High School Information and Options Ms. Lisa Karsten, M.A, M.Ed. Portage Park Elementary School Counselor LrKarsten@cps.edu 773-534-3576 Ext 81620 2014-2015
High School Options through Office of Access and Enrollment- OAE You are able to apply online for the following applications at https://apply.cps.edu or paper format at http://www.cpsoae.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=72698&type=d&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=428318&hideMenu=0 *Selective Enrollment High Schools *Military Academies *Magnet High Schools and Programs *International Baccalaureate (IB) High Schools CTE –College and Career Academies (Lottery and * Selective) Other High School Programs *Students must meet minimum Eligibility Requirements to apply For all other high schools, see the High School Guide for application information http://www.cpsoae.org/2015- 2016%20High%20School%20Guide_English_General%20Information.pdf Office Access and Enrollment – 125 South Clark Street, 10th Floor – Chicago, IL 60603 Phone 773-553-2060 – Email oae@cps.edu – www.cpsoae.org
Important Information about Applying to OAE Programs The NWEA MAP has replaced the ISAT as the test used to determine applicants’ eligibility for Selective Enrollment High Schools, IB High Schools, Magnet High Schools, Military Academies, and CTE-College and Career Academies. All eighth grade students receive an Eligibility Letter that contains a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to be used for the online site. Two ways to apply- Online (the PREFERRED way) at www.apply.cps.edu or via Paper application, accessible on the www.cpsoae.org website under "Apply" and "Application Materials." Step-by-step instructions for each process can be found below. Ms. Karsten has all paper applications *Please note, OAE may schedule your information sessions/testing date/site if you do not apply online If a student is applying to schools with admissions screenings –tests, information sessions, and auditions –they will first Schedule the appointments and THEN Apply. All confirmation pages should be printed and kept in a safe place. If you apply with paper applications, OAE schedules the appointments and locations for you. There are Minimum Eligibility Requirements for all programs except College & Career Lottery Academies All OAE Applications DUE BY DECEMBER 12, 2014. Late applications WILL NOT be accepted. Notification letters will be mailed to the parent’s home no later than February 20, 2015 for all OAE programs the student applies to.
Selective Enrollment Programs Selective Enrollment High Schools provide academically advanced students with a challenging and enriched college preparatory experience. Each of the Selective Enrollment High Schools offers a rigorous curriculum with mainly honors and Advanced Placement (AP) courses. The schools strive to develop students’ critical and analytical thinking skills, and promote diverse academic inquiry by bringing together students from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. Teachers expect students to be self-driven and highly engaged with their studies. The schools strive to develop students’ critical and analytical thinking skills, and promote diverse academic inquiry by bringing together students from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. Applicants should learn everything they can about what the competition is like at each of the Selective Enrollment High Schools so that realistic and sound decisions are made as to where to apply. There are 10 Selective Enrollment High Schools: Designed for academically advanced students Offer primarily honors and AP courses Highly competitive with minimum eligibility requirements AND cutoff scores Admissions Testing Required- The exam (approximately 3 hours long) covers four subject areas: reading comprehension, vocabulary, language arts (grammar), and math word problems. Students must score in the 24th percentile or above in reading and math to be ELIGIBLE to apply. (Students with an IEP and students receiving bilingual education services must have percentiles in reading and math that equal 48 or more). Lane Northside Payton Young Lindblom Brooks South Shore King Jones Westinghouse
Applying and Selection for Selective Enrollment Programs Apply to up to SIX schools ONLINE or PAPER through OAE (Selective Enrollment/Military Academies Application) If the student is applying online, they will schedule the test first and THEN apply. OAE will schedule the test date/site for you if you apply online The Selective Enrollment High Schools selection process is based on a point system, with a maximum of 900 points. The final point score balances the admissions exam results with standardized test scores and final classroom grades. The score consists of: The admissions exam (300 points) NWEA MAP results (300 points) 7th grade reading, math, science and social studies cumulative grades (300 points) The selection process for Selective Enrollment High Schools also takes socio-economic characteristics into consideration. Each street address falls within one of four tiers. These tiers are used as part of the selection process. First 30% of seats at each school are filled by rank score ONLY (students who received the highest scores). Remaining seats are divided equally among the four tiers. The top-scoring students in each tier are selected. NO sibling preference. NO consideration for proximity.
