TRAINS (Trade Analysis and Information System) operated by UNCTAD-World Bank World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) Geneva, September 2004
WITS vs TRAINS WITS is a software which is designed to integrate several trade-related databases and provide easy access TRAINS is one of the databases which are operated by WITS
Other Databases of WITS COMTRADE (UN Statistics Division) Integrated Database (IDB-WTO) Consolidated Tariff Schedule (CTS- WTO)
Data Accessibility COMTRADE: Free access to International Organizations, others against a fee TRAINS: Access to governments and international and regional organizations and donors to TRAINS Trust Fund WTO: Access to WTO member governments and selected international organizations
Objectives of TRAINS To increase TRANSPARENCY –Analysis of market access conditions –Analytical support for trade negotiations –Analysis of national trade policies –General research on trade policies
Data contents of TRAINS Tariff measures at national tariff line level for 148 countries (581 country/years), including preferential rates such as RTA and GSP in many cases Non-Tariff Measures classified according to UNCTAD Coding System of Trade Control Measures Import statistics by origin at Harmonized System (HS) 6-digit level
WITS Functionality Data retrieval and analysis Quick query Advanced query Tariff Change Simulations Other options
Improvement for immediate future Ad Valorem Equivalents: –Estimation of % equivalents of non ad-valorem rates Multi-market Simulation Model –Incorporation of GSIM model in WITS/TRAINS
Computer Requirement –PC of reasonable speed (minimum 200MHZ) –Windows 98, NT 4.0, 2000 or XP –Internet Explorer version 5.0 or higher –Free disk space of at least 2.5GB (1.5GB without WTO Data) of which 500mb must be in C-Drive (CD-Version) –Internet Access with 50mb of disk space (Internet Version)
How to Install WITS Register at Receive userid and password via Download installation file from Install
CONTACT Trade Information Section UNCTAD/DITC/TAB Palais des Nations 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Fax: