1 of 22 Consolidated Requisitions / DA0682-w1 Last updated: Consolidated Requisitions
2 of 22 Consolidated Requisitions / DA0682-w1 Last updated: Consolidating Purchase Requisitions Allowing a single Purchase Order to be generated from multiple requisitions entered for one supplier
3 of 22 Consolidated Requisitions / DA0682-w1 Last updated: This option has been amended as follows: Purchase Requisitions have been modified to include a new ‘consolidate’ indicator in the Requisition header information If you check this field, the requisition is now stored after the value and budget authorisation has taken place All requisitions stored after the value and budget authorisation has taken place, i.e. those requisitions with a check mark against the Consolidate field, are now posted via a new option 'Generate Orders' Requisitions option - Requisitions
4 of 22 Consolidated Requisitions / DA0682-w1 Last updated: This is a new option Where a requisition has been marked for consolidation, purchase orders are now raised via this option and not via the option Final Authorisation Note: You must, however, progress the requisition through the Final Authorisation process for the requisition to become available for consolidation The consolidated requisitions are stored in a batch so that they can be checked before the purchase orders are generated – the Batch number can be generated automatically using F6-Batch The batch number is taken from the new system key POGENBATCH Generate Orders option - Requisitions Note: As this option can only be run by one user at a given point in time, the value of the new system key POGENLOCK is set to the user name and terminal number running the program – the system key remains locked whilst the program is in use and is unlocked when the program is finished, thereby allowing another user access to the option
5 of 22 Consolidated Requisitions / DA0682-w1 Last updated: Generate Orders option - Requisitions When you confirm your selection ranges this tickover window is displayed showing the requisitions being loaded into the batch
6 of 22 Consolidated Requisitions / DA0682-w1 Last updated: Generate Orders option - Requisitions Having sorted the requisitions by supplier and consolidated them into a batch, F4-Generate creates the purchase orders Note: You can generate a report of the consolidated requisitions by selecting F10-Print – if amendments to any of the requisitions are required these can be made before the batch is finally posted to Purchase Order Processing, i.e. before the purchase orders are generated
7 of 22 Consolidated Requisitions / DA0682-w1 Last updated: Generate Orders option - Requisitions When the batch generation is complete, Browse on the list of batches available will display the status of the batch selected
8 of 22 Consolidated Requisitions / DA0682-w1 Last updated: Purchase Orders option - Purchase Order Processing Purchase Orders generated from a batch of consolidated requisitions are given the order number defined in the new system key POGENORD, prefixed with the letter defined in the new system key POGENPFX
9 of 22 Consolidated Requisitions / DA0682-w1 Last updated: Purchase Orders option - Purchase Order Processing The batch number generated via the Requisitions option Generate Orders is displayed in this field instead of an individual requisition number
10 of 22 Consolidated Requisitions / DA0682-w1 Last updated: Purchase Orders option - Purchase Order Processing Purchase orders generated from consolidated requisitions are not available for amendment however service lines can be added if required
11 of 22 Consolidated Requisitions / DA0682-w1 Last updated: Location Codes
12 of 22 Consolidated Requisitions / DA0682-w1 Last updated: This is a new option Location Codes enquiry - Purchase Order Processing For traceability, the enquiry option 'Location Codes' will allow enquiries on both the location code details and the requisitions/purchase orders for the location Location codes provide a method of tracking purchase orders for one supplier, but which are then received / invoiced into many locations (please refer to the project Non-Recoverable VAT and Location Mapping for full details) Check this field to display just the outstanding requisitions/purchase orders
13 of 22 Consolidated Requisitions / DA0682-w1 Last updated: Location Codes enquiry - Purchase Order Processing These are the details entered for this location via the option Location Codes
14 of 22 Consolidated Requisitions / DA0682-w1 Last updated: Location Codes enquiry - Purchase Order Processing You can switch these 2 columns by selecting F11-Toggle You can also display the address of the location and the cost centre code associated with it by selecting F4-Address
15 of 22 Consolidated Requisitions / DA0682-w1 Last updated: This option has been amended as follows: If you have entered a Location code into this field, the details of the requisition are now written to a new Purchase Order/Location Cross-reference file Requisitions option - Requisitions
16 of 22 Consolidated Requisitions / DA0682-w1 Last updated: This option has been amended as follows: Purchase Orders enquiry - Purchase Order Processing For traceability, the enquiry option 'Purchase Orders' has been modified to display the associated location codes, their descriptions and the original requisition numbers for each order detail line If F8-Locations is selected from the Purchase Order header information, an order line can be selected using the cursor keys – confirming the order line displays this window detailing the location details for the product If you position the cursor on a location and select CR-Enquire
17 of 22 Consolidated Requisitions / DA0682-w1 Last updated: Purchase Orders enquiry - Purchase Order Processing The new enquiry option Location Codes is loaded In which the original requisition numbers for each order detail line are displayed