Detailed Explanation of Selection for SE Schools Students will receive an offer from the highest-ranked school on their application for which they qualify. For example, if your child applies to Lane (1st), Northside (2nd), King (3rd), and Lindblom (4th). After the selective enrollment exam, your child receives a total score based on 7th grade cumulative grades, NWEA scores and Selective Enrollment Exam. All students are first ranked in order of their composite scores, from the highest to lowest. The selection process starts with the top-scoring student and proceeds down the list. This is based on their total score out of 900. When they reach your child's score on the list, the selection process will begin for them. They look at your first choice (Lane), to see if your child scored high enough (based on the cutoff score), either by pure rank or within their census tract Tier, to qualify for a seat a Lane. If your child's score is high enough to qualify for a seat at Lane, they will receive an offer from Lane and the selection process ends for your child at that point, and they proceed to the next student on the ranked list. If, on the other hand, all seats at Lane have already been filled by higher-scoring students, they will then go to your child’s second choice to see if she scored high enough, either by pure rank or within their census tier, to qualify for a seat at Northside. If they scored high enough to qualify for a seat, she will receive an offer from Northside and the selection process for your child ends there. If they did not score high enough to receive an offer from Northside, we then go to her third choice, and so on. This process continues until your child receives an offer or until their school choice list is exhausted. If your child’s list is exhausted, we move on the next student on this list. This means your child was NOT selected for any of their choices. Note- the order your child ranks their school does not give them an advantage of getting in
Selective Enrollment Open House Dates Brooks College Prep High School 250 E. 111th St. Sat, November 1, 2014 9 am-12 pm Jones College Prep High School 606 S. State St. Sat, October 18, 2014 10 am-3 pm King College Prep High School 4445 S. Drexel Blvd. Sat, November 8, 2014 9 am-12 pm Lane Tech High School 2501 W. Addison St. Sunday, November 2, 2014 12-3 pm LindblomMath & Science Academy 6130 S. Wolcott St. Sat, November 1, 2014 12:30-2:30pm Northside College Prep High School 5501 N. Kedzie Ave. Sun, October 26, 2014 11 am-2 pm . Payton College Prep High School 1034 N. Wells Ave. Sat, November 8, 2014 9 am- 1pm South Shore International High School 1955 E. 75th St. Sat, November 15, 2014 10 am-12 pm Westinghouse High School 3223 W. Franklin Blvd. Sat, November 8, 2014 11 am-2 pm Young Magnet High School 211 S. Laflin St. Sunday, October 19, 2014 1-4 pm
Selective Enrollment HS TESTING DATES October 25 November 22 December 13 January 10 January 24 Test Sites: King- 4445 S Drexel Blvd Lane Tech- 2501 W Addison St Lindblom- 6130 S Wolcott Ave Young- 211 S Lafflin St If the student submits a paper application, their test will be scheduled by OAE and the parent will receive a letter containing the date, time, and location of the test. **Students testing in October or November will receive admission test results TWO weeks after testing**
Magnet High Schools Magnet high schools offer one or more specialty programs, such as fine and performing arts, or agricultural sciences. With the exception of Curie, magnet high schools do not have an attendance boundary. Students are selected through a computerized lottery; students must pre-qualify for inclusion in the lottery based on scores from the NWEA MAP. Eligibility Requirements Students must pre-qualify to participate in the selection process for magnet schools and programs, based on their 7th grade NWEA MAP. With the exception of Von Steuben (scholars program only) students must score at the 24th percentile or above in NWEA reading and math. (Students with an IEP and students receiving bilingual education services must have percentiles in reading and math that equal 48 or more). The Von Steuben Scholars program requires minimum 60th percentile in both reading and math. In addition, applicants must submit teacher recommendations and an essay. Eligible students are selected based on test scores, GPA, teacher recommendations, and an essay. Magnet High Schools and Programs Disney II- 3900 N Lawndale Ave (Fine Arts/Technology)- proximity advantage Senn HS- 5900 N Glenwood Ave (students are selected through an audition and/or portfolio review process. for either Dance, Music or Theater) Von Steuben HS- 5039 N Kimball Ave (Science and Scholars program-additional requirements for Scholars program at http://www.vonsteuben.org/ourpages/auto/2007/6/19/1182284930019/Scholars%20Supplemental%20Materials%202015-16.pdf RTC Medical Prep HS- 2245 W Jackson Blvd Chicago HS for the Agricultural Sciences- 3857 W 111th St Curie HS- 4959 S Archer Ave (Fine & Performing Arts- Dance, Music or Visual Arts) Michele Clark HS- 5101 W Harrison St (STEM) Harlan HS- 9652 S Michigan Ave (Pre-Engineering) *
