T HE G REAT C OMPROMISE Goals: To understand the differences in the Virginia and New Jersey Plan To understand how both plans were put together to form a government
V IRGINIA P LAN Proposed by James Madison Congress gets power to tax and reg. trade Divide power in 3 branches Legislative Executive Judicial Bicameral legislature Representation based on a state’s POPULATION Strong President with 7 year term (no re-election) President appoints federal judges
N EW J ERSEY P LAN Introduced by William Paterson Makes modest changes to the Articles Congress gets power to tax and reg. trade Keep Unicameral legislature Keep representation based on EQUALITY Keep an executive committee instead of a President Keep state sovereignty and remain a loose confederation
T HE G REAT C OMPROMISE Led by Roger Sherman Known also as the Connecticut Compromise Senate representation based on EQUALITY House representation based on POPULATION Created federalism, a division of power between states and national government Created a powerful President Created 3 branches
T HE 3/5 C OMPROMISE South feared Northern domination Slavery was considered integral to Southern economy Congress couldn’t block the import of slaves for 20 years 3/5 of each state’s slave population would be added to the state’s free population Constitution committed all states to return fugitive slaves
B ILL OF R IGHTS ? Most state constitutions included a Bill of Rights The Constitution did not proclaim “all men are created equal” The states declined to include a Bill of Rights within the Constitution The Constitution was signed by 39 of the 42 delegates The other 3 refused to sign out of protest Now lies the challenging part of getting the states to approve the Constitution