Career Project Slide Brendon DeLuca Computers 5
My Career Choices Sports Agent Sports Scout Basketball Coach
Sports Agent Contract and legal deals Meets with clients and some players I like the idea of making deals and salaries with players and trying to find a negotiating point
Money and Outlook The average that a agent can make can vary based on the league/ level that they are a agent for. In some cases the colleges/ athletes pay you However in others your pay may change everyday because you may get 10% of the athletes salary and if the athlete gets a bigger contract then your paycheck will go up also
Required Education Recommended programs for this job were communications and financing The recommended level of education is at least a H.S. degree and a 4-8 year degree in physical education and communications Endicott college has the classes and has the option to major in a sports agent. Also it is somewhat close to R.I. so I wouldn’t have to travel very far
Sports Scout Identify and recruit athletes Good analytical skills and communication skills This interests me because I like to watch sports and go to sports games which is exactly what a sports scout has to do and they get to meet the athletes
Money and Outlook The average outlook for the nation is 32,000 but that’s only at the college level and again it can vary because if your athlete is making more money then you will get a bigger salary
Required Education For the programs to consider for this job you should consider recreation amusements and attractions Also hospitality and tourism The recommended level of education is at least completion of H.S. One college that specializes in Sports scouting is Troy university If I was going to go there it would be because that is where my dad went
Basketball Coach Trains and teaches the players the ways of the game Runs practices and is the leader of the team This interests me because I like the sport of basketball and I think it would be fun to coach it
Money and Outlook The U.S. National salary is approximately $35,580 However at the professional level and top college division 1 level they can make millions of dollars
Required Education Communications and Physical Education should be programs that are considered For the level of education that you should have only a HS education is required but as far as getting jobs they would like to see that you have experience with the sport if you played it or coached it before One university that is recommended is University of Connecticut this would be considered because it is relatively close and I know that they have very good division one athletics