Applying and Selection Process to Magnet Programs Apply online (preferable) at https://apply.cps.edu or paper MAGNET High Schools Application through OAE. Only one magnet school/program has a required admission screening –SENN- an audition/portfolio review is required in order for students to be considered for the fine and performing arts program If applicants to Senn are applying online, schedule the audition/review first and THEN apply. If applicants to Senn submit a paper application, the parent will be contacted by Senn regarding the date, time, and location for the audition/review. SELECTION PROCESS For most Magnet High Schools and Programs, students are randomly selected through a computerized lottery. Siblings are accepted first, then proximity, then general tiered lottery . There are two exceptions: Senn Fine Arts Program and Von Steuben Scholars Program The selection process for most magnet schools takes socio-economic characteristics into consideration. Each street address falls within one of four tiers. These tiers are used as part of the selection process (see Tier information slides for details) After available seats are filled through sibling, proximity and general lottery, non-selected students are placed on waitlists. Waitlists are managed by the school
Magnet High Schools Open House Dates Senn HS (Fine & Performing arts) - 5900 N. Glenwood Ave. Open House Saturday, November 1, 2014 9:00am to 12:00pm Von Steuben HS (Scholars/Science)- 5039 N. Kimball Ave. Open House Tours Saturday, November 8, 2014 8:00 am (Scholars Program) 10:00 am (Science Program) Disney II HS (Fine Arts/Technology) - 3900 N Lawndale Ave. Open House Saturday November 8, 2014 10:00 am to 12:00 PM Look on each school’s website for additional open house dates
Tier Information used for Selection How Tiers Are Created Every Chicago address falls within a specific census tract. We look at five socio-economic characteristics for each census tract: (1) median family income, (2) percentage of single-parent households, (3) percentage of households where English is not the first language, (4) percentage of homes occupied by the homeowner, and (5) level of adult education attainment. We also look at a sixth characteristic, the achievement scores from attendance area schools in each census tract. Based on the results of each of these six areas, each census tract is given a specific score; these scores are ranked and divided into four groups – or ‘tiers’ -- each consisting of approximately the same number of school-age children. This is how we establish the four tiers. Consequently, every Chicago address falls into one of the four tiers, based on the characteristics mentioned above. How Tiers are Used for Selections Magnet Schools The first seats are offered to applicants who are siblings of students who are currently enrolled 40% of the remaining seats go to students within 1.5 miles of the school The remaining seats are distributed evenly among the four tiers, and the seats are filled by computerized lottery. Selective Enrollment Schools For the entry grade level for Selective Enrollment High Schools and programs, the first 30% of available seats are filled strictly according to the student scores – also referred to as the “rank” score – the seats are filled by the top-scoring students. The remaining seats are equally distributed among the four tiers and are filled by the highest-scoring students in each tier. There is no sibling or proximity consideration for these schools.
How to determine your Tier You can calculate your tier by following the steps below: 1. Go to the U.S. census website- http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/searchresults.xhtml?ref=addr&refresh =t 2. Enter your address and click 'go.' 3. Scroll down to the table entitled "Geography Results." Under the column "Geography Name," look in the sixth row for your census tract number, followed by the county and state. 4. Write down that census tract number (it will probably be 1502 or 1503, depending on your address within Portage Park neighborhood) 5. Then go to http://www.cpsoae.org/Census%20Tract%20-- %20Tier%20Information_2015-2016.pdf and find your census tract number which will have the Tier next to it that you are in. For additional details on how the tiers are determined, and how they are used in the selection process, see the High School Guide or www.cpsoae.orgunder “NEWS.”
