FRESH WATER ECOSYSTEM A pond is a body of standing water, either natural or man-made, that is usually smaller than a Lake. Usually they contain shallow water with marsh and aquatic plants and animals. [ A few animals also make ponds, including both alligators and beavers.
Fresh water ecosystem The type of life in a pond is generally determined by a combination of factors including water level and nutrient levels, but other factors may also be important, including presence or absence of shading by trees, presence or absence of streams, effects of grazing animals, and Human activites.
CHARACHTERISTICS OF FRESH WATER(Pond) One of the most important features of ponds is the presence of standing water, which provides habitat for wetland plants and animals. Familiar examples might include water-lilies, frogs and turtles. A large number of invertebrates then feed on the decaying plants, and these invertebrates provide food for wetland species including fish, dragonflies and herons. The open water may allow algae to grow, and these algae may support yet another food web that includes aquatic insects.
Animals and Plants in Pond
Life in Pond ponds often have a large number of different animal species using the wide array of food sources. They therefore provide an important source of biological diversity. Ponds, being small, are easily disrupted by human activities.
Threats To Pond Biodiversity Drainage of ponds is a frequent problem in agricultural areas. Although ponds are a useful source of water for cattle, overgrazing can turn a pond into a muddy hole. Nutrient sources such as pastures, human sewage, and even lawn fertilizer can cause explosive growth of algae, and the loss of rooted plants and many other aquatic species. Roads near ponds can kill large numbers of amphibians and turtles.
A Contaminated Pond
Contaminated Pond of our College
Finding out solution of the problem After this literature review we observed a pond in or back side of our own college which was highly contaminated. We observed it and saw that there were very few species left in the pond and their was great imbalance their. We thought of finding out a practical solution to restore this imbalance.
Finding The solution We went to net and searched all the problems which cause this contamination and also searched possible way to clean up that pond Surprisingly we found a very cheap and easy way to clean the pond water.
Possible solution in our view After literature review we started the experiment with the hope that it would go successful. We collected some water in a beaker from that contaminated pond. We took tomatoes and peeled them.
Contaminated Pond Water
Experiment Those tomato peels were placed in rubbing alcohol letting them soak Next, the peels were removed and were dried out. Peels were placed in water and we waited. After a few hours, remove the peels from the water and it’s ready to drink. Our experiment went successful and was encouraging for us.
Pond Water and Tomato peels
Result Contaminated water and processed clean water