Identification, Analysis and Management Stakeholders Identification, Analysis and Management
Stakeholder Management Who are stakeholders? Who are critical stakeholders? All individuals or groups of individuals (internal or external) who will be affected by the change They have a stake in your success or failure, or can hinder or help you reach your vision Those stakeholders who have the ability to impact or influence the change What is stakeholder management? A formal, systematic approach to identifying and managing key stakeholders in order to build support and commitment to the change
The Value of Stakeholder Management Minimizes the risk of stakeholder concerns conflicting with project goals and developing into potential barriers Proactively addresses key stakeholder issues with the aim of generating support for the change Surfaces and legitimizes feelings of resistance and allows action planning Actively involves stakeholders Provides input to the communications process
The Stakeholder Management Process Iterative process throughout implementation Analyze Plan Execute Identify critical stakeholders Understand critical stakeholder issues Plan stakeholder management activities Define key messages Execute stakeholder management plans Identify critical stakeholders (internal and external) Determine where interests lie Collect and analyze information on position and issues Assess data, segment stakeholders, define expectations and issues Identify resistance in terms of causes, severity Map positions and look for clustering, extremes Plan actions to leverage influencers, mitigate barriers Identify new behaviors Escalate potential risks Define messages key to project and stream milestone activities Plan communication schedule with Communications Team Target leadership actions with key project activities Monitor critical stakeholders Prepare feedback mechanisms Revisit stakeholder positions Review and update Stakeholder Management Plan
Stakeholder Enrollment There is a progression to stakeholder enrollment 5 Advocacy & Ownership 4 Commitment & Action 3 Support & Buy-In Degree of Enrollment To achieve desired results, the majority of stakeholders should be in the Commitment & Action or Advocacy & Ownership stage 2 Understanding 1 Awareness Time
Each stage of the Stakeholder Enrollment process requires different communication objectives and channels Sample Communication Channels Objectives of Communication Proof of Successful Communication Definition 5 Advocacy & Ownership Awareness that the change is coming Provide information, create awareness Employees know the name of the change and who is leading it Printed publications, newsletters, informational meetings, emails Comprehension of nature, reasons and intent of the change Broaden awareness and raise level of understanding Knows change imperative, case for change, content & phases of change, milestones & deliverables One-to-one communication, department / staff meetings Positive personal perception and disposition toward the change Enroll individuals, gain support and personal buy-in Can explain the change; allocates time for learning, meeting, work-shop; mobilizes peers Focused discussions, workshops, interviews, phone calls, letters from leaders; presentation Invest resources and personal time, lead others Attain full commitment and encourage action Acts as business / communication advisor; supports change Participation in teams, focus groups, reviews Full ownership of the successful implementation and adoption of the change Feel, behave and act self-directed as change agent Actively supports change by living new processes; supports capability transfer Round table, project presentations and discussion on project results 4 Commitment & Action Degree of Enrollment 3 Support & Buy-In 2 Understanding 1 Awareness
Stakeholder Management Step 1 Evaluate Stakeholder Readiness to Change Step 2 State the Desire Outcomes Step 3 Diagnose the Sources of Resistance Step 4 Evaluate The Effectiveness of the Actions Does the individual feel that the vision for change is the right one? What action should you take to clarify or adjust the vision? How will the changes affect each person’s responsibility or role? (Include yourself.) Do those who follow your leadership know you are committed to the change Are employees committed to change? How well does the organization, at all levels, adapt to change? What do you expect as a result of this change? What will it take to make the changes happen? What are the risks/barriers? What can be done to address the risk and barriers? What will happen to each individual if he/she does not change? (Include yourself.) Inadequate communication related to the change Lack of involvement in the change process Diminished rewards Inability to identify with the organization’s values Inappropriate timing of change Low level of trust High-pressure work environment Do stakeholders understand the vision? Do employees understand the vision for their workgroup? What additional information do employees need about the vision? Are employees aware of the risks of not changing? Are employees clear about their role in implementing the vision? Are employees aware of your commitment to the change?
Compliance vs Commitment Framework "I will put myself at stake for this change" "I want to do it this new way" "I have to do it this new way" Reaction "I will react to this change -if I must" Testing "I must absorb this change Negative perception "I feel threatened by this change" Positive perception "I see the opportunity in this change" Engagement "I see the implications for me / us" Understanding "I know why and what will change Awareness "I am being told about something" Action "I will act to achieve this change" Stakeholders: Leadership Business Process Owners Employees Compliance vs Commitment Framework We must build a deep understanding of where stakeholders are today and where they need to be tomorrow.
Stakeholder Identification – Who are your Key Stakeholders? Step 1: Identify critical stakeholders and critical stakeholder groups Step 2: Create your stakeholder map using the guidelines Determine their level of support Assess the overall impact of the change Step 3: Map the stakeholders location on the chart provided in the next slide
Impact of Change Level of Support Very High Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 High Impact of Change Medium Name 4 Low Name 5 Strongly Opposed Opposed Neutral Supporter Enthusiast Level of Support Power and Influence Commitment Need Stakeholder Management Approach = High = Medium = Low = Necessary = Desirable = Not Needed = Priority 1 = Priority 2 = Priority 3 = Priority 4 = Leverage = Monitor