International Baccalaureate- IB Programs IB Mission - The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is a comprehensive and challenging pre-university program for academically advanced and highly motivated students. The program is widely recognized throughout the globe for its high academic standards. The Chicago Public Schools offers the IB Diploma Programme at 15 high schools. Seven additional high schools are candidates to offer it. The IB curriculum is vital as it prepares youth for higher education. IB Diploma Programme graduates are better prepared for college courses, and attend and successfully complete college/university study at a higher rate than their peers. Offers a comprehensive and challenging pre- university program. Widely recognized for high academic standards. The International Baccalaureate® (IB) offers a continuum of high-quality education that encourages international-mindedness and a positive attitude to learning. These programs are accessible to students in 138 countries. IB programs promote the education of the whole person, emphasizing intellectual, personal, emotional and social growth through all domains of knowledge. IB Diploma students develop a strong sense of identity, which helps them communicate with and understand people from diverse cultures. IB offers an international online teacher community. IB assessment is rigorous, criterion-related, consistent and differentiating of student ability. The IB diploma is widely recognized by the world’s leading universities. More than 1,000 North American colleges and universities recognize the IB diploma and exams for advanced credit and/or placement; and Nearly 120 post-secondary institutions now grant a full year of credit or its equivalent to students who have earned the IB diploma. IB offers thorough, ongoing and rewarding professional teacher training. Partnerships include: University of Chicago, DePaul University, Loyola University, St. Xavier University, Chicago Scholars, And many more . . .
IB Requirements and Selection Process Students must pre-qualify for the selection process, based on their NWEA MAP scores and 7thgrade GPA. Students must score at the 24thpercentile or above in reading and math, AND have a minimum 7thgrade GPA (grade point average) of 2.5 (Students with an IEP and students receiving bilingual education services must have percentiles that equal 48 or more) Students MUST ATTEND one Information Session (you will not be considered if you do not attend an info session) Apply to up to SIX schools ONLINE or PAPER applications through OAE (International Baccalaureate (IB) High Schools Application) If the student is applying online, they will schedule the Information Session first and THEN apply. If the student submits a paper application, OAE will schedule the student’s Information Session and send a letter to the parent’s home containing the location, date, and time. Students are given points based on their NWEA MAP scores and seventh grade final grades. There is a minimum cutoff score for IB Programs. Students are selected based on an overall applicant score -- performance on the NWEA MAP (450 points) and seventh grade report card grades in reading, math, science, and social studies (450 points). Students residing within the boundary of a high school with an IB program will receive 50 additional points. These points will be awarded before the selection process.
IB Programs Amundsen High School Prosser Career Academy 5110 N. Damen Ave. http://www.amundsenhs.org/ Taft High School 6530 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. http://www.tafths.org Lincoln Park High School 2001 N. Orchard St. http://lincolnparkhs.org/ Steinmetz Academic Centre 3030 N. Mobile Ave. http://www.steinmetzac.com/ The Ogden International School of Chicago 1250 W. Erie http://www.ogdenschool.org Prosser Career Academy 2148 N. Long Ave. http://www.prosseracademy.org/ Senn High School 5900 N. Glenwood Ave. http://sennhs.org/ Schurz High School (Candidate) 3601 N. Milwaukee Ave. http://www.schurzhs.org Clemente High School (Candidate) 1147 N. Western Ave. http://www.rccachicago.org Morgan Park High School 1744 W. Pryor Ave. http://www.morganparkcps.org
IB Programs Con’t Back of the Yards High School (Candidate) 2111 W. 47th St. http://www.boycp.org Bogan High School 3939 W. 79th St. http://www.boganhs.org/ Bronzeville Scholastic Academy High School (Candidate) 4934 S. Wabash Ave. http://www.bronzevillescholastic.com Curie Metropolitan High School 4959 S. Archer Ave. http://www.curiehs.org/ Farragut High School (Candidate) 2345 S. Christiana Ave. http://www.farragutcareeracademy.org Hubbard High School 6200 S. Hamlin Ave. http://www.hubbardhighschool.org Hyde Park Academy High School 6220 S. Stony Island Ave. http://hydeparkcps.org/ Juarez High School (Candidate) 1450-1510 W. Cermak Rd. http://www.benitojuarez.net Kelly High School 4136 S. California Ave. http://www.kellyhs.org Kennedy High School (Candidate) 6325 W. 56th St. http://www.kennedyhschicago.org South Shore International 1955 E. 75th St. http://www.southshoreinternational.org Washington High School 3535 E. 114th St. http://www.gwashingtonhs.org
IB Open House Dates Amundsen HS -5110 N. Damen Ave. Lincoln Park HS -2001 N. Orchard St. Open House NOVEMBER 8TH 10am – 1pm Open House OCTOBER 19TH 2pm-5pm Prosser HS -2148 N. Long Ave. Schurz HS -3601 N. Milwaukee Ave Open House NOVEMBER 15TH 6PM-8PM Open House NOVEMBER 19TH 5:30- 7:30pm Steinmetz HS -3030 N. Mobile Ave. Taft HS -6530 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Open House OCTOBER 18TH 9:30am -11:30 am Open House NOVEMBER 1ST 1: 00 -3:00pm For more IB open house dates, visit the school’s website
