PA Dutch 101 Video 12: The Nominative Case. Nominativ.
The Nominative Case The Nominative Case refers to the Subject of a sentence. Other nouns in a sentence take different cases, these will be discussed in future videos. All nouns in PD have an assigned Gender. This is very different from English. Genders do not make sense to most English speakers. Therefore, when learning new vocabulary, always memorize the gender as well as the PD word.
The Definite Article (THE) In English we have one way to say the word THE, in PD, there are multiple forms! In the Nominative Case, we use the following definite articles: MasculineFeminineNeuterPlural derdieesdie
A Pitfall Given the fact that all nouns have a gender in PD, it is vital that you learn the gender when you learn a new word. When looking up a word in a dictionary you will see something like this: Book – Buch, n The little n, signifies that Buch is a neuter noun. So in a sentence, the book = es Buch. Nouns are not necessarily masculine, feminine or neuter by nature! All nouns are always Capitalized!
The Indefinite Article (A/AN) The Indefinite Article does not specifically identify the noun that they are associated with. The book. vs. A book. MasculineFeminineNeuterPlural en
Iewing - Practice ____ (the) Bu (m) iss datt driwwe. Der Bu iss datt driwwe. ____ (the) Fraa (f) wuhnt in Ellsdaun. Die Fraa wuhnt in Ellsdaun. ____ (the) Schof (n) iss weiss. Es Schof iss weiss. ____ (a) Fenschder (n) iss gebroche. En Fenschder iss gebroche.
Eppes nooch! Gender and Case often frustrate learners. Hang in there and keep practicing! LEARN GENDERS WHEN YOU LEARN NEW VOCABULARY!
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