Dangers of Plastic By: Kara Doane
Why Should You Care We often hear about plastic pollution in the environment, yet because we are not witnessing the effects first hand it is easy to remove ourselves. However, pollution is not the only problem, our health is also on the line. Plastics are in everything from the clothes you wear, the food you eat and even in chewing gum! 1.Health Concerns 2.Regulations out of date 3. What to do?
Why I Care - I lived on Outer Banks of North Carolina & witnessed the mass of trash washed upon shore after hurricanes -I am a consumer -I have researched
Health Concerns 1. Many chemicals added to plastic after chemical bond is created 2. These Chemicals leach readily when heated, worn or under pressure 3. 3 most most common compounds of plastic which are known to readily leach
ChemicalsWhereHealth ConcernsFound in BPA #7 (polycarbonate) (other) Hard **** -Food Cans -Thermal receipts -Plastic/ Aluminum Bottles Phlatalates #3 (Polyvinyl Chloride) (PVC) Soft * Absorbs through skin neurodevelopment in infants -Nail Polish -Raincoats -Deodorants -Plastic Bags - Inflatable toys Styrene #6 (Polystyrene) (PS) Styrofoam * Nervous system nerve tissue liver tissue damage -Styrofoam -Food containers -Disposable cups - Egg trays * Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDC) mimic hormones: - Estrogen/Androgens - Thyroid Hormones- Infertility- Early Puberty -Adrenal Hormones- Breast/ Prostate Cancer * Probable Human Carcinogen In a report published by the Breast Cancer Fund
Chemicals used for manufacturing of plastics are minimally regulated by U.S. Government 1.Toxic Substance Control Act – last amended in 1976 A. Allows limited EPA intervention. B. Fails to recognize numerous sources of toxins C. Requires a substance to be proven dangerous before taken off market vs. proving it to be safe before it is allowed on market D. Manufacturers are required to test products. NOT required to submit data. 2.Center for Disease Control & Prevention’s “Report On Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals” 2009 Concludes : A. They found 75 new chemicals in test subjects blood which have never previously been detected B. Health effects of phlatalates are unknown C. Most of the chemicals in the report need more studies to conclude whether there is a concern for human health
So what can we do? 1.Vote with your Money! 2. Reduce contact with plastic A. Reduce/ Eliminate food products with plastic packaging - Buy in bulk - Buy at Farmers Markets B. DON’T DRINK PLASTIC BOTTLED BEVERAGES C. Think twice about whether you really NEED a product 3. Write to companies & representatives 4. Refer to myplasticfreelife.com for creative suggestions
Citations Janet- Gray. Ph.D. (2010) State of the Evidence: The Connection Between Breast Cancer and The Environment (Sixth-Edition). San Francisco, Ca. Author. Environmental Protection Agency. (2000)Styrene. Retrieved November 13, 2013, from Enviroment and Public Works. (2002) Toxic Substances Control Act. Retrieved November 13, 2013, from Terry, Beth. (2012) Plastic Free: How I kicked the Habit and How you Can Too. New York: Skyhorse Publishing. Fourth Report: Human exposure to chemicals Images