IB Information Sessions You must attend ONE IB session in order to be considered Curie: Saturday November 15, 8 a.m.-5p.m. 4959 S. Archer Chicago, IL. 60632 Bronzeville: Saturday December 6, 8 a.m.-5p.m. 4934 S. Wabash Chicago, IL. 60615 Amundsen: Saturday January 17, 8 a.m. -5p.m. 5110 N. Damen Chicago, IL. 60625 Taft: Saturday January 31, 8 a.m.-5p.m. 6530 W. Bryn Mawr Chicago, IL. 60631 *If you submit a paper application, OAE may select the date/site for you
There are SIX Military Academies: Military Programs The Military Academies offer a unique high school option for highly motivated students, providing an academically rigorous curriculum with a focus on leadership and citizenship. Students study in a safe and supportive school environment that allows them to reach their full potential. The Academies' primary goal is to prepare students to attend the four-year college or university of their choice. By allowing them to develop as leaders, the Military Model prepares students for successful careers and a life of active citizenship. Each academy focuses on a specific branch of the military. The experienced teaching staff at each Military Academy is joined by a small team of retired military personnel who are branch-certified instructors, and who help to foster student success. The Military Academies also offer unique extracurricular trips, activities, and academic opportunities for students. The Military Academies are unique four-year high schools that prepare students for college and subsequent careers. Although students wear uniforms and operate in a unique environment, these schools are not intended to prepare students for the military. Rather, students are given unprecedented leadership opportunities, co-curricular activities including college trips and citywide competitions, and ultimately a nurturing, safe, and healthy environment in which they can realize their full potential both as students and as citizens. There are SIX Military Academies: Offer rigorous and relevant college preparatory curriculum. Each academy focuses on a different branch of the military. There is no expectation for students to enter the military after graduation. Specific opportunities are provided for leadership, teamwork, and service. Rickover- 5900 N Glenwood Ave Ames Marine– 1920 N Hamlin (new 2014) Air Force-3630 S Wells St Chicago Military Academy (Bronzeville)- 3519 S Giles Ave Phoenix- 145 S Campbell Ave Carver- 13100 S Doty Ave
Requirements for Military Programs All students must have NWEA MAP percentiles that total 48 or more (e.g., 20 in reading, 28 in math; 10 in reading, 38 in math). In addition, applicants must attend an Information Session at one of the six Academies. Attendance at ONE information session is required (even if the student applies to more than one Military Academy). Apply to up to four schools ONLINE or PAPER (Selective Enrollment/Military Academies Application). If the student is applying online, they will schedule the information session first and THEN apply. If student submits a paper application, look at the information sessions and choose one to attend. During the Information Session, students will sign a Commitment Agreement, complete a Motivation and Perseverance Assessment and write a brief essay.
Selection Process for Military Programs Selections will be based on a point system with a maximum of 500 points derived from: Seventh grade final (cumulative) grades (100 points) NWEA MAP scores (100 points) The two-part assessment Motivation (100 points) Perseverance Assessment (100 points) The essay (100 points). After the seats at each school are filled, the non-selected students will remain in an applicant pool. This is not a traditional waiting list, where students are assigned numbers – students are ranked in the applicant pool by score. If your child declines an offer or does not receive an offer, he remains in the applicant pool and has a chance to receive an offer in a later selection round for schools that still have seats remaining. No sibling preference or consideration for applicants to schools that require testing or interviews.
Military Information Sessions
CTE Programs- College and Career Academies Career & Technical Education (CTE) College & Career Academies (CCA) offer an exciting pathway to college and careers, giving students a head start on preparing for their futures. While in high school, in addition to taking all CPS college prep core courses like math, science and English, students participating in CCAs will experience hands-on training in their chosen industry. College and Career Academies (CCAs) feature a unique approach to prepare students for college and career success. While in high school, in addition to taking all CPS college prep core courses, such as math, science and English, students participating in CCAs experience hands-on training in their chosen industry. Students participating in CCAs may have the opportunity to earn college credit, attain industry-recognized certifications and participate in job shadows and internships. Students may have the opportunity to: Prepare students for college and career success. Offer hands-on training in various industries. May give students opportunities to earn college credit and participate in job shadows and internships Receive college scholarships Attain industry-recognized certifications Earn college credit Participate in job shadows & internships Attend college fairs & tours Compete in city, state and national competitions College and Career Academies do not require testing or additional screening.
