The Model Millionaire
Hughie Erskine was a good-looking man Hughie Erskine was a good-looking man. Hughie Erskine was the best-looking gentleman in London. He had curly brown hair, grey eyes and a handsome face. He also had many friends.
Hughie Erskine did not have much money. His father had been an officer Hughie Erskine did not have much money. His father had been an officer. When he died, Erskine won a lot of books from his father but no money. He had tried do several jobs, but he could not. Hughie was in love and wanted to get married with Laura Merton, a daughter of an army officer. The officer didn’t take the Laura’s hand for Hughie, but if he have ten thousand pounds the father will give to him Laura’s hand.
But he did not have ten pounds. He could not win TEN THOUSAND POUNDS But he did not have ten pounds! He could not win TEN THOUSAND POUNDS. Every week he won four or five pounds from his old aunt. Hughie was almost broke. Hughie had a friend called Alan Trevor. Alan was an artist who painted pictures of people. He was a good artist and a quite famous . Many people wanted him to paint their portrait. Alan’s pictures were very expensive. One day, Hughie visited Trevor in his studio when he was working in a painting.
Alan ask to Hughie about his new painting and his model, a old beggar Alan ask to Hughie about his new painting and his model, a old beggar. The man was sad in old clothes. Alan was saying the beggar was wonderful. But Hughie said it was not cool. Alan replied saying ‘Of course he is sad, I can not use a happy model’. Erskine ask ‘How much you are giving for this old beggar?’, and the painter answer ‘Not much, only a shilling an hour’.
Hughie did not like the idea to give a little money for the beggar model. He gave to him all his money. The beggar did not understood why he did it. Laura, ask him the same question. ‘Know we can not get married, cause you gave all your money for a beggar’, said the woman. But he did not know, the beggar was not a beggar. He was millionaire, and was only using beggar’s clothes to Alan paint a portrait. The man was happy because Hughie is a good person, and gave him ten thousand pounds. Know, he can get married to Laura.
Now, you are knowing about the story ‘The Model Millionaire’ Now, you are knowing about the story ‘The Model Millionaire’. What about do a questionnaire? Ok! How to Play: 1-) The class have to make 2 groups with 8 players; 2-) We are going to make questions about the story and one of the group have to represent it, in front the class; 3-) The represent is going to have 20 seconds to think in a answer and say it. (The group can help) Points: 2= If you answer correctly; 1= If you are the next to answer; -1= If you are the next to answer but your answer is wrong.
Hughie Erskine had _____Hair, _____EYES AND_____ FACE.
When his father died, he stay with____.
He won__or__pounds a week from his old aunt.
He wanted to get married with ______Merton.
To get married with Laura, he had to win ___________ pounds!
Alan Trevor was a ________.
Alan’s model was a old_______.
Hughie gave to the beggar his pound because Alan pay (much/a little) from the model.
In the end, the model was not a beggar, he was a ___________.