Act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives. Focuses on the entire organization from both a short and a long-term perspective. Is the managerial process of forming a strategic vision, setting objectives, crafting a strategy and then implementing and executing the strategy.
Concept is based on BHAGWAD GITA VEDAS RAMAYANA Which deals with universal truth of life …
Teamwork is an important principle in management. Rama applied the same in search of Sita and was successful in the mission. Example : Hanuman Going To Lanka
American described as individualistic in approach. American prefer individualism, might more accurately be characterized as personalism. American managers tend to have stronger loyalty to themselves than to the firm, and if a better job comes along they will take it.
Japanese cultural patterns and managerial practices came to be known collectively as the Japanese management style or Japanese management techniques. other key practices In-house training of managers. Extensive use of quality control methods. Emphasis on creating harmonious relations among workers. Lifetime employment and seniority-based compensation
One of the greatest contributions of India to the world is Holy Gita which is considered to be one of the first revelations from God. Holy Gita is the essence of the Vedas, Upanishads. It is a book with sublime thoughts and practical instructions on Yoga, Devotion, Vedanta and Action.
Building an innovative organization. Developing human resources. Building teams and teamwork. Delegation, motivation, and communication. Review in performance and taking corrective steps when called for.
Answer found in the Bhagavad Gita, “you must try to manage yourself.”
Building an innovative organization. Delegation, motivation, and communication. Reviewing performance and taking corrective steps when called for.
Never Try To Be Successful. Freedom To Life. Passion Leads To Excellence. Life Is Emotion Management Not Intelligence Optimization. Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention. Simplicity Is Life. Industrial Leadership. Importance Of One Word In Communication
A Lesson In Entrepreneurship A Lesson In Teamwork A Lesson Of Relentless Spirit To Fight
Most Enterprising Indian Entrepreneur. Credited With Shaping India's Equity Culture. Dhirubhai Revolutionized Capital Markets.
Roll up your sleeves and help - sense of ‘do it yourself’. Be a safety net for your team. The silent benefactor. Dream big, but dream with your eyes open. Change your orbit, constantly!
Oxford Defines As - “The Characteristic Spirit And Beliefs Of Community/People”. Two Basic Universal Truths Of Life. The Essential Infinitude And Divinity Of All Souls. The Essential Oneness And Solidarity Of Universe And All Life.
The Self (Atman) As The Source Of All Power. Welfare Of All (Yagna Spirit). Unique Wok Culture.
Know Yourself Individual development Self Management & Self Development Holistic Approach To Life Sewa Or Service Attitude
Self Sacrifice Team Spirit Present Moment. Perfection in Work. Self Motivation.
Ends Do Not Justify Means Creator & Creation Day To Day A Balance Life Bliss (Ananda): Happiness of Soul Dignity of Work
Culture literally means - What / How you cultivate or build one. Our manners, way of communicating with one another, etc are one of the important components of our culture. India is the birth place of Dharma religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism.
Vasudaiva Kutumbakam Niskama karma Co-operation Family Oriented Blending Between Spiritualism & Materialism
Humility & Respect For Others Respect To Others Self Management Shreyas
AMERICANS - believes in I.Q. thinking. INDIAN - believes in E.Q. thinking. JAPANESE - believes in Brainstorming.
AMERICANS - they put across views & resolves conflicts. INDIAN - believes in maintaining silence & status quo. JAPANESE - believes in having dialogue to resolve conflicts
AMERICANS - gives respects on one’s merit. INDIAN - gives respect on the basis of seniority. JAPANESE - gives respect on the basis of seniority.
AMERICANS - based to increase profit and quantitative. INDIAN - based on human development & balance between man & machine. JAPANESE - believes in holistic attitude.
Art of management has become a part and parcel of everyday life, be it at home, in the office or factory and in government. Creates harmony in working together ‐ equilibrium in thoughts and actions, goals and achievements, plans and performance, products and markets. According to circumstances and environment, is the most important and essential factor for a successful management.