Applying and Selection for CTE Programs- College and Career Academies Apply to up to five academies ONLINE or PAPER through OAE (CTE-College and Career Academies Application) Lottery Academies do not have minimum eligibility requirements. Students are selected through a computerized lottery, with preference given to students with minimum NWEA MAP scores at the 24th percentile in reading and math (or percentiles that add up to 48 or more, for students with an IEP or students receiving bilingual education services). Selective Academies (Most Health Sciences, Law & Public Safety, Pre-Engineering, IT –Cisco and IT –Database Programming) are based on points. Students are given points based on their NWEA MAP scores and seventh grade final grades. Applicants meeting a school’s cutoff score will receive an offer. For Jones ONLY: Total possible points: 600 points, based on seventh grade GPA and NWEA MAP scores in reading and math. Students are ranked by score from high to low. Seats are filled starting from the highest score. Students who live in the school’s overlay boundary are selected first. Students must score on the NWEA MAP at the 24th percentile or above in reading and math (students with an IEP and students receiving bilingual education services must have percentiles in reading and math that equal 48)
CTE Programs- College and Career Academies Amundsen High School - 5110 N. Damen Ave. Info Tech (Game Programming & Web Design) Clemente High School – 1147 N. Western Ave. Broadcast Technology, Culinary Arts Health Sciences (Allied Health)* Foreman High School – 3235 N. LeClaire Ave. Digital Media, Info Tech (Web Design) Jones ++ 700 S. State St. (based on points) Pre-Engineering++ Pre-Law++ Mather High School – 5835 N. Lincoln Ave. Pre-Law* Currently, 25 schools offer 83 academy offerings across the city North Grand – 4338 W. Wabansia Ave. Culinary Arts, Health Sciences (Allied Health)* Pre-Engineering* Schurz High School – 3601 N. Milwaukee Ave. Automotive Technology Business (Accounting & Entrepreneurship) Digital Media, Pre-Engineering* Wells High School – 936 N. Ashland Ave. Education (Teaching), Logistics, Pre-Law* Roosevelt High School – 3436 W. Wilson Ave. Education (Early Childhood & Teaching) Health Sciences (Medical & Health Careers)* Info Tech (Cisco Networking)* Info Tech (Game Programming) Additional CTE programs can be found on the application: http://www.cpsoae.org/2015-2016%20CTE-College%20and%20Career%20Academies_English_v3.pdf
Other Options- Applications-Not Available through OAE Alcott College Prep- Application in Ms. Karsten’s folder or http://www.alcottcollegeprep.net/ourpages/auto/2013/6/18/45725214/ACP%20Application.pdf Aspira Charter (Early College or Business and Finance)-http://www.aspirail.org/ Applications in Ms. Karsten’s google folder Amundsen AVID Program- Application in Ms. Karsten’s folder or http://amundsenhs.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=84548&type=d CISC Northtown Charter- Application available at http://www.chicagointl.org/application/high-school or Ms. Karsten’s google folder. http://www.cicsnorthtown.org/ ChiArts- information and application available online http://chiarts.org/apply/ or Ms. Karsten’s google folder. Chicago Academy HS- APPLICATIONS must be SUBMITTED IN PERSON by the student and /or family member by January 23, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. Application available in Ms. Karsten’s folder or http://cahs.auslchicago.org/assets/uploads/downloads/CAHS_Application__Admission_Criteria_SY15.pdf Foreman Pre-Advanced Placement Application (NWEA and grade requirements)- Application in Ms. Karsten’s google folder or http://foremanhs.org/foreman/attachments/article/91/FHS%20Pre- AP%20_%20AP%20College%20Pathways%20Program%20Application.pdf
Other Applications- Con’t Not Available through OAE Foreman High School Standard Application (submit to school) Intrinsic Charter-(Applications not yet available. Will post in google folder when available)intrinsicschools.org Lakeview High School (essay required) Application available at http://www.lakeviewhs.com/admissions/documents/LVHSApplicationSY2015-2016.pdf or Ms. Karsten’s google folder Lincoln Park Double Honors- in Ms. Karsten’s google drive folder Lincoln Park Performing Arts- in Ms. Karsten’s google drive folder Noble Charter Schools (Pritzker, ITW, Noble Street, Rauner, etc) WILL NOT give applications to schools. Parents must request applications from the school (see Noble Charter School Information Sessions in Ms. Karsten’s google folder) http://noblenetwork.org/ Taft JROTC-in Ms. Karsten’s google drive folder Prosser Career Academy (separate from IB application)-in Ms. Karsten’s google drive folder Senn Digital Journalism or Global Environmental Program (separate from IB and Magnet application)-in Ms. Karsten’s google drive folder North-Grand (contact school 773-534-8520) Additional applications will be posted in Ms. Karsten’s google folder when they become available.
