Lab Safety
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Lab Safety Video
Consumer Safety - HHPS Household Hazardous Product Symbols Type of Hazard On what types of household products have you seen these symbols? What types of precautions should you take with each hazard? Degree of Hazard
Workplace Hazardous Materials WHMIS Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
Purpose of WHMIS WHMIS is a plan for providing information on the safe use of hazardous materials. Provide students with the uniform and appropriate information required to handle hazardous material safely.
Compressed Gas Compressed, dissolved or liquefied gases. Gas inside cylinder is under pressure and may explode if heated or damaged. Sudden release of high pressure gas can damage or burn skin. Transport and handle with care; make sure cylinders are properly secured. Store away from sources of heat or fire. Examples: propane gas tanks, spray cans, oxygen tanks, etc.
Flammable & Combustible Material These materials can pose a danger of fire and explosion, because they ignite easily. Store away from Class C (oxidizers). Store away from sources of heat, sparks and flame. . Essentially materials that continue to burn after being exposed to a flame or other ignition source Examples: ethanol, methanol, acetone; phenol, butane, varnishes, spray paints, etc.
Oxidizing Material Oxidizing materials greatly increase the risk of fire if they come in contact with materials that can burn. On their own, they can also cause burns to skin. Store away from Class B materials and sources of heat and ignition. Oxygen hydrogen peroxide ammonium permanganate calcium hypochlorite
Poisonous & Infectious - Immediate and Serious Effects May cause immediate death or serious injury if inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the skin. Small volumes can have a toxic effect. Wear the recommended protective equipment and clothing. Avoid inhaling gas or vapours. Wash hands after handling. carbon monoxide, sodium cyanide, sulphuric acid Examples: CO, sodium cyanide, sulphuric acid
Poisonous & Infectious – Other Toxic Effects May cause death or permanent injury following repeated or long-term exposure (liver, kidney damage, cancer, sterility). May irritate eyes, skin and breathing passages: may lead to chronic lung problems and skin sensitivity. Wear the recommended protective equipment and clothing. Wash hands after handling. Examples: Asbestos, mercury, acetone, benzene, lead
Biohazardous Infectious Contact with microbiological agents (e.g., bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi and their toxins) may cause illness or death or anaphylactic shock. Wear the recommended protective equipment and clothing. Work with these materials in designated areas. Disinfect area after handling and wash hands. Examples: Bodily fluids (Blood/Urine), mould, AIDS/HIV
Corrosive Material Chemicals will react with metals and living tissue (can burn eyes and skin on contact). Will burn tissues of respiratory tract if inhaled. Avoid inhaling these materials. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Examples: sulfuric and nitric acids, battery acids, ammonium gas, sodium hydroxide, chlorine, etc.
Dangerously Reactive Material May be unstable, reacting dangerously to jarring, compression, heat or exposure to light. May burn, explode or produce dangerous gases when mixed with incompatible materials. Store away from heat (including sunlight), avoid shock and friction. vinyl chloride, ethylene oxide, picric acid Examples: vinyl chloride, ethylene oxide, picric acid, etc.
Labelling chemical name description of hazards WHMIS first aid specific precautions for handling and use manufacturer
What two symbols would you expect to see on a label for hydrogen gas? Practice: Hydrogen gas is stored in containers under pressure. This gas is highly flammable. What two symbols would you expect to see on a label for hydrogen gas? Describe the following: The risks illustrated by the two symbols Precautions someone would need to take when working with the gas Where it could be safely stored Emergency response procedure If you did not know the answer to part d, where would you find this information?