18 of 22 Consolidated Requisitions / DA0682-w1 Last updated: This option has been amended as follows: Receipts option - Purchase Order Processing The Purchase Receipts option has been modified to allow the receipt of goods against the given location code(s) for each purchase order line – the aggregate of this quantity will be the quantity received into stock In this example, these 3 requisitions had the ‘Consolidate’ indicator on the requisition header information checked And these were the individual location codes entered in the requisition header information Note: This window is ONLY displayed if the products entered on the requisition are on a supplier’s price list AND there is more than one location code held against the product, i.e. the consolidated requisitions had different location codes in the requisition header information When you accept the receipt quantities: the Location Cross Reference file is updated with the transaction quantities for each location a record of the quantities received by location is written to a new Location Receipts Audit Trail file the standard receipt details are written to a new Purchase Receipts Audit Trail file When you accept the receipt quantities: the Location Cross Reference file is updated with the transaction quantities for each location a record of the quantities received by location is written to a new Location Receipts Audit Trail file the standard receipt details are written to a new Purchase Receipts Audit Trail file A separate Goods Received Note is also printed for each location code, including details such as the location address
19 of 22 Consolidated Requisitions / DA0682-w1 Last updated: and Purchase Invoices? The Purchase Invoices option has been modified in a similar manner to the Purchase Receipts option: once you have entered the invoice quantity against a purchase order line, the system checks to see if there is more than one location held against the line if there is more than one location held against the order line, a further screen is displayed detailing the individual location codes, their associated descriptions, the quantity ordered from each location and the quantity received from each location Note: Only the location codes for the individual order line are displayed from this screen, you can enter the invoice quantities for each location Note: The total of the individual location invoice quantities must equal the gross quantity entered on the purchase invoice line The details of the individual location invoice quantities are stored in a new Purchase Invoice Location Details file The Purchase Invoices option has been modified in a similar manner to the Purchase Receipts option: once you have entered the invoice quantity against a purchase order line, the system checks to see if there is more than one location held against the line if there is more than one location held against the order line, a further screen is displayed detailing the individual location codes, their associated descriptions, the quantity ordered from each location and the quantity received from each location Note: Only the location codes for the individual order line are displayed from this screen, you can enter the invoice quantities for each location Note: The total of the individual location invoice quantities must equal the gross quantity entered on the purchase invoice line The details of the individual location invoice quantities are stored in a new Purchase Invoice Location Details file
20 of 22 Consolidated Requisitions / DA0682-w1 Last updated: continuing through the receipts process into invoicing? Receipts Audit Trail The Receipts Audit Trail has been modified to print the details of any associated location codes for each purchase receipt line, that is, the location code, the location description and the quantity received for the location Note: POREQCONS must be set to YES Receipts Audit Trail The Receipts Audit Trail has been modified to print the details of any associated location codes for each purchase receipt line, that is, the location code, the location description and the quantity received for the location Note: POREQCONS must be set to YES Purchase Invoice Batch Posting Purchase Invoice Batch Posting has been modified to post to the Purchase Order/Location Cross Reference file, the invoice quantity for each location within each purchase invoice line Purchase Invoice Batch Posting Purchase Invoice Batch Posting has been modified to post to the Purchase Order/Location Cross Reference file, the invoice quantity for each location within each purchase invoice line Back to Back Orders Purchase Orders created from Sales Order Processing will have any non-recoverable VAT included – just as if the Purchase Orders had been entered manually Again, please refer to the project Non-Recoverable VAT and Location Mapping for full details Back to Back Orders Purchase Orders created from Sales Order Processing will have any non-recoverable VAT included – just as if the Purchase Orders had been entered manually Again, please refer to the project Non-Recoverable VAT and Location Mapping for full details
21 of 22 Consolidated Requisitions / DA0682-w1 Last updated: and finally? Remove Completed Orders Remove Completed Orders has been modified to remove the location cross reference records for each purchase order that is selected for removal Remove Completed Orders Remove Completed Orders has been modified to remove the location cross reference records for each purchase order that is selected for removal Period-End (Purchase Order Processing) The Purchase Order Processing Period-End option has been modified to clear down the new Receipts Audit Trail and the Location Receipts Audit Trail – if location codes are installed, i.e. project DA0361 (Non-Recoverable VAT and Location Mapping) is licenced Period-End (Purchase Order Processing) The Purchase Order Processing Period-End option has been modified to clear down the new Receipts Audit Trail and the Location Receipts Audit Trail – if location codes are installed, i.e. project DA0361 (Non-Recoverable VAT and Location Mapping) is licenced
22 of 22 Consolidated Requisitions / DA0682-w1 Last updated: As the location codes, receipt and/or invoice quantities are stored on the database they can be accessed using Report Writer and/or SQL – this provides you with unlimited means of checking receipts against orders for all ‘goods inward’ transactions