Programs within Schurz- our feeder school (IB)-International Baccalaureate Program (Diploma Candidate) CTE (Automotive, Pre-Engineering, Business, Digital Media) JROTC (honors unit providing a quality citizenship, character and leadership development program with opportunities to compete in archery, drill team & color guard, drum & bugle corps, saber team, raiders team, sports team, academic bowl team and others) AVID (Advanced Via Individual Determination)- providing a solid foundation with rigorous courses and advanced instruction to help students plan for college Music (orchestra, chorus, concert band) Schurz HS -3601 N. Milwaukee Ave. Open House NOVEMBER 19TH 5:30pm- 7:30pm They will be showcasing many of the great programs, teachers, classrooms, and opportunities offered to students.
Other Options- Charter Intrinsic Charter 4540 W. Belmont Ave. Chicago, IL 60641 Phone: (708)887-2735 Applications not yet available- http://intrinsicschools.org CICS Northtown Charter 3900 W Peterson Ave, Chicago, IL 60659 Phone: (773) 478-3655 http://www.cicsnorthtown.org/ Aspira Early College High School 3986 W. Barry Ave. Chicago, IL 60618 Aspira Business and Finance High School 2989 N Milwaukee (opening in 2015) Phone: (773) 252-0970 http://www.aspirail.org/ Noble Charter Schools (see next slide) For full list of CPS charter schools, see the high school guide http://www.cpsoae.org/2015-2016%20High%20School%20Guide_English_General%20Information.pdf
Noble Charter Schools/Campuses Chicago Bulls College Prep 2040 W Adams Chicago, IL 60612 Phone Number: (773) 534-7599 Golder College Prep 1454 W. Superior Chicago, IL 60642 Phone Number: (312) 265-9925 ITW David Speer Academy 2456 North Mango Chicago, IL 60639 Phone Number: (773)622-7484 (science, technology, engineering, and math) Noble Street College Prep 1010 N. Noble St. Chicago, IL 60642 Phone Number: (773) 862-1449 Rauner College Prep 1337 W. Ohio Street Chicago, IL 60642 Phone Number: (312) 226-5345 Rowe Clark Math and Science Academy 3645 Chicago Ave. Chicago, IL 60651 Phone Number: (773) 242-2212 (mathematics and science) Pritzker College Prep 4131 W. Cortland Chicago, IL 60639 Phone Number: (773)394-2848 Additional Noble Charter Schools: Butler College Prep, Baker College Prep , DRW College Prep, Gary Comer College Prep, Noble Hansberry College Prep, Johnson College Prep, Muchin College Prep, The Noble Academy, UIC College Prep For detailed information, look in the High School Guide or visit http://NobleNetwork.org/ Click under campuses to see specific details and applications PARENTS MUST REQUET APPLICATIONS FROM THE SCHOOL. They will be given out during their Information sessions. Dates of Info Sessions are found at https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/69717262/Enrollment/Enrollment%202019s/AIS%20schedule%2014-15_merged.pdf
CPS Fine Arts Options Lincoln Park High School- Performing Arts Program (minimum academic requirements and resume/audition required- see application in Ms. Karsten’s google folder) ChiArts-Chicago High School for the Arts- 2714 W Augusta- new location (minimum academic requirements and audition required)- Dance, Theatre (acting or music), and Creative Writing Senn Magnet High School Fine & Performing Arts (minimum academic requirements and audition/portfolio required) (D) Dance (M) Music (T) Theater (V) Visual Arts Disney II Magnet High School (minimum academic requirements but no audition required) Curie High School (minimum academic requirements but no audition required, but must apply to either dance, music or visual arts)
Other Options- Small High Schools With no more than 500 students in a high school, small schools foster environments in which parents, teachers, and students get to know one another well. Educational programs focus on: environmental studies, service learning, technology, peace, entrepreneurship, leadership, international studies, the arts, construction and Socratic dialogue. Overview Smaller numbers of students, a more intimate and personalized learning environment, and a cohesive vision among teachers characterize small schools. Small schools are a vehicle for teachers, students, parents and other school community members to implement strategies that they know will benefit the