"People once believed that when someone dies a crow carries that soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes… something so bad happens that terrible sadness is carried with it. And the soul can't rest. And sometimes the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right."
James O’Barr’s “The Crow” comic book, which originally ran in the late ’80s begining ’90s, was a brilliant and fantastic story of everlasting love, unrelenting pain, and human nature gone terribly wrong. The movie “The Crow”, directed by Alex Proyas, is a violent story about brain dead punks, villain types, and capitalism in the guise of arson based on the comic of O’Barr. Essentially a one-hour movie with 40 superfluous minutes tacked on to appease the Gods of Movie Commerce, “The Crow” follows gotic rocker Eric Draven (Brandon Lee) who, exactly one year after he, and his girlfriend’s, brutal murder at the hands of four street thugs, returns from the grave with supernatural powers.
His quest for revenge unexpectedly leads him to Top Dollar (Michael Wincott) a gang leader with real estate aspirations. Being that Draven is superpowered by an actual crow that flies around and gives him groovy “crow vision” and stuff, it’s a lucky thing Top Dollar has on hand a sadistic sidekick who, without much preamble, guesses that the source of Draven’s power is the crow.
O’Barr’s original books, were a really of a series of poems and vibrant free flow thoughts jotted down to haunting and rough imagery. Leave it to Hollywood to add a completely lame subplot like Top Dollar’s business dealings when the original story was about a simple, good man who returns to kill four bad men, and at the same time has to deal with the fact that he and the greatest love of his life are dead, and that he’s trapped on this Earth until he finishes off the killers. Leave it to lazy and unoriginal screenwriters to be so dense as to be unable to fully grasp the simpleness of “The Crow” comic book.
If you were to just concentrate on the effective performance of Brandon Lee (who unfortunately was killed during the shoot) and the visual eye of Proyas, “The Crow” is a stunning film to behold. But for fans of O’Barr’s original works, the movie begins to falter at about the hour mark, when Wincott’s character starts to come to the forefront. Also, why does the Crow go around telling everyone who cares to listen who he really is? You’d think a fellow who just came back from the grave with groovy supernatural powers would be a little more discreet. CAST: Brandon Lee Eric Draven Ernie Hudson Sergeant Albrecht Michael Wincott Top Dollar David Patrick Kelly -- T-Bird Angel David Skank
Make By: Rubén Orgaz Baena 2nd - Tecnologic “It's not going to rain forever…”
Buaaaajajjajajja… Sorry, I couldn’t be able to stand me…