Overview of Educational Technology Educational Technology and the Common Core Standards Danielson’s Framework for Teaching Advice Resources Accessibility Responsibility Explore!
What is Educational Technology? Educational Technology (Ed Tech) is the use of technology to improve and/ or enhance teaching and learning for students, teachers, and other educators. It’s purpose is to add support to the learning process.
Educational Technology & The Common Core Standards Ed Tech does not have a separate set of standards in the Common Core. It is integrated in the Common Core for Language Arts, Math, and other subjects. Example: College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing Production and Distribution of Writing 6. Use of technology, including the internet to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others.
Danielson’s Framework for Teaching Ed Tech can help fulfill requirements in some components of Danielson’s Framework for Teaching: Domain 1: Planning and Preparation 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction Domain 3: Instruction 3a: Communication With Students 3c: Engaging Students in Learning
Just a bit of advice… Ensure that EVERY technological resource is thoroughly evaluated and inspected before presenting to it to students. Teachers and other educators should be knowledgeable of the resource being used.
Edmodo Edmodo is an educational social network for teachers, students, and other educators. It allows for communication with teachers and students both inside and outside of the classroom. Educators can create groups for classes, upload assignments, check homework and grades, and post discussion topics.
Google Docs It is a “collection of tools” that aids various group sizes to work collaboratively, interactively, and share information. Google Docs provides word processing for letters and papers, presentations, spreadsheets, and more. A huge bonus is that all work can be stored in folders; files are safely backed up.
Weebly/ Weebly for education A user-friendly site that allows teachers to build websites for their classes. Teachers can add videos, images, and text to the site. Accounts can be generated for students to create their own websites. Support Center for questions.
Blogs A blog is an entry that is posted on a site that contains information about topics such as personal experiences/reflections, current events/news, or education. Blogs can be used to post discussion questions or post images and/or videos that can be applied to a lesson.
Digital Story Digital storytelling is the art of telling a story while using multimedia tools. It lets students creatively compose stories or report information. It can also aid struggling readers in “creating pictures in their heads” of the events in a story and comprehension Remember to focus on the objective of the lesson and not solely on the technology aspect. vANem0q28&list=HL &feat ure=mh_lolz
Sample of Digital Story Told Orally t_get_away.wmv
Pbworks Pbworks is a site that hosts “workspaces” for teachers and educators to make collaborative learning interactive and appealing to the students. Users can create wikis, upload documents, post videos, etc. The basic version is free!!!
Glogster Glogster is a website that allows the users to create a virtual collage of information called “glogs.” Tools used are videos, still images, audio, text, animations, and graphics. There is a free and paid version available. Mission Statement om/alisha86/my- mission-statement- resolve/g- 6lnlth1a3ik41k1qnviq ga0 om/alisha86/my- mission-statement- resolve/g- 6lnlth1a3ik41k1qnviq ga0 Langston Hughes om/alisha86/langston -hughes/g- 6lnlu348qqh4au2utsi dda0 om/alisha86/langston -hughes/g- 6lnlu348qqh4au2utsi dda0
Webquest A webquest is a lesson or activity that is solely inquiry-oriented. All resources for the webquest is accessible through the internet. The students will be required to “investigate” the information provided and create an original product from it.
Podcast A podcast is a media file that has been recorded using an audio or a video. Podcast can be used for any subject and applied to lessons. Recording a podcast requires certain equipment. A popular place for podcasts is Apple’s iTunes. history-of-byzantium/id
Accessibility Web accessibility means everyone, especially people with disabilities, can access the website being utilized. There are tons of sites that can be used to see if a website is accessible to all.
Responsibility It is imperative that students and teachers critically evaluate the websites they visit for information. We should look for: Authenticity Bias Credibility Usability Provide credit for all information that is not our own.
Internet Safety AUPs (Acceptable Use Policies) Cyberbullying Vigilant when using technology with students.
Bibliography "Alisha's Insight on Ed Tech - Home." Alisha's Insight on Ed Tech - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Aug "Clow School Storytellers || Resources || Storytellers || LMC || Clow Elementary School || Indian Prairie School District." Intranet || Indian Prairie School District #204. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Aug "Common Core State Standards Initiative | English Language Arts Standards | Anchor Standards | College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing." Common Core State Standards Initiative | Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Aug standards/english-language-arts-standards/anchor-standards-6-12/college-and- career-readiness-anchor-standards-for-writing /. standards/english-language-arts-standards/anchor-standards-6-12/college-and- career-readiness-anchor-standards-for-writing / Cornick, Alisha. "Alisha's Blog." Blogger. N.p., 16 Mar Web. 26 Aug Cornick, Alisha. "Esperanza Rising: An Immigration Project: Introduction." N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Aug
Bibliography Cornick, Alisha "Langston Hughes." Glogster - join the visual communication network. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Aug lnlu348qqh4au2utsidda0. 6lnlu348qqh4au2utsidda0 Cornick, Alisha "My Mission Statement: RESOLVE." Glogster - join the visual communication network. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Aug lnlth1a3ik41k1qnviqga0. 6lnlth1a3ik41k1qnviqga0 Cornick, Alisha. "TCRLeadershipElective." PBworks. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Aug "Edmodo | Secure Social Learning Network for Teachers and Students." Edmodo | Secure Social Learning Network for Teachers and Students. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Aug "FfTEvaluationInstrument." The Danielson Group. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Aug "Introduction to Web Accessibility." World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Aug
Bibliography "Leadership Elective - Leadership Elective." Leadership Elective - Leadership Elective. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Aug “Natural Disaster Digital Story.” Youtube. 12 Aug Aug mh_lolz mh_lolz Ormiston, Meghan J.. Creating a digital-rich classroom: teaching & learning in a web 2.0 world. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press, Pierson, Robin. "iTunes - Podcasts - The History of Byzantium by Robin Pierson." Apple - iTunes - Everything you need to be entertained.. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Aug byzantium/id byzantium/id "Weebly - Create a free website and a free blog." Weebly - Create a free website and a free blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Aug Zieger, Laura. Using the Internet in Education. Educational Technology Department. New Jersey City University, July/August 2011.