students. Small size alone does not make small schools successful. Instead, the small size serves as a platform on which other important elements of successful schools can best flourish. For example, the manageable size of a small school allows the faculty to meet frequently to discuss the day-to-day operations of the school, as well as to design curriculum, discuss student progress and meet with parents and community members. Teachers with a shared pedagogical or thematic vision choose to work together to design the school's educational program. ALCOTT College Prep High School Campus- 2957 North Hoyne Ave. (773) 534-5970 http://www.alcottcollegeprep.net/ CHICAGO ACADEMY High School- 3400 N. Austin Ave. (773)-534-0146 http://cahs.auslchicago.org/ Please refer to cpsoae.org or the High School Guide for additional Small High School Options
Upcoming Events and Information Ms. Karsten’s Info- Lrkarsten@cps.edu or 773-534-3576 Ext 81620 Ms. Karsten’s google folder with High School Information and applications for various programs (will continue to post as they become available). Please email me to add you to the list to be shared with you. https://drive.google.com/a/cps.edu/?tab=oo#folders/0BwlC3U0nUB3RaEIzUEdPUGM1Slk High School Fair- Tuesday, October 21, 2014 from 5:30pm-7:30pm at Solomon School- 6206 N Hamlin Ave. Several different high school representatives will be in attendance to provide important information about their programs (bus transportation provided by Portage Park PAC). You must submit an Orange form if you are taking the bus. Sign up times available to meet with Ms. Karsten (information to follow) Open computer lab times can be available after school if interested (information to follow) Proxy form- gives permission for Ms. Karsten to help your child apply online for you (form located in High School Information folder) Ms. Karsten strongly encourages students to apply to as many programs as possible. It DOES NOT impact your chances of getting into to a school by applying to several different programs. It is better to have too many offers than not enough. If you get offers from different schools/programs, you will be able to choose which one you want to attend. However, if you do not get an offer from the school(s) of your choice and did not apply to other programs by the deadline, it will be too late to apply to other programs and your options will be limited.
Ms. Karsten’s google drive folder Ms. Karsten’s google drive folder with HS Info and applications. Request permission to view
Additional Resources and Detailed Information OAE- High School Guide- English- http://www.cpsoae.org/2015- 2016%20High%20School%20Guide_English_General%20Information.pdf OAE High School Guide- Spanish- http://www.cpsoae.org/2015- 2016%20High%20School%20Guide_Spanish_General%20Information.pdf OAE Powerpoint on HS Programs and Application Process- English http://cpsoae.org/High%20School%20Application%20Process%202015-2016.pdf OAE Powerpoint on HS Programs and Application Process- Spanish- http://cpsoae.org/High%20School%20Application%20Process%20--%20Spanish%20--%202015-2016_final.pdf APPLY ONLINE for Magnet, Selective Enrollment, Military, IB and CTE at https://apply.cps.edu/ with your Pin. IF YOU MAKE A MISTAKE WITH APPLYING ONLINE, here is the Application Modification form: http://www.cpsoae.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=72698&type=d&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=430090&hideMenu=0 Paper applications OAE- (Ms. Karsten can send for you) College and Career Academies Application- http://www.cpsoae.org/2015-2016%20CTE- College%20and%20Career%20Academies_English_v3.pdf International Baccalaureate- IB Application- http://www.cpsoae.org/2015-2016%20IB%20High%20Schools_English.pdf Selective Enrollment/Military Academies Application- http://www.cpsoae.org/2015- 2016%20Selective%20Enrollment%20High%20Schools_English.pdf Magnet High Schools and Programs Application- http://www.cpsoae.org/2015- 2016%20Magnet%20High%20Schools%20and%20Programs_English.pdf Standard Application (look in high school guide for schools who will accept)- http://www.cpsoae.org/2015- 2016%20Standard%20High%20Schools_English.pdf Additional Office of Access & Enrollment Info- http://cpsoae.org/